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Only A Joke Lads

Guest swfc1867

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Guest swfc1867

but i found it funny after a city fan complained of feeling "Wobbly" at Hillsborough

Whoops i fear i have been a tad too unkind..he says he "felt a bit wobbly" how

come our stewards did not pick up on this... e.g..

Steward 1.."Ey Jim.. that Bristol lad looks a bit wobbly...can u sort it"?

Steward Jim "Excuse me sir but my workmate over there says you are looking a bit Wobbly..could you confirm"?

Bristol Fan "weell it is a bit a high up and there seem to be an inordinate amount of people in the stadium for a football match"

Steward jim "no Worries me lovely, this is normal for hillsboro' we do get crowds regularly above the 20'000 mark"

Bristol fan " surely thats not possible for a second division game "

Steward jim "calm down lad breath into this brown paper bag and hum a wurzels melody you'll be O.K in a Minute"

Bristol fan " I'm feelin' even wobblier"

Steward Jim.. "is that possible lad? i don't think "wobblier" is a precise medical term ...beggin' your pardon"

Bristol fan "ive come over all wobbly again"

Steward Jim "'Ang on me lovely i'll make you feel more at home...."BILL!! could you come over here and P*ss on this Bristol Lad ...he's a bit homesick!"

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Guest rednick_74

fair play, i hear sheff utd are (I tried to say a naughty word)ing all over you at the moment!!! sorry, different league, different class.. :D:D

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I'd have thought that you'd thank us for £85,000 towards your £27m Debt :D

On a serious note, good luck tomorrow night and well done to all of you for supporting your team through thick and thin........let's face it, there ain't been much thick!

In some ways I actually think the crowd works against you when the likes of Wycombe are in town.

Get your injured players back and,having had a look at your run in, you've still got an outside chance of the play offs.

On the basis of fans travelling the official figures show that we brought appx twice as many to Sheffield as you did to Ashton.

Our ground will hold 21,500 but the Old Bill make sure that 4,000 seats are empty for segregation which is highly OTT but we're working on that for the home games against Plymouth & QPR.

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Guest swfc1867

maybe you could give us twice as many tickets next time then mate :P ..bad news on the plymouth front though' lads Pieman pressman has been injured in training, so it looks like ooops ola tidman between the posts at home park, might be best to get a crate of cider and watch it on ceefax

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Steward Jim "'Ang on me lovely i'll make you feel more at home...."BILL!! could you come over here and P*ss on this Bristol Lad ...he's a bit homesick!"
The only reason he would need p**sing on is because it's always so bloody could Oop North :P

Does it ever get out of winter north of Birmingham??

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Guest swfc1867

Thats not cold mate...went up to Carlisle january midweek night for the ldv...now thats cold, besides if it had been a warm summer afternoon we'd have had even more of your lot up here askin' for pints o cider that nobody'd ever heard of

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maybe you could give us twice as many tickets next time then mate :P ..bad news on the plymouth front though' lads Pieman pressman has been injured in training, so it looks like ooops ola tidman between the posts at home park, might be best to get a crate of cider and watch it on ceefax
The East End or Away End holds 4,500 so don't come that old malarkey, you just couldn't sell them :D

Pity Pressman wasn't injured when we played you, that save from Tommy Doherty was World Class.

Still at home?

Not travelling again then :D

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cannot get the joke, but hats off to you SW fans who continue to support the club and turn out in great numbers to watch pretty rubbish football in Div 2 which this year is even worse then years gone by!

All I know is I have had my fill of it and am praying we escape up to div 1 this season.

You just have to think what man city did, who dropped down to this level, but bonce right back up.

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Guest swfc1867
The East End or Away End holds 4,500 so don't come that old malarkey, you just couldn't sell them :D

Pity Pressman wasn't injured when we played you, that save from Tommy Doherty was World Class.

Still at home?

Not travelling again then :D

Yea mate still at home..i find 30 hours ample time to relax in before settin' off for plymouth...you at Stockport yet? :P
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Thats not cold mate...went up to Carlisle january  midweek night for the ldv...now thats cold, besides if it had been a warm summer afternoon we'd have had even more of your lot up here askin' for pints o cider that nobody'd ever heard of
Well compared to the tropical tempatures we have down here, it was more than cold and too cold for me :P

As for the cider, I'd rather have that than a pint of head that always seems to be on offer Oop North :D

How do you manage to drink that dirty water anyway, it looks more like what has come out of my rear end after a good curry :P

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Guest swfc1867

Its an acquired taste tipps mate...i tried scrumpy once when i visited ..think it was called twerton park when the owls played Rovers in 91 i think it was..and can't remember a great deal of the game...if you're ###ttin' Stones bitteryou can come up here more regular...

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Its an acquired taste tipps mate...i tried scrumpy once when i visited ..think it was called twerton park when the owls played Rovers in 91 i think it was..and can't remember a great deal of the game...if you're ###ttin' Stones bitteryou can come up here more regular...
You actually drank something called Twerton Park :D , no wonder you had a bad experience. the place was full of #### back in the early 90's :clap:

They may have sorted it out by now :D

As for you wanting to drink my rear end wastage, I'm sure I could send you a bit up every week, but if you think I'm coming back up there without the promise of long-johns or a definate on global warming taking hold Oop there, you have another thing coming :D

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Guest RedwardsV1

Was it just me or was that Steward a bit... Camp?

#### Joke ne way... I guess we won't miss playing u next season, we'll be against their rivals though Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.

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Guest swfc1867

Oy tipps if your loose Bowel problem persists into next season and you do go up you'll be most welcome at bramall lane you can swap tips (Tipps) with Mr Warnock he has a similar problem..only its the verbal sort he suffers from

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Oy tipps if your loose Bowel problem persists into next season and you do go up you'll be most welcome at bramall lane you can swap tips  (Tipps) with Mr Warnock he has a similar problem..only its the verbal sort he suffers from
Fortunately, I don't seem to have contracted that verbal type yet, it must be a Northern condition, as I'm sure I've read a few of your lot saying that Chris Turner has the same condition.

So, do you want me to send you some free Northern beer up next week or no?

I'm thinking it'll be with a hint of chicken vindaloo this week :rolleyes:

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Guest O_Faz

I feel sorry for any Sheff Wed fan going on their official coaches to Plym tomorrow- they are leaving at 11.15am!

Seems a bit excessive, even if Plymouth is 1hr 30mins past us!

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Guest swfc1867
Fortunately, I don't seem to have contracted that verbal type yet, it must be a Northern condition, as I'm sure I've read a few of your lot saying that Chris Turner has the same condition.

So, do you want me to send you some free Northern beer up next week or no?

I'm thinking it'll be with a hint of chicken vindaloo this week  :rolleyes:

Hey tipps theres nowt wrong with turner ...this week....though' i might change me opinion come Wednesday Morning cos i'm allowed to be a hypocrite been a football fan an' all..and yes mate post me up some of your bowel movements i have a mate who works in a lab who may be interested in the movement of fans who take a decent following away when they have won 11 on the trot and are top o the league but tend to struggle with their movements when things go awry...copuld be ISB.......... irritable bristol syndrome
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Hey tipps theres nowt wrong with turner ...this week....though' i might change me opinion come Wednesday Morning cos i'm allowed to be a hypocrite been a football fan an' all..and yes mate post me up some of your bowel movements  i have a mate who works in a lab who may be interested in the movement of fans who take  a decent following away when they have won 11 on the trot and are top o the league but tend to struggle with their movements when things go awry...copuld be    ISB.......... irritable bristol syndrome
You'll have to drop me your address or should I just get it sent to Hillsborough to go along with the injured players you have :D

As for ISB, should it not be IBS?

The only reason we struggled with our movements on Saturday, was down to what I put originally.......... IT WAS TOO BLOODY COLD.

I was frozen to the spot, but there was no way I was staying Oop North any longer than I had too, especially when the only drink on offer was worse than my own poo :rolleyes:

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Guest swfc1867

indeed it should have been ibs tipps mate...i do apologise i got carried away with in the movement..any road up, we have had a couple of posts on the owls site from plymouth fans and they are hardly as much fun as your mob so heres hoping to do you a favour tomorrow, as i said earlier i had a few drinks with a couple of your lads on saturday and they were good company although promised to show in the pub after but gave it a miss, no prob there as i would probably have done the same, seeing the away end full on Saturday brought back happy memories as most fans have have hardly filled the middle section of the upper tier, if we do let ourselves and BCFC down tomorrow with tidman in the net i will do a runner and not post on here again..i must also say i have missed only 2 away games this year and posted on most of the clubs sites and must say it makes a refreshin' change to get an answer without havin' to wait a week...even if they are all taking the p*ss...top club Bristol C...good luck with the run in...

or just the runs tipps

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no worries SWFC - we try our best!! ha ha!

Thanks for ending our run, but continue yours though eh?!

Plymouth and QPR in my eyes are Shi+ scared, but hopefully your club will beat Swindon in the playoffs - even if everyone on your site was depressed about four days ago!

Reckon you can a pull of a win for us?!

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Would it be owlstalk that these pastymen have been posting on? If so, I'll be there in a minute to give them some Northern beer (poo).

It's a pleasure to have opposition fans that can come on here and feel that they don't have to throw insults about all the time.

Here's to the hope of you beating the bogie men from the back water of England and then you can keep posting on here.

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Guest swfc1867

Honest mate i thought we were lucky against your lot on saturday...i was p*ssed off cos of the display against blackpool midweek...me kids 14 and i'd promised him a trip to Cardiff, the team turned up and played ###te...ive followed the Owls home and away for 35 years and was gutted...it was all down to Tidman in the net...if he's there tomorrow it'll take a bloody miracle, the blokes a bag of nerves

pressman although a little overweight (as you lot kept reminding him)...is still more than good enuff for this division, but apparently has injured himself while reachin' for a swiss roll...i'll settle for a point....you should stuff wycombe

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Guest eggdaps
:rolleyes: Do you mean the rugby team Bristol? As far as I am aware, we are Bristol City fans. We are also known as City fans but NOT Bristol fans - shows a little ignorance - it would be like calling you a Sheffield fan when there are in fact two teams in Sheffield (apparently, one of them slightly better than the other). :D
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Guest eggdaps
I think i posted Bristol C maybe you could get your mum to read it back?
:rolleyes: OK you may have mentioned city once but then followed with Bristol.

Hope you stuff Plymuff tomorrow anyway! :D

PS me mum has read it back and agreew with me!

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Guest swfc1867

well mate no-one wil ever know cos it means scrollin' up, and we all know thats physically impossible...

p.s i'm glad you get on with your mother

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Guest blue owl
Would it be owlstalk that these pastymen have been posting on? If so, I'll be there in a minute to give them some Northern beer (poo).

It's a pleasure to have opposition fans that can come on here and feel that they don't have to throw insults about all the time.

Here's to the hope of you beating the bogie men from the back water of England and then you can keep posting on here.

How can you honestly say that .....your beer is foookin awful....SSSD
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How can you honestly say that .....your beer is foookin awful....SSSD
But at least we get a full pint of liquid, not half a pint of liquid and half a pint of head :rolleyes:

No matter how enjoyable it would be in reality :D

And what the hell does SSSD stand for? or are you trying to mimic a snake :P

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