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Still say the run was great and the present squad are ok BUT now is the time for the board to invest and I don't mean peanuts as so far - if the board are serious about promotion, then we need a decent goal scorer and no I don't know who, that's what our scouts are paid for and our board with lots of dosh are supposed to sort out - time to put up or get out assuming all of them know what day it is. Only an opinion of course.

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Guest lilciderhed

Got to agree with you, a decent loan striker or cheap vetenerian wouldnt hurt for the run in. :cool:

Never saw the game today but I lestened to the last five and the comments after on radio bristol. Sounds like Peacock could have scored and Lita should have been brought on?

Bottom of the league on tuesday, should win (you never know in football but...) maybe Miler and Lita up front should be given a chance.

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Yeah win 11 then lose one then PANIC.What money? whats a "vetenarian" is it a race of alien cow doctors? Opinions???? :Sleep12: ,reality -we are a good 2nd div club looking to improve in the first next season.Decent squad,plenty of cover board behind manager running club on right lines.

I hate this ###### division,lets get out of the mother and argue next yr. :cool:

the new run is on

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Guest lilciderhed
Yeah win 11 then lose one then PANIC.What money? whats a "vetenarian" is it a race of alien cow doctors? Opinions???? :Sleep12: ,reality -we are a good 2nd div club looking to improve in the first next season.Decent squad,plenty of cover board behind manager running club on right lines.

I hate this ###### division,lets get out of the mother and argue next yr. :D

the new run is on

Veteran another way of saying experienced, on a free.

Never thought there was money for Goodfellow, but it was somehow managed, but I never mentioned money.

And I'm not panicing at all we just need to score more, and either Lita is given a chance or someone is brought in on loan till the end of season, or a free with a short contract. :cool:

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Still say the run was great and the present squad are ok BUT now is the time for the board to invest and I don't mean peanuts as so far - if the board are serious about promotion, then we need a decent goal scorer and no I don't know who, that's what our scouts are paid for and our board with lots of dosh are supposed to sort out - time to put up or get out assuming all of them know what day it is. Only an opinion of course.
This has got to be a joke!!!!!
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Guest cidersam
Still say the run was great and the present squad are ok BUT now is the time for the board to invest and I don't mean peanuts as so far - if the board are serious about promotion, then we need a decent goal scorer and no I don't know who, that's what our scouts are paid for and our board with lots of dosh are supposed to sort out - time to put up or get out assuming all of them know what day it is. Only an opinion of course.
1 loss in 12 and people go back to moaning. The board has invested in players this season!! And giving the current state of the game with regards to clubs investing for no reason and finding themselves in administration I feel the board has done a fantastic job. We dont need no more players to get out of this league, we will only need to invest if we go up!!!

I think the board has been great this year and hope they continue the good work and the backing they've shown to DW!!!

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Guest cidergeorge

I don't think it's just moaning about 1 loss in 12. I think it's the fact that we should have buried Weds yesterday. We could have quite easily walked away with 3 points from that game and it could have been the 12th win. We were just damn unlucky, the ref was yet again carp, and we gave them too much respect.

C'mon City

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that's what our scouts are paid for and our board with lots of dosh are supposed to sort out - time to put up or get out assuming all of them know what day it is.
And be replaced by....?

Actually, you must have a house you could remortgage to raise some money. Come on, England, put up or get out.

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Edson, I don't own my own house, I am not on the board, I do not own my own business, I do not have inherited wealth, I do not have a T-Shirt selling sideline or run an on line fanzine - ergo I am ******* skint due to being out of work for 7 years. Those on the board have made substantial loans to the club but it is time for those with plenty of readies to "try" and ensure promotion this year .

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Edson, I don't own my own house, I am not on the board, I do not own my own business, I do not have inherited wealth, I do not have a T-Shirt selling sideline or run an on line fanzine - ergo I am ******* skint due to being out of work for 7 years. Those on the board have made substantial loans to the club but it is time for those with plenty of readies to "try" and ensure promotion this year .
I agree. The best time to add to a squad is when you are winning. If by some amazing chance, we dont go up, people will be asking why we didnt strengthen the side for the run in.
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Those on the board have made substantial loans to the club but it is time for those with plenty of readies to "try" and ensure promotion this year .
Oh, I see, on your say so? You are clearly a genius of such epic proportions at running your own finances that those who have clearly done well for themselves should invest tens, nay hundreds, of thousands into a potentially bottomless pit on your say so?

Tell you what. Lay off the claret for 24 hours and then reconsider whether you would take the advice of a self confessed '******* skint' bloke if you were in their position.

To my mind, it is the boards money to do with as they choose. I feel I already owe them a debt of gratitude for propping us up and investing in new players while countless other clubs are floundering on a financial precipice. You evidently don't feel the same way, your prerogative, but don't be surprised if they don't take your advice.

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Argue all you like!!

Fact : we have gone on an eleven match unbeaten run, and only battered a couple of teams.

Fact: We have won by the odd late goal in a lot of these

Fact: our strike force is weaker than most of the others fighting for promotion. Unlike our defence, which is the best- no contest!!

Fact: You will always concede no matter how good your defence, and unless you actually score, when you get chances this leads to defeats/draws

Fact: We had chances Saturday, be we failed as in a lot of situations to score. see above.

Fact: a seasoned loan/"veteran striker" might be exactly what we need to garantee promotion.

Fact: 11 match winning runs count for ##** all, if we dont get promotion. We had a 19 match unbeaten run last year, taken off us fairly easily by Wycome, and we're still in Div 2.

Oh yes, I'm not a moaner, just cos we lost on Saturday- I have felt cos our less than impressive strike force, could get us in trouble for a number of matches, and was one of those who thought we should get one in a while back.

We should be back to winning ways tomorrow, but the issue of underperforming strikers will remain.

Strengthen the side now, or take a chance it will be alright on the night???

Wait and see, oh look Swineden are now on a 9 match unbeaten run?

Its sensible to constantly improve a good squad and offload dead wood, and to constructively discuss this.

Not that long ago Plymuff and QPR were going to walk it, and we were only going to be play offs at best (I was one of those- guilty as charged, and WRONG), and now we are there too, but that dont mean we cant get caught ourselves, or that we should even consider resting on our laurels.

Fact: Not moaning, maximising our potential for promotion, because like everyone we want out of this ######* division

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Edson, I don't own my own house, I am not on the board, I do not own my own business, I do not have inherited wealth, I do not have a T-Shirt selling sideline or run an on line fanzine - ergo I am ******* skint due to being out of work for 7 years.
Yet you see yourself as the very person to be telling those who have made a success of their finances what they should be doing with their money.

With the credentials you've listed, I doubt very much if they see you as the ideal candidate to be acting as their financial advisor, to be honest.

You don't run an online fanzine? Well, no wonder you're skint, then, as we're all rolling in it and are just deciding where to holiday this year.

Actually, perhaps you could advise us. For someone so skint, your website makes an interesting read, so perhaps you could recommend one of the following holiday destinations, listed on your website.





Out of work for seven years and '******* skint', yet able to holiday abroad more than twice a year on average. Not a bad position to be in.

Sorry to poke my nose in and question how you spend your money, which is, of course, your own business and nothing to do with me, but you started it.

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Argue all you like!!

Fact : we have gone on an eleven match unbeaten run, and only battered a couple of teams.

Fact: We have won by the odd late goal in a lot of these

Fact: our strike force is weaker than most of the others fighting for promotion. Unlike our defence, which is the best- no contest!!

Fact: You will always concede no matter how good your defence, and unless you actually score, when you get chances this leads to defeats/draws

Fact: We had chances Saturday, be we failed as in a lot of situations to score. see above.

Fact: a seasoned loan/"veteran striker" might be exactly what we need to garantee promotion.

Fact: 11 match winning runs count for ##** all, if we dont get promotion. We had a 19 match unbeaten run last year, taken off us fairly easily by Wycome, and we're still in Div 2.

Oh yes, I'm not a moaner, just cos we lost on Saturday- I have felt cos our less than impressive strike force, could get us in trouble for a number of matches, and was one of those who thought we should get one in a while back.

We should be back to winning ways tomorrow, but the issue of underperforming strikers will remain.

Strengthen the side now, or take a chance it will be alright on the night???

Wait and see, oh look Swineden are now on a 9 match unbeaten run?

Its sensible to constantly improve a good squad and offload dead wood, and to constructively discuss this.

Not that long ago Plymuff and QPR were going to walk it, and we were only going to be play offs at best (I was one of those- guilty as charged, and WRONG), and now we are there too, but that dont mean we cant get caught ourselves, or that we should even consider resting on our laurels.

Fact: Not moaning, maximising our potential for promotion, because like everyone we want out of this ######* division

I tend to agree with your sentiment, that a 'fox in the box' type striker, qould have been a good purchase for us.

However, one fact that you haven't listed, is that the manager has had money to spend (and a lot of it) and has chosen to strengthen in other areas. I don't really see it as the responsibility of the board to cough up again now, just because DW chose not to address this situation with the money he has already been given.

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The thing is the majority of us were crying out for an out and out winger, we have now used that money on who I feel is capable of being a regular and brilliant asset to our team, thats Goodfellow. Wilson had the choice to either get a striker, attacking midfielder (then we find Wilkshire is the quality we need) or a winger. I would have chose a winger, but I opose to Wilsons choice of current starting midfielders.

We need a balanced midfield, this meaning Brown/ Roberts/ Goodfellow 2 of the 3 on the wings then two central midfielders in Doc/ Tins/ Wilkshire, any of the 3 in the middle.

We have won 11 in a row, we are, in the current position going up. We dont need to win the league to go up, but we do need to have a balanced side in order to win as many games as we can. I am a wilson supporter, he in my opinion has made a brilliant defence, but this season SOMETIMES he has not balanced the midfield out and in another of my opinions I think this is essencial for winning.

This tuesday is more important than saturday by far, we need to get back on winning terms, hopefully Wilson will play my prefered starting 11, which he has done many times in the 11 wins in a row and we can then hopefully put the pressure bak onto Plymouth.

I do however feel that our current strike force is OK. It isn't majic or class, but they will do for this division. If only we had Akinbiyi! I did have a dream the other night that he was playing for us once again which was a bit weird but hey, it was only a dream.

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Yet you see yourself as the very person to be telling those who have made a success of their finances what they should be doing with their money.

With the credentials you've listed, I doubt very much if they see you as the ideal candidate to be acting as their financial advisor, to be honest.

You don't run an online fanzine? Well, no wonder you're skint, then, as we're all rolling in it and are just deciding where to holiday this year.

Actually, perhaps you could advise us. For someone so skint, your website makes an interesting read, so perhaps you could recommend one of the following holiday destinations, listed on your website.





Out of work for seven years and '******* skint', yet able to holiday abroad more than twice a year on average. Not a bad position to be in.

Sorry to poke my nose in and question how you spend your money, which is, of course, your own business and nothing to do with me,  but you started it.

Oooh, ouch. He shoots, he scores. One-nil to the Edson methinks. :Laugh4:
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