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Guest Cider_Army

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Guest Cider_Army

I was worried that the fact we took such amazing support today would be overshadowed by a few morons. Was anyone aware of any trouble, I couldn;t make it due to work commitments and to be honest I'm glad, only because I couldn't face the trip back after a loss like that.

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I was held up in a jam not fer from the ground for about 30 minutes due to riot police and a half dozen horses blocking the road (by the blue ball pub). They were blocking entry to the road that ran along the back of the ground where the trams went along back into the city centre.

Didn't see what was happening but a large group of wednesday 'kids' were trying not too hard to get through.

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Guest BCFC Matt

There were a few incidents on leaving the ground on exiting the the stand, that was after the snowball fight.

Not sure about any other incidents though.

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Got held up for an hour in Sheffield after the game. Plenty of riot police rushing around not doing very much. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about - although having said that something may well have happened.

Weren't those silly little boys to our right funny? £17 is a waste of money when you don't actually watch the game and spend the whole time baying and making obscene gestures at us.

What was the official turn out from our lot? 24,000 is still astonishing considering their position. There must not be anything more interesting to do in Sheffield on a Saturday. Or should that be Wednesday? :D

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I heard somebody in ground say that Leeds fans and a group of blokes from Edinburgh were supposed to be teaming up with Sheffield Wednesdays "BOYS" to have a go at City.

How true, I haven't a clue :D but if it is, then there is some serious growing up needed to be done!!

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Got held up for an hour in Sheffield after the game. Plenty of riot police rushing around not doing very much. Couldn't see what all the fuss was about - although having said that something may well have happened.

Weren't those silly little boys to our right funny? £17 is a waste of money when you don't actually watch the game and spend the whole time baying and making obscene gestures at us.

What was the official turn out from our lot? 24,000 is still astonishing considering their position. There must not be anything more interesting to do in Sheffield on a Saturday. Or should that be Wednesday?  :D

We only paid £15 entry fee @ the turnstile. :D
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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

After the game a City fan told a wednesday to **** off and the copper replied 'shut up, we've already had too much trouble today'? Also those block too our right looked a bit dodgy! Couldn't help but think alot of trouble went on!

Anyone see anything in the Centre(brizzle)?

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Guest Topbuzz

From some "other websites" didnt sound like there was that much trouble yday mostly hype before the game and wednesday ran ..but the policing didnt seem to be spot on not much presence outside at the start of the game apart from some lanky one who looked like he'd be stretched ..wasnt impressed by there set up at all even the quieing for entry seemed a bit poor move over here now go back .

Be nice to get back down the gate ..and from the souroundings glad I'm not from the north

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Guest cidersam

As soon as i left the ground seen a few punches being thrown, there was some small fights but police soon came piling in to break it up!!

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Guest cidergeorge
Did anyone see that ##### ? And you wonder why the cops have a bad reputatuon.
Some poor lad walked into her horse, so he patted it and asked her if the horse was alright so she raised her baton and threatened him! Should have heard the stick she got.
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Guest Mr Scroobs

There were a couple of punch up's after the match on that road leading away from the Lepping Lane End - the police had it sorted though.......before the game there were problems near a home pub with apparently about 50 city supporters rounded up and herded into some kinda pound and kept hold of until the game started and I also heard that several supporters were turned away at the turnstiles for being drunk.......as for the queing at the start of the game there were still city supporters outside the ground at 3.20pm.

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After the game a City fan told a wednesday to **** off and the copper replied 'shut up, we've already had too much trouble today'?
There was organised inter-moron fighting at a pub on the Eastern outskirts of Sheffield before the game.
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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass
From some "other websites" didnt sound like there was that much trouble yday mostly hype before the game  and wednesday ran ..but the policing didnt seem to be spot on not much presence outside at the start of the game apart from some lanky one who looked like he'd be stretched ..wasnt impressed by there set up at all even the quieing for entry seemed a bit poor move over here now go back .

  Be nice to get back down the gate ..and from the souroundings glad I'm not from the north

What websites?
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Guest blue owl

You moan a lot your dont ya! :Cheeky20: dosnt matter where your from does it you always get a few trouble makers ...as to the fans on your right , normally their are normally alot more than that taking the (I tried to say a naughty word) of visiting fans,

the road behind leppings lane is always closed after the game

the trams are ###### and i dont use em!

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Guest Mickey Bells left foot

i got in as a child aswell despite nearly being 18 :D . same with buses into bristol me and my mate nearly always get on as childs we get some odd looks from bus drivers though.

i didnt see any trouble on the way back to the car which was parked in some dump of a street

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Guest blue owl
(normally their are normally alot more than that taking the (I tried to say a naughty word) of visiting fans,)

And that's good is it?

Why were they singing "what's it like to run at home?"  Apparantly THEY should know!

You amaze me one minute your slagging the trouble makers off then your stating that you city fans chased the owls fans ...double standards :D
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You amaze me one minute your slagging the trouble makers off then your stating that you city fans chased the owls fans ...double standards :D

Not double standards,just taking the (I tried to say a naughty word) out of that pathetic bunch of posing chavs ,there only to inspire fear and trepedation into visiting fans, until they run into a bunch slightly harder (admitedly not difficult)!

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I got a bus back to the train station which took 45 minutes.

There were hundreds of City running Wednesday down the high street. Pretty much constant fighting, shops closing, police horses charging down the street this all went on for at least half an hour.

The bus I was on was full of aggressive locals shouting "southern poofs/fairies" continually for the whole journey.

It got pretty nasty from my stance and I was worried for my safety on more than one occassion.

Definetly some of the worst trouble I've ever seen at a football match. At one stage a City lad ran at about 20 Wednesday hooligans who all legged it!

I can't have been the only eye-witness of this surely??

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.....superb, but what had that City lad been drinking?  :clap:  I saw more than a few City supporters fired up by all the aggressive jestures and chants directed at us from the 2 Wednesday upper tiers on either side of our Leppings Lane End.
Yeh, bloody nutters!

One utter muppet was hiding behind me walking out of the ground shouting "come on Sheffield"...I was like, are you trying to get me f(uckin) killed! :D

How did you find the Lower Lemmings Stand RG?

I proudly stood for the whole game :D

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i didnt see much trouble after the match,as me and my mates came out the ground we wanted to go left pass the players entrance,was refused by police we asked which way to get to the other side of the ground[there home end] which my car was parked by charlie browns .

police said to get to other side we needed togo right by the cctv van and that will take us there no chance i said to me mate thats heading into trouble .

so we turned left by the traffic lights and followed it straight round no problem.

as we crossed over by charlie browns i was on the mobile phone to my girlfriend as we were walking passed the traffic a bus full of wednesday scum was slowly going passed they were shouting abuse at us we were giving it back as well f### off you northen scum we shouted with our middle fingers raised,

they came back with GOING DOWN WITH THE SHEFFIELD which we had to laugh at.

when all this was going on i accidently cut my girlfriend of on the mobile she thought iwas caught up in trouble hearing me sware .

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below was posted on several hooligan forums


gipsy queen pub

10 miles away from hillsbrough 70 csf turn up at this pub then at 11:30ish 60 owls

lads arrive with bats bricks sticks ect, tooled right up ,

csf pile out the pub doors under a hail of missiles have it toe to toe with

them csf get the better of them, then they ran out of the pub car park across

the road on into an estate with about 40 csf in pursute. result for

the C.S.F. no question. so much so that the police held the

csf searched them then escorted them to the motorway and sent them home

but that was 70 out of a estimated 300 csf that was in sheffield

and nearly every pub had city lads in drinking, the lower teir was

mostly city's firm.

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