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Stockport (a)- Singing Area

Percy Parrot

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FAO the usual lot who sing our hearts out at away games. WHERE are you going for Stockport?

Last season most people went under cover.

The covered area DOES have better acoustics because of the roof...BUT I still think behind the goal would be best this time around.

I say this because

a) the seated area will be mostly older people (like at Brentford)

b) there will be more of us going this season I expect, so more behind the goal

c) it's cheaper behind the goal. Folk like me are counting the pennies and so I think more young people will be there.

d) We will have our usual spot- behind goal, centre.

Chris, Dave, others who are among the 'noisier elements of away support' reply so myself and everyone else knows where to go on Sat.


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Drums arn't permitted at stockport, the open stand won't eb open until the covered is full. I know that the covered is more expensivre but to mae a noise it is better to be in there and if you think we arn't going to take more than 1,200 I wouldn't think so it's going to only be 300 or so in the uncovered

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so Percy, whats wrong with "older" people.  You can be over 20 and still support BCFC away.  In 25 years time you'll be there as well, and won't take too kindly to some newcomer questioning your support !!
dude, you misunderstand me.

A fan can be 1 year old or 101 years old. Any City fan is a City fan. Some are young, some are old. Some are white, some are black. Some go to all the games, some only go every 10 or so years. Every City fan is a fan, and most of the older fans have supported this club far longer than I have. I take my hat off to you all.

I didn't mean to sound offensive towards "older" supporters- but I think most people will agree that 'older fans' TEND to be quieter. Not everyone wants to wear club colours, jump up and down and sing all game. Which is fine. I also appreciate that some older fans sing loads and some younger fans don't at all.

I was simply making a rather generalised statement. Please don't take offence.

Incase I have offended anyone who considers themselves "an older fan" (come on, own up!) I officially commend you all and take my hat off to you. Well done. Up the City!

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a very gracious response.

Cant be there tonight ( I also work in London), but will be there on saturday. You'll recognise me because I'll be waving my walking stick, and will have my hearing aid on full blast !!

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