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City Results

Guest Bigdave60

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Guest Bigdave60

Hi all City fans.

This may not be of interest to you, but i am off to New Zealand on Thursday for three weeks.

I know what a stupid time?

But my son is getting married and my wife will not let me stay at home.

My Question is this, is it possible to get the City results on my mobile phone while away.

Hope they are still top when i return.

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Okay could I offer some solutions

Results on mobile not sure how the BCFC football club can do that

A N.Z. registred text service for bristol city

Teletext/ceefax not sure if it exists in the same form in the U.K.

but I presume that N.Z. would concentrate on the the top flight

Internet cafe e-mail fax machine

Considering it will be about 0400am to 0500am when the game finishes

If your really keen drop your N.Z. based phone number in the private box

I don't mind telephoning you at 0400am in the morning

Failing that you might want to ring me at 5pm U.K. time 0400am N.Z.

I'll tell you everthing that has done on

Not this saturday as I'll be in Sheffield

hope this helps

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hi mate, I'm in the marines and i got txs when i was in norway and in the oman so hopefully it will work on the other side of the world. i never had to do anything but it wont do any harm to check with your network.

all the best in nz anyway.


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