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Scott Murray Interview

Red under the bed

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Its said that you should "never go back" and in Murrays' case I think thats good advice,

He'd struggle to produce the same level of performance he found last season which many agree was a one off.The fans expectations of him would certainly be too high and Murray could prove to be a disapointment if he ever came back to play for City.

And...lets not forget that if City get promoted Murray would be up against better quality defenders like he is now and he's not exactly setting the First Division alight is he? despite the fact the Reading style of play "doesn't suite him."

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I'd accept him back gladly if he wanted to come.

This is exactally what I thaught when I heard his interview. Jumping up and down when we scored against Grimsby?? :dunno: If you didn't know he played for Reading, you'd think he was a BCFC fan. I know he wants us to do well, but is this a sign...

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It was interesting to see Scott Murrays rather candid reply to the question of how his time at Reading was going.

His final statement " I would be happy to play back at AG with City" is interesting.

I do not think that he has settled at Reading yet.

i would love to see murray back at the gate, the thing is about

him at reading is not just the way they play but his team mates,

mates being the word he has more real friends here at ashton

gate than at reading and that helps more when trying to gel in

to a side, city have a good team spirit as most if not all have

come up through the ranks and know each other well on and off

the pitch and mabe murray ain't getting the same vibe at reading,

if he came back here he would fit right back in as if he was never away :dunno:

we can then put goodfellow on the left and murray back on the right..

that would be nice :dunno: ok i'll stop dreaming

:Sleep12: :Sleep12: :Sleep12: :dunno:

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Guest rossitl

Definitely. I love Scott Murray (and yes I am not Gay)

Hes City through and through and I for one would be happy to see him wear the red and white again

I dont think it would be a backward step. Just because he played for us before! His quality is an asset to any club.

Linking with th Tinman in Division 1 would be a dream come true

I think we should all tell Danny and Steve what we think in the ask Steve section - In fact I will copy this now - you should all do the same

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Guest Friday The 13th

Have to be realistic here. There is no way we want to pay £600,000 or anymore, that would just make us look stupid.

Scotty is a recent purchase for Reading, and they would obviously want to make some money off him if they are too sell him off.

All round unlikely that any deal would be struck unless Reading thought he was surplus and would listen to any offers (hopefully cut price from his transfer fee from us.)

This just sounds like wishful thinking, we will just have to hope that Scotty wants to come back and is willing to lower his salary from what he is on at Reading. He doesn't sound like he is having a whale of a time up there, but I don't see any desperate transfer requests being handed in either.

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Guest Friday The 13th

Heh, sorry but just can't see anything happening until I see Scotty categorically say he wants to come back to us, or he hands in a transfer request.

There is a chance that if we did raise funds for his return and went public, so to speak, Scott would jump at any chance at coming back.

I really do hope it happens, it could well be the next major boost we would need to claim the championship if it happened before the end of the season. But at this moment in time there are many obstacles. Still we can all try our hardest I guess!

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Guest rossitl

I know what you are saying mate - and if it ever did happen I can only see it happening at the start of next season if we went up to Division one

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I think you will find that the Scott Murray transfer is being paid with installments from Reading. The most likely outcome would be that Reading would agree to letting Scott return with BCFC cancelling any remaining payments and taking over his contract.

Easy and suitable for all parties - watch this space I say!

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Guest blairhater

Ruby Murray was a revelation for us last year and almost helped us get promoted.

We missed out, so he took his oppurtunity to play at a higher level and moved on.

We, i think should also move on.

Expecting him to emulate last seasons displays could prove detrimental to the club's progress.

We relied on Ruby a lot last year, and when he was well shackled we seemed to lack a plan B or C. It's ok, Ruby ull get one.

Greater shared responsibility

Good luck to Ruby Murray

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Guest Topbuzz

I'd Happily pay a ton out of my wallet if it meant gettin murray back ...in that qpr


For me a double swoop on reading for Murray n Goater after promotion with our present squad would see us being a division 1 force

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Guest cider gliders

Why do we keep on about Scott Murray?

He plays for Reading now! We be top of

the league without him! so we aint missin`

him! Let him go, like ole the other players

who have left our great club!

Yes, he will be back at Ashton Gate next

season, when Reading play the Mighty Reds

in the FIRST division! :dunno:

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Why do we keep on about Scott Murray?

He plays for Reading now! We be top of

the league without him! so we aint missin`

him! Let him go, like ole the other players

who have left our great club!

Yes, he will be back at Ashton Gate next

season, when Reading play the Mighty Reds

in the FIRST division!  :dunno:

I agree with Cider Gliders and Blair Hater.

What has the current squad got to do for some people to let the past go. The man had a great season, the best he will ever have and nearly dragged us into div 1 with him but that was yesterday.

This squad and more versatile and less reliant on specific individuals.

Scott? love the guy for what he did but it wouldn't happen again and I wouldn't want to soil my memories watching the lesser player that would come back.

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Murry for Lita I believe at the end of the season.
Oh yeh? Where did you hear this from, your dog?

That move would never make sense, Leroy is 19 and in terms of football is just starting out. Murray will be 30 (I think) by the time next season starts, and as much as I respect the guy I cannot see him producing the same sort of form as he did for us last season - with any club.

Leroy has the potential to become a very good striker. He is quick, confident, small (harder for defenders to deal with sometimes) and can already get goals. Imagine Leroy Lita in a couple of years, leading the line for City, scoring the goals to take us as far as we can go.

Then imagine an ageing Scott Murray, gradually getting slower. We were too predictable when he was out on the right, and once teams kept him out of the game we struggled.

I like Scott as much as the next person, but please get over it. This subject of Murray coming back is becoming very tedious.


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I was thinking-

say we did (for whatever reason or price etc) re-sign Murray, how about settling him into a new role in the team:

say Tinnion decided to stay for another season or we signed another central midfielder, how do you think Murray would fair as an Attack minded right-back.

its always seemed to me that with Wilkshire operating as a right winger (of sorts) it is important for the right-back (usually carey) to get up and down the flank as much as possible.

Maybe this is something Murray (or another player) could bring to the side?

He certainly, at the moment, has the pace, and ive always felt when seeing him as a right wing back that he looked quite good defensively.

Playing in this role he would also be relieved of much of the pressure to score plenty of goals he would as a midfielder, but could still offer plenty of threat on the over-lap or counter attack.

Obviously I'm not saying we should sign him back, merely looking at a possible different role if he was to return!

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