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Strikers And Corners!


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First of all I just read this on the Finisher Needed thread - "We should start with Miller-Lita and build a partnership for the future and NOT renew Lee Peacocks contract! " I have never read such b*llocks in my life. Do you actually watch any of the games mate?? Lee P was great on Saturday, After Tommy D he was our best player in my view. He won almost everything in the air, chased, hassled the defenders, held up the ball well, the front 2 arent scoring because in general the service to them is poor. He's missed a few good chances, as has Miller and Lita but they havent had the service. Peacock has to drop deep just to get a touch of the ball, so its impossible for him to be in the area when, (more like if) a decent ball happens to come in. He's a loser either way, if he does nowt and gets in the box and waits, he's slated, he works hard every game and drops deep yet still morons like the kn*b who's quote I have used above say his contract shouldnt be renewed! Lita is not a good enough footballer yet to start, he is far more effective when coming on against tiring defenders. Lee Peacock in my eyes is our best striker, gives 100% all the time and never gives the opposition back 4 a break. He holds up play well and his and Miller's running and movement off the ball creat space for Aaron and if ever we have a right sider, him too. A lot of people on here fail to see what our players offer the team off the ball, before you moan about them, try having a proper look instead of ball watching all the time!

Finally,The Corners are appauling. Every corner in the last 12 games has been exactly the same, we score from 1 of them, the rest go straight to the keeper. Wether its Brown or Wilkshire every one they take is cr*p.

Is any spelling is wrong I'm in a rush!

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Don't forget what division our players are in.If they were top quality and could produce telling crosses and corners most of the time they probably wouldn't be at City.

You have make allowances and try to understand that not all players can cross like Beckham.

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Yep, and Leapy the wonderful along with Tins, Butler, and Mickey Bell are the senior pros on the squad, and if they see its #### tell the other players, the the service is ######, and they, as the squad can all work on it. Mickey aint playing, Butler is not the player he was, and Tins from all accounts is needing a rest. I also think Peacock works his butt off, but not at the stikers role, see comment above. He is massively the most experienced striker we have, and if its wrong for him (as in he cant work with Robbo, so Robbo aint playing) he can as I said above get it changed to suit his game. Are you saying our team aint good enough for Leapys "standards" then?.

If hes that good, and he is out of contract at the end of this season, how come no-one has come a sniffin? A la Goat, and I beleive Wayney when he left?

Nah you n me will have to disagree on Leapy, I'm afraid. Dont now, never did, and never will rate him. we paid £550,000 too much for him.

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