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M5, M42, A42, M1 takes about 3 hours by car, so just over that by bus I'd imagine....(unless your driver's mad)

Well I drove to Hartlepool in 4 hours and I believe that's over 100 miles further than Sheffield, so I guess you can include me in the aforementioned 'mad' category.

Though needless to say, I strongly urge everyone to drive within the prescribed speed limit at all times :cool:

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I make a similar journey to Nottigham on a regular basis, with a good traffic free run it takes me about 2.30hrs, I would say that Shefield is another 45 mins approx.

Following City Rockers comments can I just say that there are a couple of places to watch out for in particular. Just after Worcester there is a bridge with a phone mast next to it (on the right as you head north) This is used by the police to make emergency turns and they hide just behind it on the ramp there on both sides of the road. so watch out.

On the M42 after the M40 split, there is about 5 miles of road that currently has a 50mile an hour speed limit enforced by cameras and unmarked Police Cars. The annoying thing is there isn't much sign of roadworks or many speed limit signs, so it is easy to forget. Even the return to normal speed limits isn't that clear.

Anyway be good and if you can't be good be careful.

Make us proud guys.

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On the M42 after the M40 split, there is about 5 miles of road that currently has a 50mile an hour speed limit enforced by cameras and unmarked Police Cars. The annoying thing is there isn't much sign of roadworks or many speed limit signs, so it is easy to forget. Even the return to normal speed limits isn't that clear.

Anyway be good and if you can't be good be careful.

Make us proud guys.

Adding to this, be aware that those speed cameras are on! I've seen many people flashed by those babies at about 60mph......they keep switching the ones round that flash you too so best policy is to keep to 50, it's only a few miles after all....
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On the M42 after the M40 split, there is about 5 miles of road that currently has a 50mile an hour speed limit enforced by cameras and unmarked Police Cars. The annoying thing is there isn't much sign of roadworks or many speed limit signs, so it is easy to forget. Even the return to normal speed limits isn't that clear.

Yup. That's VERY annoying. The number of people I've seen flashed by those cameras is astonishing. Just another tax isn't it?

Hope to see loads of you on the M42/M1 as we're driving up from Birmingham!

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Those cameras got me last week coming back from Grimsby. :cool:

Luckily I'm not driving on Saturday.

Beware, or we could all be taking up Jer's challenge and getting on our bikes next season.

3 points of freedom left, so if you're stuck behind a little red sporty number, with a BCFC sticker in the back, don't flash me to speed up or get out of the way :o

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What a great idea Rose... think about it... 1,000+ City fans all riding together around the country, clogging up the roads but saving the environment as we go  :P

Genius, pure genius

Well they do say the line between genius and madness is a thin one, but I think you may have just crossed it..... :cool:
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