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Danny Coles

Guest smarty

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Is it me or does anyone else see a change in form of Danny Coles in the last two games.

Could it be he is off to Cardiff and this is unsettling him. Perhaps he doesn't want to go.

Or could this be a load of old internet tosh. :(

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Is it me or does anyone else see a change in form of Danny Coles in the last two games.

Could it be he is off to Cardiff and this is unsettling him. Perhaps he doesn't want to go.

Or could this be a load of old internet tosh. :(

In a word... No.

Our last two games have been Southampton, a strong Premier League side, in which he was nothing to do with any of the goals. And Yesterday where no one apart from Burnell had a good game.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Its all down to money the young uns need a wake up call and need to relise they are not billy big boots afterall.

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Yes, because he's playing at Right Back.

Remember when he was playing at Right Back for a period last season and everyone was getting on his back?

Well basically he's not a full back, and is far too exposed out wide.

He's a center back, he should be playing there!

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Or three, even...he's had to cover right back, right centre back and central centre back.....! I can't help but feel that Butler is the problem here....Danny's been carrying him for too long this season, and it may well be starting to take it's toll...I'd say I can't wait for Carey to get back, but Danny won't drop But's so we'll have to hope he can recapture even a fraction of his form from last year if we're going to do anything. :(

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Guest Lockerman
Is it me or does anyone else see a change in form of Danny Coles in the last two games.

Could it be he is off to Cardiff and this is unsettling him. Perhaps he doesn't want to go.

Or could this be a load of old internet tosh. :(

I would suggesst that Danny has been suffering recently,and I would uggest that is mostly down to the fact that Butler is having a mare of a season.

I for one would drop Butler and either give Clay Fortune a game or two but if Carey was fit I would play Coles,Hill and Carey as the centre backs leaving Woodman and Amankwaah to play as the wing backs.

Butler has become Mr Liability rather than as last year Mr Reliability. :)

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Forget Coles !! - How the hell can Butler continue to hold down a 1st team place, Coles has not performed to his best in the last few games but still looks head and shoulders above Butler.

Toooooooo many mistakes from Butler this season and it seems he is only capable of making a huge book up field to release the ball.

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Danny Coles is doing nothing wrong at the moment, and I can only feel that the lack of form from the team, and especially Butler have not helped him.

I'm sure that Tony Butler must have a ban coming up as he picked up yet another needless booking on Saturday, maybe a chance for Clayton Fortune to come and and show us what he's made of - similar to the great breakthrough Craig Woodman has made.

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Coles's strength is his anticipation and all round defending.He's potentially a very good player, but is young and inexperienced as his error against Beattie showed on Tuesday night.He should have been much closer to him.

That said,he needs to work on his distribution.He resorts to long balls far to often and he's either looking for a killer pass or has run out of ides's - probably the later.

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Agree that coles seems to be covering two positions and we were far too exposed at right back on Saturday.

Butler seems to give the ball away all too easily which puts pressure straight back on the defence.

I would like to see carey back at right back, move coles back into the centre along with hill and woodman as left back.

I would also like to see us pass better instead of the long ball unfield all the time. Sometimes the simple ball to the left or right should be an option and also would like to see defenders heading the ball back to the keeper occasionally.

Good to see Burnell and Wiltshire shooting more but surprised by our attackers hesitance in front of goal Saturday. They need to turn and shoot more often rather than the extra touch they were doing on Saturday.

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