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Divided Houses

Will Rollason

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"Even better I have been seeing on of the Rovers babe and making her wearing a city top in bed"

U kinky bugger!

Was with a girl who liked Rovers once, Obviously it didn't last very long!

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But then again, even if your Mrs is a R****s fan, at least she cares about football.

Mine couldn't give too hoots about City, or football in general but still I drag her along. Least she admitted after watching a game at Villa Park that she cares about City more than them!

The worst of both worlds would be a Mrs who claimed to be a gashead but actually had no knowledge of football at all. Hold on, that's all gasheads isn't it? ;)

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Not quite divided...more of a landslide! I am the only city fan in my family. Born and bred in Kingswood so the odds were aganst me. My brother, his girlfriend, two of my niece's, my aunt, uncle and cousin with my sisters, brother-in-laws and mother tend to side with the g*s! The wind ups were fun when we were in the same division but of course, now, I am lord of the manor!! ;)

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Just been on Rovers"site" admiring their "Gas babes"(hmmmm forbidden fruit)
Just had a look at the "gas babes" that first one is a cracker and I would forgive her football preferences if I was looking - They also provide meail addys!
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My brother was a Gas Head. This used to cause many a classic Sunday lunch when I lived at home. Since that time (late 80's) he has gradually lost interest in the Gas, giving rising costs and #### football as his reasons. He sometime goes to watch Frampton Rangers now.

I believe that some day his two favorite teams will meet in the league. ;)

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My wife is a Gashead season ticket holder, so we never see each other on saturdays. It'll never last! Her brother and dad got her started and they don't even go now. They go and watch the egg-chasers. I am sure she does it to annoy.

Eastbrum Red

But then again, even if your Mrs is a R****s fan, at least she cares about football.

I assume you are using the term "football" and "Rovers" in seperate contexts as the 2 are in no way related ;)

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Guest Filton Red

Me brothers a rovers fan... we both got into football about the same time, just his mates we Rovers and mine City!!! It was as simple as that...

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Not quite divided...more of a landslide! I am the only city fan in my family. Born and bred in Kingswood so the odds were aganst me. My brother, his girlfriend, two of my niece's, my aunt, uncle and cousin with my sisters, brother-in-laws and mother tend to side with the g*s! The wind ups were fun when we were in the same division but of course, now, I am lord of the manor!!  ;)

Quality..... mate ......quality :D:clap:

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Mum sides o family all city dads all rovers or swinedon so i went to city (mainly cus cousins went along with my uncle)

O'kay I think I'm big enough to admit my Mum claims to be gas but there again I wonder if she is just being contrare, but my old Dad say's she's been to a few games back in the dark old day...... pre 1960's like most of their supporters?

I just don't believe her........... and City are the 'Glamour Boys' of Bristol, I've never supported anyone else.

At at times however it has been far from glam!

The Darkness....... Oh suit you Sir

gas fans claim we are mostly glory seekers but how do explain many City supporters going through 1982 and all that?

I wonder if my Mum is disapointed in me following Dad & his love of the Bristol City............... I now take the mini Cider to home games and will follow this with mini Cider two........... who is often heard to say from the back seat in the car Bristol City 1 - (Whoever) nil when we listen in to games on Radio Bristol ... me thinks he will be a City fan ;) as well as his big brother :D ..... and Dad, Granddad. Great Granddad etc

Bristol City ... is not just for Christmas...... It's for life.

Come On You Reds!

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Guest cidergeorge
My Mum's side of the family are all Rovers fans and my Dad's side of the family are all Swindle fans so my Dad and i decided to break away and support the mighty reds
Citygal it's the other way round for me. My Dad's side of the family were al gas, and my Mum's were all Swindle. I never got taken to the footie as a babber and made my own choices. As it was left up to me I made the righteous choice and made my brother make the same choice.

Get onto this though, turns out that I was adopted and I finally met a long lost cousin last year from Oz who informed me that the family I was adopted from are City. Freaky :sport19:

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Citygal it's the other way round for me. My Dad's side of the family were al gas, and my Mum's were all Swindle. I never got taken to the footie as a babber and made my own choices. As it was left up to me I made the righteous choice and made my brother make the same choice.

Get onto this though, turns out that I was adopted and I finally met a long lost cousin last year from Oz who informed me that the family I was adopted from are City. Freaky :sport19:

I got the mick taken out of me no end at the beginning of the season at our poor run and the Swindle fans in my family are adiment they are going to catch us up!!!

We'll see who has the last laugh ;)

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Guest cidergeorge

We are talking about a team that couldn't even play Razor Ruddock cos they didn't have shorts big enough for him.

Your going down like Swindle Town

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Not so much a divided house, but it could have been touch and go for me. Some may find this disturbing, but when I was a kid I was taken regularly to Ashton Gate AND Eastville by my mate's old man, who just liked to watch a game of football, bless him. I was only 10. Confused loyalties? Hell NO!!

Scenario 1: First game at Eastville, walked into this sparsely populated, crumbling ramshackle greyhound 'stadium' and stood through 90 minutes of tedious, physical, kick-and-rush 2nd division football. Not quite what I was used to seeing on telly like. I was well impressed, Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.!

Scenario 2: Following week I walked up into the Grandstand Enclosure at Ashton Gate for the very first time, looked to my right and was awestruck by this packed, seething, swaying, swearing, deafening mob of people all waving red scarfs around. A 28,000 crowd, a 1-0 victory over the mighty Manchester City, Chris Garland the scorer, followed by muchos s####ping on the Park End, AND it was on Match of the Day.

I was of course instantly smitten :Party27: What a relief!

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Just as I support City, so my son supports his home town team, Posh.

My wife supports Ipswich. I'm already reminding her we can have a day out there next season. :P

My neighbour supports Liverpool specifically because his dad and brother are Evertonians! ;)

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