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Police Idiots


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Why Oh Why do the idiots known as 'The Police' cone off more parking space when they think it might be a big gate compared to when they think it might be a smaller gate.

This makes it even more difficult for City Fans to park than normal!!

Do these idiots have any brain or are they just being vindictive to regular City fans looking for a parking spot.

It must be much easier to man speeding cameras and collecting fines than sitting in a police van at Ashton Gate chewing the could, and earning overtime, until told it's time to go home.

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Guest RedwardsV1

If I owned a house round there with the huge Parking bases they have on those homes, and they usualy only got 1 car in i'd Say 4 £5 pound a week u can go and park in thier base... EASY PARKING :dunno:

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It is the Council that cones the streets and if they didn't the traffic would not be able to move for the selfish parking of cars - FACT.

The police are there because Bristol City has a history of football related problems by the stupid minority who as usual, spoil things for the majority.

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Guest malaggro

It is not only because of traffic congestion.

For years we have parked (without problem) near either Ashton Park School or on the road near The Clanage (Bedminster CC). Recently this has begun to suffer with over the top parking restrictions.

You can't even be sure if cones are going to be there or not, as if they sometimes forget.

People have even returned to their cars, parked in an area without cones, to return and find some git has placed cones after they have left and then issued a parking ticket!!!

Some areas obviously need restrictions on match day, so as not to stop emergency vehicles and the like. But there should be a bit more give and take with the parking. If the residents don't like a few hours disruption, tough. They knew the score when buying houses in Ashton, Bedminster and Southville. One of their neighbours happens to be a football club with a few friends that like to pop around for a drink and a chat once a fortnight.

Regards :dunno:

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People have even returned to their cars, parked in an area without cones, to return and find some git has placed cones after they have left and then issued a parking ticket!!!

That simply isn't true

If the residents don't like a few hours disruption, tough

What a totally selfish attitude, if one of your family lived in the area and they couldn't get their car out maybe to visit a sick relative in hospital or someone on shift work being unable to get home etc etc what would you think.

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it is a disgrace soon i will have to leave so early for a match. In a few years if we got to the top end of the first division/premiership i would have to leave so early from my house (in clevedon) just to get somewhere to park. soon i will have to use the park and ride which cost quite a lot.

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Guest malaggro

Message to England

That simply is true.

I returned to my car, parked on Bedminster CC ground and witnessed at least 20 car drivers returning to their vehicles to find them all ticketed. Each one telling the same story i.e. no cones when they parked, return to car, cones placed along road and tickets issued.

This was also widely reported on this forum and a letter in similar tone was published in the Green'Un.

I do not agree that any City fan should park across a residents driveway and therefore block them in. I do however feel that a City fan parking legally should be able to park where they wish to.

If I lived this close to the ground I would have to take the chance of not having a divine right to a space on the public road outside my home. Sure it's annoying but like I said, people know that football is played in the area and that fortnightly congestion is all part of living there. Ask residents of Clifton, Kingsdown etc. their views on commuters. This happens every day.

Get on with living.

Regards :dunno:

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Oh no not another anarchist threat RedGoblin!! :dunno: Don't confuse the monarchy with Blair's disgraceful corrupt government. The monarchy has no actual power; the police work for Blair and his lawyer-riddled toady regime, NOT the queen. The badge is merely a token, it doesn't denote who has executive power over them.

If it came down to choice, I'd plump for a monarchist returning to power over this government or the Tories; lets face it RedGoblin, no matter who is in power, you and I won't have any say in it whatsoever (lets not kid ourselves we're NOT in a democracy), so in a choice between the devil and deep blue sea give me a monarchy any day.

I agree the police do need reprogramming to help the people but they are in a political straighjacket imposed on them by this bureaucratic corrupt and distasteful government.

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Guest andy234

I actully have to leave earlier now than when I was a kid and we were in the old First Div getting 30.000 crowds how did we park then? Have parked on or around the grass island on the lng ashton bypass for 20 plus years with no problem untill last year. Now it a nightmare, have to leave Burnham at 1.00 just to park, never caused an obstruction to anyone,frustrated!

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Guest malaggro

Here, here Goblin.

There are so many areas not opened up to fans that could so easily reduce on street parking.

There are loads of spaces left empty at the CREATE centre every time we play.

The bloke on the gate has even offered to lock up afterwards for nothing, but you've guessed it, poxy city council won't allow it.

Be different if we were all wasters leeching off the state, but no, football fan + car driver, you have got to be kidding. We are public enemy number one with a whole host of self satisfied numpties down at the Council House.

That's better.

Mal :dunno:

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Red Goblin - I instinctively support much of what you say but dare I say that thirty years ago, there wasn't a traffic problem around AG because most fans travelled on buses or are you confusing history with memory - or am I or maybe it's just my maths?

Maybe I am thinking of an earlier era with the specials but certainly less fans had cars.

Mal also seems to be confusing Central and Local Government - a world apart.

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"I returned to my car, parked on Bedminster CC ground and witnessed at least 20 car drivers returning to their vehicles to find them all ticketed. Each one telling the same story " - story is the probable explanation. When cones are put put, the council and/or police make a note on any vehicles already parked and note their numbers to avoid ticketing - if that did not happen and you can prove the time you arrived you will not be prosecuted - but then you didn't say you had been ticketed did you, you only heard the stories.

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I can remember 20-30 years ago, the parking was pretty bad. Often my old man had to park miles along Coronation Road or the road the other side. Sometimes as far up as the Old Bristol General Hospital.

I have friends who have parked with two wheels on the pavement and left plenty of room for wheelchairs and prams and got finned £15 pounds for each wheel. Easy picking for the traffic wardens on matchdays.

These days I'm more worried about someone hitting the car and then driving off or some toe-rag breaking in to the car.

Someone told me one of the worst places to park is inh Aldi car park which you would think had some sort of security.

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