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Why Take Delight In Rovers Misery?


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I really couldn't care less whether Rovers, lose, lose, or draw these days.

Your "local" rivals are surely the teams in the same division as you, or at least threatening to be.

Sadly, the gasmongers gave up that right 3 seasons ago and will probably be stuck in the 3rd Division, or worse for some time yet.

Why we dwell on the results of has beens is beyond me. The club should forget broadcasting/displaying the quartermeisters scores and turn their attention to a real contender, Swindon.

When we're done with them, we can transfer our attentions to those lovely boys across the Severn. NO, NOT NEWPORT COUNTY TARQUIN!

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Guest goatinho
I really couldn't care less whether Rovers, lose, lose, or draw these days.

Your "local" rivals are surely the teams in the same division as you, or at least threatening to be.

Sadly, the gasmongers gave up that right 3 seasons ago and will probably be stuck in the 3rd Division, or worse for some time yet.

Why we dwell on the results of has beens is beyond me. The club should forget broadcasting/displaying the quartermeisters scores and turn their attention to a real contender, Swindon.

When we're done with them, we can transfer our attentions to those lovely boys across the Severn. NO, NOT NEWPORT COUNTY TARQUIN!

They barely register on my radar I have to admit
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Guest Topbuzz

It must kill the gas fans to see how well we are doing ...Never has there been a time when one team in bristol is more true

Only when there non league will i stop seeing them as a rival but theres hardly anyone at the gas now that i would even recognise ...Oh yeah Lee Matthews :dunno:

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Sorry, I disagree. I take immense pleasure in watching the Gas suffer. I'd take even more pleasure if someone put them out of their misery. Maybe that makes me a horrible human being, but hey, at least I'm an honest horrible human being!

All the logical arguments why the Gas going under or out of the league would be good for us have been rehearsed time and again on here.

But the simple fact is that I've spent most of my life actively disliking the Gas. Rivalry is one of the things being a football supporter is all about. I know Gasheads who never thought twive before ringing me up to heap on misery when we've gone through rough patches like our last Division One season. I also recall many a Gashead wallowing in it when City nearly went out of business in 82. Well I guess it's payback time!

Anyway, there's nothing to stop us hating the Gas AND Swindle! Oh, and Cardiff. So good luck to you if you couldn't care less about the Gas. But don't try and stop me having my fun!

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Guest cider gliders


We get really hurt when the Gas lose, it do upset`s us

so very much, it do ruin our weekend! An we be lyin`

Bar-Stewards too! Ha-Ha! This could be the season

of ole seasons, City win the Championship an the

Gas Go down!


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:)  :)  :dunno:  :dunno:  :P

We get really hurt when the Gas lose, it do upset`s us

so very much, it do ruin our weekend! An we be lyin`

Bar-Stewards too! Ha-Ha! This could be the season

of ole seasons, City win the Championship an the

Gas Go down!

:D  :D  :laugh:  :laugh:  :P

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I'd like to expand a little on RedTop's comment about Gasheads laughing at City back in '82. City were nearly finished and were 10 minutes from going out of business forever and Gasheads were gleefully celebrating.

Well today its city's turn to gloat at the hapless GAS and I sincerely hope they go down to the conference, then the Western League. Hope they damn well go out of existence and stop plagueing my home city with their pustulent existence.

True and honest sentiments from a die-hard city fan. anyone offended by those words....tough.

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Guest RedwardsV1

I can't beleve that Some Gas heads think there team is better than ours :dunno::dunno: The most pleasure i take out of Seeing the Rovers lose now a days is taking the P*ss outta some people at work, there not really rivals anymore

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I must agree with RedTop and fct. Bristol Rovers will always be are rivals, if only because some "friends", colleagues and acquaintances do/ have supported the Rovers. As detailed above, they have taken pleasure from our low points, and it's only natural that we take pleasure from theirs.

Personally, I find it highly amusing to see their slump and AFTER City have won, it seems to round the day off when news of another Rovers defeat comes in.

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"Why take delight in Rovers' misery?"

Erm because they are our closest rivals?

Anyone who doesn't give a broad smile everytime they lose is lying to themselves. I'm sick of this pussy-footed attitude by some City fans on here - they hate us, we hate them END OF!

Swindon and Cardiff will never come close to the hatred I feel for the gas and like fct I can only pray they get relegated this season so we can all laugh our b0ll0x off...

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Guest North Street

Why take delight in Rovers misery? Well why not ? That is what they are there for! I thoroughly look forward to hearing the latest Rovers debacle as it makes City's results all the sweater.I get almost as much pleasure from "them " losing as i do from City winning and if they got relagated well think of the bragging rights being Bristol's only league team.

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:dunno: Rovers hate us and lets be honest we hate them,I know this is old history but back in 82 scum had the chance to help City and share our ground,thier fans said "no way let City go out of buiness and we will get their ground cheap"and sat back hoping we would go out of buisness,fortunately it did not happen and it was them who found they had nowhere to go.Stuff em I say, I hate em and love watching their pathetic efforts.I do hope that they struggle for another year or so before they fold. Sorry if this is a bit strong but I am old enough to remember the glee they took when we was in div 4 and roughing it. :P
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Guest Ricky BCFC

The dumb thing is how they all go on about "82 this" and "82 that", but what ACTAULLY HAPPENED in 82? ##** ALL! Something NEARLY happened, but it didn't. They are trying to wind us up about something that never happened.

But if they go down this season, we WILL have something to actually wind them up about. And yes I will laugh my ass off and rub it in their faces for the rest of my life and never let them forget that not did they NEARLY go down and out of the football league, but they REALLY went down and out of the football league.

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Rovers fans would be the first to point out our misery if we were in thier situation and they were in ours so I have no problem enjoying watching them suffer :dunno:

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Rovers will always be our 'rivals' and i do enjoy watching them suffer. But i have always hated Cardiff a lot more!

I don't know if this is because i have a few friends who are gas, indeed i have actual blood relations who support them, but i find it difficult to hate the whole club. Don't get me wrong, i love seeing there team do badly, but you can't exactly despise your friends or cousins etc.

Cardiff on the other hand, i hate the place, the people, their ##nker of a chairman and their bunch of inbred animals called fans. Beating Cardiff away will always satisfy me more than beating the gas.

In all honesty i can't really take them seriously at the moment so i find the current state of their whole club really funny. Cardiff on the other hand............. :dunno:

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I also disagree.

Why have local rivals only to ignore them when you are better than them?

Why make our local rivals the team, that lets be honest, is stronger than ours?

Bristol Rovers share the same City with us. Cardiff is a fair way and across a big stretch of water. I hate them too- but I am more fussed by the gas.

I do, however, look forward to the day when Gas are non-league and we rule SW England- then we can worry about Cardiff etc.

PS- I admit Cardiff are more "scum" and hated than Rovers, but the Gas are still our main rivals.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I don't hate Rovers, I like them doing badly but all my mates are gas so enjoy a bit of banter. Even used to go down a few times a season, but all that's stopped now.

I do hate most of their fans forum though, some right muppets on there, arrogant small minded idiots who deserve to be watching conference football next year.

Some good lads on there from what I've read, but if we were to play them It would take me just one hour of reading their forum to be well up for it.

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Guest thetruecitytillidiefan

I think its a sad state of affairs if we get so much joy from seeing Rovers lose. At the end of the day we have two teams in Bristol, weather we like it or not!.

Yes I cant' say that I care for Rovers, but I dont' get over joyed when they get turned over. :dunno::dunno:

Focus your attention on Cardiff, if I dispise any team..... Its them!!!!


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I enjoy chatting to the vast majority of Rovers fans like many City - the banter is a laugh. But I do enjoy listening to them lose on Radio Bristol (just to hear Jamie Shore getting really wound up as they play badly yet again. Why on earth they don't give him a shot at the job I don't know)

I don't hate Rovers with a passion. I do like seeing them do badly, which I think being local rivals is all about. I agree with Ricky BCFC though. If you look at their forum some of their members are always going on about us being Bristol City Ltd, the 82ers etc., but why?

At least if they want to be that narrow-minded you can always utilise the oft-used comeback of "well, we've achieved more in our last 22 years then you have in all your existence!". It's petty, but does the trick :P

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Guest Ricky BCFC
And this taken from their forum:

"oh and in 1982 City did go bust and a new club was formed City 1982, we dont say 1982 to remind you of a bad year, it was the year your club went bust."

What are we being dissed for then? If we are a new club then obviously that club that went bust in '82 has nothing to do with us. We didn't even exist back then, so how could we have gone bust? Take the mickey out of the club that went bust, not us. :dunno:

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Never has there been a time when one team in bristol is more true

  Only when there non league will i stop seeing them as a rival but theres hardly anyone at the gas now that i would even recognise ...Oh yeah Lee Matthews  :cool:

I have mixed feelings I have to say, I would love them to go down, but I do miss the derby day atmosphere and all that.

I have to say that even when we were in the old first division and they were in the old third I new more about their team and players then than I do now.

I would struggle to name 6 of their players now and certainly wouldn't know where they played. Back in those days players like Stuart Taylor, frankie Prince Bannister and Warboys were household names on both sides of Bristol.

It's a sad demise.

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Guest twaters

I am of the opinion that a Rovers demise will halp city, although people say the size of bristol is more than big enough for two clubs i dissagree. Bristols culture suggests that it is going to be hard to get dedicated follwing like Manchester City or Sheff Weds have had in our division, (20,000 ish a week) so the lower the Gas get the more new younger followers we get. Also the 'drop in fans' will also decide to drop in on us rather than watch our blue rivals.

I personally am glad for a Rovers slump as it will bring financial benefits for City, I will however miss the derbys and look forward to plenty of cup meetings in the future. Thats if we can capitalise on there slump (stealing new supporters) and make it to divsion one and consolidate our position there.

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I'm just waiting for one of the Rovers' fans who work in my office to come in.

I've got the urge to point out to them that City have won more games in the last 11 than Rovers have managed all season.

Not a bad achievement for a 21 year old club.

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I actually dislike thoese hick down Swinedead more than the Gas, and have done ever since living near the ######hole. Like I said I aint from Bristol, and every Gashead I've ever met has beeen a normal fan, bur most of the hicks I've met always try and take the p***, so while I can understan Bristolian hate the Norf Bristol Gyppos, I reckon Swinedad, and the Welsh ##***** are are real rivals, its great to beat them, especially the hicks. :cool:

I just laugh when the Gas lose (again). :o

One other thing, y'all should never ever rely on help, when y'all in the ######, always get yourselves out of it, cos then you dont owe anyone a damn thing, true in 82, and ever more so these days!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

To be honest all it takes is a drive through Kingswood (A very fast one) and all the little kids have CITY tops on - This is Rovers heartland.

My Mrs lives in Cadbury Heath, staunch Rovers land but again, all the kids have City shirts on and nearly every white van has a city sticker or something in the window.

Just two visible examples of their decline.

If Rovers died now I doubt we would get much benefit in the short term, but over time City would have a much larger fan base

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