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Problems Noted From Yesterday

Guest Rob

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In this post i am not having a go and over reacting to one defeat in 13 i am just purely commenting on some problems which i noticed from yesterdays game.

Firstly i think we lacked pace throughout the whole team yesterday. Especially through the middle we were trying balls over the top and through balls in behind yet these were simply not working because we had too much of a muchness up the front in the two lee's. They were both too simliair yesterday and were dealt with by a strong wednesday backline. I feel that had we of seen Leroy Lita for however long he would have opened up some avenues.

Not only did we lack pace up front but also in midfield. We often broke away on counter attacks yet with no real pace or burst. Roberts' introduction was supposed to tackle this yet his work rate and determination leaves a lot to be desired.

Another point was Craig Woodman. He came on for Matty Hill who was playing very well who if had stayed on i feel we would not have left. Woody has come on heaps and bounds this season yet showed unexperience at the death then with the wednesday striker wuite happy to take the ball down into the corner flag and waste away the remaining time yet Woodman concedes a needless throw in which they score from. He should have simply jockeyed him down into the corner flag and won the ball back that way not give them an opportunity to expose our innabillity to defend crosses.

This is my final point. Did Steve Phillips come and claim a cross all afternoon? At times it was evident that he should be coming and claiming yet he just does not command his area well enough. That said, we had 4 defenders to the one attacker and should have dealt with it.

However, 1 defeat in 13 and if you had offered me that 13 games ago i would have snatched your hand off.

Did anyone else see these problems or does someone wish to differ?

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I agree with you on most of that , its a shame matty hill got injured because as soon as he went off we looked dodgy at the back. I would have liked to have seen lita come on because we lacked real pace throughout the team , apart from aaron brown who was for some reason playing in centre midfield for most of the second half.(Probably because wilson told him to??). I havent got a clue why he started with wilkshire on the right , i thought he had finally figured out a couple of months ago that wilkshire wasnt a right winger and thats why he bought goodfellow?? Tinnion was poor and maybe the run of games is a bit too much for him and we should give him a rest on tuesday and have wilko and tommy in the middle.

Tuesday is vital to our promotion campaign and we need to get right behind the lads from the start , and lets hope wilson doesnt keep the same team as yesterday.

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Its hard to criticise phillips for the goal.As for coming out for crosses keepers are in a no win situation ,if they come out and miss, the chances are a goal will be conceded,if they dont come out and leave defenders to deal with crosses they are critisised.I have no problem with any decisions made by our defenders or goalkeeper,after all the stats tell us based on goals conceded we are the best in the country

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Guest comeonyoureds

rob, i do agree with everything you've pointed out as me and my mates noticed the same things. especially the balls over the top with nobody able to run onto them or keep up with play when we broke forward. and also that phillips didnt come for any crosses, if wednesday had scored from that first header they put wide then it would probably have gone down as his fault.

wilson decided to give roberts a chance again yesturday and he didnt take it, although it is a decent arguement that he isnt a winger. perhaps wilson's decided not try goodfellow on the right anymore. but more pace is definately needed, so we may well see changes for wycombe.

yesturday and the run is now history, so while the achievments of the past few weeks should not be forgotten lets move on and get behind the team on tues to make sure they bounce back with another important 3 points, and I'm sure they will!

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

I agree, I'm in no way having a go at Wilson because the run we went on was magnificent and it will take a lot more than 1 loss for me to start calling for his head.

However, the game was crying out for Lita, up front Peacock and Miller were joint at the hip almost and none of them exploiting the huge gap in through the middle that Sheffield Wednesday were leaving.

We needed someone up front chasing down every single ball. Running around here there and everywhere just to get the ball.

Peacock and Miller for me are far too similar to play together. None of them are true out and out strikers for me. Ones that are in the right place at the right time and can get goals inside of the area from being in the right palce. Also none of them has any real pace.

Lita however, he seems to be everywhere when he comes on and his pace is fantastic. When a youngster comes on for thelast 10 minutes regulary and scores quite a few goals you have to slowly give him more and more time. Hes a youngster and i stil ldon't think he should start. However yesterday i thought he should of brought him on at least 20 minutes from the end, not only was the game crying out for him but he deserved a run out from his previous performances.

If i was a youngster and i have done so well in the last 10 mintes- 15 minutes of games and instead of getting more time at the end i got less, i would be fuming and it will absolutely kill my morale.

I'm just glad Lita has a strong will in him, cause i am a keen admirer of him and i think he has the potential to one day play Premiership football. we have to look after this kid and start giving him more of a game as he is hot and i think our answer to more goals.

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