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East End Novelty Wearing Off?

Guest Bawno

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It was class to go in there against chesterfield I think it was, at the start of the season. Great atmosphere, everyone standing, class.

The east end is still getting packed out though and the atmosphere is still class, but is the novelty of it wearing off a bit. I think the new 'seating room only' policy may have something to do with it. But I just feel that the excitiment of going in there has gone off a bit? I'm not sure. I just hope we can keep up the good atmosphere in there until the end of the season to help city get promotion!

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Guest Cider_Army

When I exchanged my season ticket in the shop on Friday, the girl mentioned that Saturday's game was the one where the most season ticket holders had exchanged their vouchers by far. I thought that Saturday's game was actually the best atmosphere in there yet, probably due to the fact that we were playing the Welsh!

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Guest East-Ender

I agree the atmosphere on saturday was superb and it seemed pretty full. How many people was in there saturday? It's probably been posted but i must have missed it.

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No way! Having all the 'real' fans who are actually prepared to sing and go mental when we score concentrated in one place will never lose its novelty. It's like an away game in there.

There are some places in AG where you might feel a little silly standing up and singing or really going off your head if we score, but the EE offers the fans who want to do this a place where they can.

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Guest city slicker 71
No way! Having all the 'real' fans who are actually prepared to sing and go mental when we score concentrated in one place will never lose its novelty. It's like an away game in there.

There are some places in AG where you might feel a little silly standing up and singing or really going off your head if we score, but the EE offers the fans who want to do this a place where they can.

Quite right mate, and when wer'e on the up like now overflow and novelty are not part of the vocabulary, that which is more in keeping with the present euphoria is

well echoed by the famous Cider Gliders;



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No way

Although I am not in amongst you young'uns making the place feel warmer in the east end

I prefer to sit on the corner sectionof the east end listening to all you lot going mental

The view on the corner section is a bit better cos with me eyesight not as good as it use to be.

Its getting to be a struggle to see all those goals city keep scoring up the other end

Its also nice to not be surrounded by some City fans who don't moan all the way through the match

Another thing it allows the Williams stand to have some sleep in peace

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

No its still great. I actually came away form the game feeling like I'd been to a real football match (instead of sitting in silence in the dolman or getting looked at for shouting and singing songs) and that is what the east end is all about. Even in town on the night me and my mates were still singing some of the old City songs especially build a bonfire one.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

The only way you can walk out of the East End unhappy is when your walking out thinking you didn't go mental enough when we scored or sang loud enough!

The "novelty" for me will never wear off, but i can see what he is saying. When we first tried getting it open frequently i did say i think that a bit of the support will drop after so many games as its like Christmas, if it was on every day it would be great, but not as good if you only had it one day a year.

Saying that i would still like Christmas to come every day (still only being 16) and also would love to go in the East End every week!!

I always look forward to the next game in the East End and as said before its nice to be sat by people having a laugh rather than a idiot i got behing me at the back of the Ateyo moaning constantly.

Can't wait for the next one. Bring it on.

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The only difference for me was that I got back to actually watching the game on Saturday. The first couple of time's I couldn't remember much about the game afterwards.

There were quieter periods on Saturday which was only to be expected, but the general volume even then is a great improvement on the pre East End games.

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The only difference for me was that I got back to actually watching the game on Saturday. The first couple of time's I couldn't remember much about the game afterwards.

There were quieter periods on Saturday which was only to be expected, but the general volume even then is a great improvement on the pre East End games.

Yeah, I felt the same as that on Saturday as well.

Mind you I'm strangely missing my usual seat in the serenity of the Atyeo, but for the time being I'm just having too much goddam fun!

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Guest puddy_bcfc

i really enjoy sitting in the east end with everyone going mad when we score, even though we have started to sit down now, it is still loud and everyone still has alot of fun.

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Watching from the other end, the East End singers certainly do us proud - unfortunately that doesn't leave many people in the Atyeo who are prepared to make a noise...
i have to agree with this fully it certainly makes a difference
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

For me the East end is a double edged sword. It's great and makes the day worth while, but without it I don't really think I'd be so keen to come to City everyweek just to sit in total silence with the occasional shout issued from some moaning old codger (Tompo, FCT? :cool:)

Now it's been opened we can not go back to the boring saturday afternoons of previous seasons.

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I realy enjoy going in the EE! I understand what he is saying as i don't look foward to it now quite as much when it is open for the one occassion where we can stand all match and really make the most of it.

That aside each match is getting better for atmsophere and in terms of numbers and having won every match in there without conceding is a great fact!

I am looking foward to going in there next Tues once i have recovered from SW. :D

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It was class to go in there against chesterfield I think it was, at the start of the season. Great atmosphere, everyone standing, class.

The east end is still getting packed out though and the atmosphere is still class, but is the novelty of it wearing off a bit. I think the new 'seating room only' policy may have something to do with it. But I just feel that the excitiment of going in there has gone off a bit? I'm not sure. I just hope we can keep up the good atmosphere in there until the end of the season to help city get promotion!

i don't think the East End Novelty is Wearing Off but i think

we are at the stage of the season where the nerves are

starting to set in being top of the league with so many games

to go sort of thing and minds are on the game more than

creating an atmosphere constantly :D

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Guest cider gliders
Just one more thing to say on this TOP OF THE LEAGUE WERE AVING A LAUGH :Costumed34:  :Music10:  :Costumed34:  :Music10:
Ha-Ha! :(:D We can`t argue with that

young un! Ha-Ha! :me?::D UP THE CITY! :P


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Guest RussRed

to say the ones in the EE are the real fans is a bit out of order mate!

I dont go in the East end as i am perfectly happy with my seat with my mates. i go to every match and go as metal as anyone else in the ground when we score and do my best at the back of the ateyo to get things going, so you've got no right to say we are not real FANS!

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Guest EastEnder

Reading through some of these I detect a strange sort of unwritten agenda that most of us have experienced at some time or other.

The official policy of the club is to encourage vociferous support and that we all try to do, until that is, that you find yourself on your own singing solo with everyone else looking at you like you've got two heads.

In order to emit the loudest sounds it's necessary to stand in order to expel the air from your lungs past the larynx and into your cupped hands. - That's where your friendly neighbourhood steward comes in with their "polite" request for you to assume a sitting position.

The further design, or lack of it where acoustics are concerned, also adds to dissipate the effect, thus breeding total apathy until the team does something to excite everyone.

That's why the East End has been like a breathe of fresh air - if you excuse pun. In doing so it has encouraged the like minded amounst us to rally around and catch up with the past, when the place really did rock.

And talking of past plasts - that's also why you'll hear all those songs about Mssrs Galley, Gibson, Gow, Whithead, Emmanuelle et al mixed with the chants of today.

Long may it continue

We are the East End......................

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Guest malaggro

Blimey EastEnder, you know how to make a point fella!!

Galley, Galley, Galley, Galley, he is the King of the West Country.

Remind me, "Who are the people" and "Who are the scum"

Kindest Regards :D

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