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Delighted to hear Voice of Knowle is going to be in action again tomorrow - is it my imagination or did the winning run begin with his rendition of Nessun Dorma?

Anyway let's hope Wrexham's trip from the Land of Song proves pointless

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Guest Ricky BCFC

Couldn't stand him myself. Not knocking him or anything as I'm sure he's probably quite good for an opera singer but personally I just find it all very annoying.

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And hes a city fan.....isnt he?Any way halfway through a particulaly long note in "nessun Dorma" he said "cmon city" good for him...or would you rather have some sub-eurovision pop that they insist on draggin on every so often? I'm happy enuff with the teams coming out, playing and off again with three points and maybe "drink up thy.." on tannoy. :dunno:

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Guest Harry May

Spoke to Lee last night at the Tinns testimonial evening after he had performed.

He's been supporting the City since the age of 6 and he's from Knowle.

He has a really great voice ( I am not into opera ) and I think pre-match he will go down a storm - again.

Caldicot Red.

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So why was the guy booed?

I asked someone who was behind me why he was booing and he seemed to be under the impression that because he was singing opera he must be something to do with the welsh! :dunno::dunno:

Lee must be wondering what caused such a change in the reaction from the last match, perhaps he wasn't introduced properly because some of the people hadn't seem him before.

I thought it was a bit of a shame really. :dunno:

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Guest twaters

Yeah i heard alot of booing too, shame because he is brizzle city fan, i blame the intro. Most of the fans didnt have clue who he was, or who he was supporting.

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Guest twaters

"Personally I don't mind a bit of opera but it was too loud - its as simple as that"

Yeah i absolutely agree with that, it was very loud and in your face, and ofcourse the sound system at Ashton Gate didnt do him justice. Its a shame because i am sure that song would have got alot of positive response from the City fans if it was pleasant to listen to, But in my opinion it was a little ear shattering yesterday.

"I was disgusted by the booing in the East End. So what if you don't like the music, what's he ever done to you?"

It certainly wasnt JUST the east end, i heard alot from the dolman too.

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Personally I don't mind a bit of opera but it was too loud - its as simple as that.

I couldn't hold a conversation with the bloke stood next to me.

Have to agree there.

Though there was a fair bit of a booing in the East End, which I dissaproved of, it was far too loud and spoiled the performance.

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I thoroughly enjoyed his performance and would like to see him again. 

Yes I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Lee and the other chap, however, they were let down by the sound system (in the Williams at any rate) where we could hardly hear the music.

I reckon what he needs to do is work up an operatic version of Drink Up Thee Cider ... if Yeovil can get in the charts with their song think where sales of that could take him!

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I couldn't hold a conversation with the bloke stood next to me.

And why would you want to talk through that performance anyway? He was superb. I too was disgusted by the little kids in the East End who were booing - though it was only a tiny minority.

To them I say grow up and LEARN SOME F###ING RESPECT, YOU MORONS!!! :Rage:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I was dissapointed at the reaction from a number of people in the east end. It seemed to start with the "bigger" boys at the back who should know better (you know who you are) and work its way down.

Didn't help singing the same song as last time, but fair play to him, someone else bristol has to be proud of.

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If you go to the main site and look at their 7 minute feature on the Tins evening last Thursday, you can see his superb operatic rendition of 'Tinman is a ###thead'. It brought the house down.


Absolutely superb..... :o

Wonder if he had sung this rendition of Tinman is a sh!thead on Saturday we would of heard any boo's from the gang in the EE?! I think not :cool:

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