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Ali G Meets Danny W


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Found this a while ago from Danny's time at Sheffield Weds, but thought it might bring a few laughs at the moment. A short extract of the "interview" is copied below - enjoy!

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Ali G: Recognise! I is 'ere with me man, Danny Wilson, uw is de manager of Sheffield Wenzdee Fu'baw Club. Tell me then, Danny, is it fair ta say that Sheffield Wenzdee is sh!t?

Danny Wilson: No, I don't think it's fair to say that at all. We had a bad start to the season but we've started to improve recently.

AG: But you is bot'om of de Premium League.

DW: Actually, we're off the bottom now.

AG: You mean dere is someone worse dan Sheffield Wenzdee?! Uw is it? Is it East Wick?

DW: If East Wick has a team, they're certainly not at our level.

AG: Is it Slough? I sometimes go down ta Slough Town with me posse. Dey're a bit ######.

DW: It's Watford actually.

AG: Wa'fud?! Ya mean Wa'fud is bot'om of de Premium League? So, if it wasn't for Wa'fud, you would be really ######, right?

DW: Something like that, I guess.

:Party27: :Party27: :Party27:

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