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Tue - Our Biggest Game In Years


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The fairytale is over, now it is time to proove we are championship material.

Tuesdays game against Wycombe is in my opinion the biggest single game that this club has had in several years. Of course you can make arguments for the LDV final - big day big occasion, or more apporopriately the playoff games against Cardiff, but Tuesdays game is bigger for me.

Not only has our winning run now ended but tuesdays game is a clear cut - 'we should walk it', and if we have serious aspirations about promotion and getting ourselves out of this division, which this year is genuinely 'up for the taking' we need to immediately get back on track with a comfortable win on tuesday.

I'm absolutely delighted that the game is as soon as tuesday as I'm sure DW and the squad will be gutted they missed out on the winning record and be eager to take out their frustrations on Wycombe come tuesday.

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Guest rednick_74

bring on wycombe!!! the lads are going to be p***** off about coming away with nothing today, theyll be looking for a good result tuesday. another 3 points!!! :cool:

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Guest rednick_74
I think 3 points won't be easy; how many were predicting 3 points today? we got 0.

i dont think we are garaunteed 3 points on tuesday, but we should really beat Wycombe at home... they conceded 4 goals at their place today, so their confidance should be low. :cool:

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  • Admin
i dont think we are  garaunteed 3 points on  tuesday, but we should really beat Wycombe at home... they conceded 4 goals at their place today, so their confidance should be low. :cool:

Just like Sheff Wednesday's was after losing to Blackpool in the LDV??

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Big game yes, but biggest for years? I think not. You can't be saying that it's bigger than the playoff semi-final last year against Cardiff last year! If we loose on Tues (God forbid), we can still easily go up, but I agree it's a must win.

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Guest city slicker 71

We have to go at them from the start with a hunger that is obviously there. If it means getting our subs on earlier then do it. I agree this is the most important fixture for us and those of us in the East End will be needed to make it happen!

RED IN TOOTH AND CLAW (Tennyson) :cool:

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FAO 'gater2' and 'glos boy';

The reason i see this game bigger than any of previous years is because, as said in the post, not only is it a clear cut 'should win' game - if we dont win any mommentum left after saturdays defeat will be well and truly eradicated. Then we will see fans come even further out of the woodwork - criticising DW/ team selection and players. I have no problem with constructive criticism, ive done it in the past and would do again, but if you have an issue with team selection or DW's tactics take that issue up when you first see it, not when we lose a game. For example if we had of won saturday people would probably not have criticised individuals or (an apparent favourite) 'Wilkshire isnt a winger'. He's played on the wing for a few games now and, because we won these games criticism was quiet if at all.

The reason this game is bigger than any of recent years is that there is NO reason why we shouldnt get promoted this year - i said this at the start of the season and have never gone back on it. Any team that goes on an 11 game winning run is good enough to get out of its respective division.

The playoff games against Cardiff are obviously huge on paper - but we werent especially 'expected' to win these games. Promotion through a 4 team playoff system against Cardiff, QPR and Oldham was/is much harder to achieve than getting promoted from this division over a season, as i believe the ability levels of this years 2nd division teams is much lower.

If we fail to do ANYTHING but win on tuesday it will be a hammer blow to the clubs chances of automatic promotion. Obviously it wont be an irrecoverable one but it will be huge, as has been proven fans are already questionning various aspects of our performance and if we were to lose on tuesday (which I'm sure we wont) it could have far reaching consequences in a division where anything other than promotion is a severe underachievement.

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Guest Red_Rat

This game most certainly isn't the biggest.Even if Stockport played Wycombe at home they'd expect to win.

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