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The Band

Guest Cider army matt

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Band should be banned. They detract from the atmosphere not add to it. I absolutely detest the americanisation of our sport.

Thanks for the effort boys, put it into singing instead of making that racket.

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Guest Cider Army

Has certain8ly deteriorated over the years. If they could get a few more people to get behind them might be worth the effort.

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Guest Cider army matt

Has certain8ly deteriorated over the years. If they could get a few more people to get behind them might be worth the effort.

yh i agree,the sound isn't loud enough and doesn't create an atmosphere. They need to play some more decent stuff as well.

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Any of the band post on here?

I sometimes sit by the band and when they get a fair few people to sing along then its definitely worthwhile. But this hasn't happened for a long time and yes, probably doesn't really help the atmosphere.

If they get their act together then it will add to the atmosphere.

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Guest TA8 RED

There is NO BAND at Ashton gate,it was officialy dropped by the club,all you have are a bunch of Bristol City Fan's and Supporters who occasionaly take a trumpet or drum along, so please don't keep on about who like's this or who likes that, the people concerned I imagine don't give a flying ###### what some supporters think of them they are there to enjoy themselves and SUPPORT THE CITY. :@

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There is NO BAND at Ashton gate,it was officialy dropped by the club,all you have are a bunch of Bristol City Fan's and Supporters who occasionaly take a trumpet or drum along, so please don't keep on about who like's this or who likes that, the people concerned I imagine don't give a flying ###### what some supporters think of them they are there to enjoy themselves and SUPPORT THE CITY. :@

Well let them go in the Williams stand, they can support from there, at least i can enjoy them from a distance.(sorry to any Williams season ticket holders) but you can enjoy to :whistle:

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There is NO BAND at Ashton gate,it was officialy dropped by the club,all you have are a bunch of Bristol City Fan's and Supporters who occasionaly take a trumpet or drum along, so please don't keep on about who like's this or who likes that, the people concerned I imagine don't give a flying ###### what some supporters think of them they are there to enjoy themselves and SUPPORT THE CITY. :@

Well I go to enjoy myself and SUPPORT THE CITY but I`m not allowed to do what ever I want. I think if they dropped their instruments and sang louder it would definately benefit the atmostphere, but they don't, they just bang away and play their drumpet drowning the atmostphere. But the numbers seem to have fallen over last couple of seasons so their aint as many of them congregated now. Just sing!

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Guest do you like apples?

There is NO BAND at Ashton gate,it was officialy dropped by the club,all you have are a bunch of Bristol City Fan's and Supporters who occasionaly take a trumpet or drum along, so please don't keep on about who like's this or who likes that, the people concerned I imagine don't give a flying ###### what some supporters think of them they are there to enjoy themselves and SUPPORT THE CITY. :@

why are people allowed to take trumpets into the football (that could pottentially kill someone if struck with), but when i tried to take a bb gun in i was banned for 3 years and charged but the police for carrying a replica gun?

it seems silly

and those plastic bottle tops could cause a great deal of damage couldnt they?

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It amazes me that so many are so fickle about a group of like minded people wanting to get behind the club.

And no, i don't bang a drum etc etc

Agreed.... and as for being dropped...i've got to be honest, i've never seen this (but prepared to stand corrected) so if they aren't officially recognised, then why are they being allowed to bring items into the groung that could potentially be used as a weapon??? (i mean, christ you aren't even allowed a lid on a plastic bottle!!!). If so many people are so pi$$ed off with the band, then why not tell them to their faces instead of hiding behind PC's when moaning?!?

I have to be honest, i prefer the band when they're down the East End, but at the end of the day, as Browner_11 says, they only wanna get behind the team!

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Guest do you like apples?

Agreed.... and as for being dropped...i've got to be honest, i've never seen this (but prepared to stand corrected) so if they aren't officially recognised, then why are they being allowed to bring items into the groung that could potentially be used as a weapon??? (i mean, christ you aren't even allowed a lid on a plastic bottle!!!). If so many people are so pi$$ed off with the band, then why not tell them to their faces instead of hiding behind PC's when moaning?!?

I have to be honest, i prefer the band when they're down the East End, but at the end of the day, as Browner_11 says, they only wanna get behind the team!

i don't mind there being a drum. but a full on brass band does my nut

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Guest Red`s Ashtonic Lustpit

To paraphrase the late lamented Edwin Starr (Northern Soul forever!)..."SHOOT `EM ON SIGHT".

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Guest claloudav

those who bring isntrumetns to the game yeah go for it innit :D

bitta noise bitta atmoshpere, sorted!

maybe though if like they could sort of be in unison with everyone else then that might help a bit more

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It amazes me that so many are so fickle about a group of like minded people wanting to get behind the club.

And no, i don't bang a drum etc etc

fickle? I don't think that's the word. Annoyed is the word.

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One of my first season tickets was right up by the band and i loved it,i thought it was the place to sit at ashton gate.But then it just went down hill or maybe it just doesnt bring the same excetment it used to bring to me now that ive got older.Ill much rather sit in the Dolman now and sing or even the Williams and sing.

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Like the vast majorety of Clubs and staying in-tune ( :laugh: ) with the history of association Football up until the Americanised commercialisation of the game I don't think musical instruments belong at a Football ground.

'Hiding behind the PC' - I'd be willing to sit down and chat civilly face to face with anybody to explain my views.

'Just getting behind the team' - Fair enough but there is such a thing as good intentions mis-guided.

There is a lack of vocal interaction of City fans at home games, it is one of my main gripes but banging a drum and blowing a trumpet is no reparation for me. A return of a small patch of terracing would help no end I'm sure not that I really intend to kick that one of.

I see Tottenham fans away in action about once a season and it is like watching artistry.

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Guest BCFC1983/84

The atmosphere in the Atyeo was better before the band, but I don't think the band have ruined it. A game I always remember was when we played Colchester in the first round of the Coca Cola cup in 1995. There was less than 4,000 at the game, but the atmosphere was brilliant the the atyeo, non-stop singing.

Personally I believe that in the last 15 years, many of city's vocal supporters have been priced out of the game. The average ticket price was about a tenner in our league back then. Now I think its £22 to go in the Atyeo. I wish my wages had double over the last 10 years!

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'Hiding behind the PC' - I'd be willing to sit down and chat civilly face to face with anybody to explain my views.

And that's fair enough... my point though was merely that there are so many people moaning about it on here, but no-one ever says anything direct to the people involved.

To be honest, this post has been done to death so many times it's getting a bit boring now... (I know, I know, if I don't like it, I don't have to read it, but come on....!) The band are staying, no matter who likes it or dislikes it... all we can do is our best to get behind the team in our own ways... Roll on August!!!

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