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I Get The Impression

Guest frogred

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Guest frogred

That there are 3 views re-Mr Wilson

1)He must go

2)He must stay

3)He must stay because we can't afford to sack him

Well that's it then 3 more years to look forward to

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Guest frogred
What about - If we don`t get promoted then he should go then.

Good point, But, If we can't afford now how will we afford it then?

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Good point, But, If we can't afford now how will we afford it then?

Good to see you're starting to see the wider picture.

I agree with Robbored.

Less of his contract to pay up at the end of the season which is why it'd be cheaper.

I think Danny would know when to walk anyway to be honest. Which certainly isn't now before anyone makes that comment.

Having said that the Sheff Wed situation didn't look on him that favourably.

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Now theres a surprise, the two biggest happy clappies in cahoots

There was a time,not so long ago,that I was constantly being accused of being "negative".

Now, when I'm trying to be more positve I get a accused of being "Happy clappy" and in cahoots with Phatwill.

I'll have you know that Phatwill and I have had several disagreemnets over the lifespan of this forum and its not true that we are in league.Its just that Phatwill has at last come around to my way of thinking...... :(

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Just HOW BAD has this all gotta get before you finally come back from planet la la?

How bad as what got to get?

City in 9th place, 7 points from the top spot, lost only 3 games in 17.......good grief! anyone would think that City were losing every week and propping up the league.

It will get better - just wait and see.

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Guest frogred

How bad as what got to get?

City in 9th place, 7 points from the top spot, lost only 3 games in 17.......good grief! anyone would think that City were losing every week and propping up the league.

It will get better - just wait and see.

Was it you or phatwill who said:-"Danny will turn it around, He's done it before and he'll do it again and it'll start with a win against Sheff weds".

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How bad as what got to get?

Do you really need me to re cap?

Time to leave the fairies behind (just for a few moments)

**************WELCOME TO REALITY ZONE**************

FACT 1: GOALS win GAMES - We aint scoring

FACT 2: CHANCES (sometimes) = GOALS - We aint creating

FACT 3: OUR 'style' of play is predictable, boring and punchless

FACT 4: We have a MANAGER who is proving incapable of turning it round

add to the equation

FACT 5: dwindling gates (<9,000 last time, how many v Barnsley?)

I have NEVER felt more this-illusioned with so many things at the club EVER

I suspect I aint the only one

**********YOU ARE NOW LEAVING REALITY ZONE**************

have a nice day

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:) Yes it can and will get better, IF, and only IF, the squad is improved and tweaked.

I have been around a long time and watched many City promotion years, and relegation years. ( Since 68) You soon can tell if you have what it takes to do well. This current crop are OK Not good, not bad, just average. I think that is reflected in our mid table posistion which is where we will stay.

However, the powers that be must see this, and again it is about tweaking what we have. I will say we should perhaps move one on (Coles ??) and use the funds to pay for pacey attacking quality so that balls are being whipped in from dangerous area's not what we are seeing now that is hopeful balls from deep posistions. We are simply not hurting the opposistion.

My argument is that if the right offer comes in for Coles we can cover his loss with an abundance of talent at the back ( Carey in the middle, Amankwah, Burnell where he should play, Jones at Cheltenham, Hill, Woodman and so on ) The season is not over yet. We are lucky it is relatively poor and do not have a wigan type side to contend with. On that point, that Wigan team last year is a bench mark really. How many City players would have got into that side ??? :(

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City in 9th place, 7 points from the top spot, lost only 3 games in 17.......good grief! anyone would think that City were losing every week and propping up the league.

It will get better - just wait and see.

Was it you or phatwill who said:-"Danny will turn it around, He's done it before and he'll do it again and it'll start with a win against Sheff weds".

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Guest frogred
:)  Yes it can and will get better, IF, and only IF, the squad is improved and tweaked.

I have been around a long time and watched many  City promotion years, and relegation years.  ( Since 68) You soon can tell if you have what it takes to do well.  This current crop are OK  Not good, not bad, just average.  I think that is reflected in our mid table posistion which is where we will stay.

However, the powers that be must see this, and again it is about tweaking what we have. I will say we should perhaps move one on  (Coles ??) and use the funds to pay for pacey attacking quality so that balls are being whipped in from dangerous area's not what we are seeing now that is hopeful balls from deep posistions.  We are simply not hurting the opposistion.

My argument is that if the right offer comes in for Coles we can cover his loss with an abundance of talent at the back ( Carey in the middle, Amankwah, Burnell where he should play, Jones at Cheltenham, Hill, Woodman and so on )  The season is not over yet.  We are lucky it is relatively poor and do not have a wigan type side to contend with.  On that point, that Wigan team last year is a bench mark really.  How many City players would have got into that side ???  :(

I'm sorry DT, I would'nt give Wilson a penny more to spend, He has already wasted over £600,000 this season on 2 less than average players.

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To Robbored and Phatwill

Just HOW BAD has this all gotta get before you finally come back from planet la la?

Pure hilarity!

I've just come back from the pub but christ what a ridiculous statement!

Can't say I've ever agreed with much of what robbored has ever said but at least he is now talking some sense!

Yes, you're right lets sack Danny Wilson and plunge BCFC into financial ruin! What a great idea! Thank God you're not in charge of my beloved club

I would use a swear word here but I've already been warned twice, sufficed to say you're comments are baffling though!

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Danny would never walk away, there's only one way he'll be gone before 2005 and that's if we sack him.

Hmmm...I think if it came to the crunch he would walk.

Think we'll make the play-offs this season but if we make auto that'd be a fantastic achievement...

The crunch will come if we make the play-offs again and don't go up fRED.


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Wake up and smell the coffee, YOU have the monopoly on comedy here

Believe me if you like or not BUT YOU and your new found trusty sidekick are in the minority

Adios you joker

1. Fair enough, naturally I am a very funny person.

2. SHEEP. So anyone jumps, you say how high?

3. Cheers me dears.


PS - Your web site is ###### and only gets 7 hits a day.

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True Will :Party3:

If we don't go up then the squad will go through some big changes during the off-season. Will the board trust Wilson with such a big job?

It really doesn't matter what happens this season, if we don't go up, or reach the play-offs or finish below 6th, I believe that Wilson will not walk.

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Talking sense as always fRED! :D

I believe that if we finish below 6th then fan pressure will send Wilson out.

However, even if we fail at the play-off stage I think DW may well get next season because of the contract that he is on!


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You really are a clown, not to laugh with, but to laugh at

Which was the point I was making. The irony was wasted on you

On another point I have a poll running at the moment in the poll section, asking fans you gauge their worth in the clubs eyes from 1-10

How much do you feel valued by the club at the moment? 1-10 (10 being the best)

Care to be our first vote over 7? or is it 10? Happy Clapper

not impresive is it?

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You really are a clown, not to laugh with, but to laugh at

Which was the point I was making. The irony was wasted on you

On another point I have a poll running at the moment in the poll section, asking fans you gauge their worth in the clubs eyes from 1-10

How much do you feel valued by the club at the moment? 1-10 (10 being the best)

Care to be our first vote over 7? or is it 10? Happy Clapper

not impresive is it?

1) Sorry don't see the irony anywhere? Was it the bit about me and robbored? If so as I pointed out, you are very wrong and it was me being ironic.

2) Look at you, running your own poll on the internet! Knock yourself out but I think there was an offical one run by the club via Gatepost that I will take more notice of thanks anyway!

3) I voted for 10 just to annoy you but to be honest as an exile the ticketing arrangements make me angry sometimes. The players are also frustrating me at the moment with their feeble performances. Other than that I have no doubts whatsoever that the club value its supporters a great deal.

Unless you are a recluse?

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So this is what it comes down to?

Bickering between ourselves, trying to score points and make the wittiest comments?

What is it that the Wilson bashers can't take - that there are a lot of us out there who happen to believe that things are not as bad as it seems? That we have faith in a manager and the club to turn things around?

Regardless of events on the pitch, get used to the fact that Wilson will be here until at least the new year.

What is posting constant negative rhetoric about Wilson being given his marching orders going to achieve, apart from causing a lot of friction and aggravation amongst the fans and possibly undermining the confidence of the team?

I have no objection to constructive criticism of the team's performance, but PLEASE can we get off the broken record regarding Wilson's tenure and his ability to manage - it is worthless, divisive and positively boring.

Put the knives away until January because Wilson will be manager until 2004 at the earliest.


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Reply to SimplyRed


Bickering is pointless, but when anyone insults anything to do with BCFC I'm afraid I take it personally.

I was there on Boxing Day at Brentford in one of Tony Pulis' last games as manager. I'll tell you, that was poor football.

:PC_Plod: Editted AGAIN for bad language :PC_Plod:

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Bickering is pointless, but when anyone insults anything to do with BCFC I'm afraid I take it personally.

I know what you mean - I feel the same way and the target of my anger was not you.

I'm just getting a little frustrated at the constant negative rhetoric spouted about DW and his management style.

I have always tried to be polite, constructive and avoid personal remarks but it's getting harder all the time!


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Hmmm...I think if it came to the crunch he would walk.

I'm sure I read a quote from Danny somewhere that he would never get to the stage where he felt he couldn't do a job and have to resign. Either he gets pushed or he's here till 2005 methinks.

....and Phatwill, with all due respect, and I am in NO WAY questioning your commitment to the club in making this point: with the way your life is currently panning out, I understand you only sparingly get the chance to watch City and are therefore spared the week-in/week-out 'uninspired' performances that we are forced to live with. I put forward the suggestion that if you had to watch this rubbish as often as some of us 'have to' (yes I know we have a choice but addiction blah blah blah) you wouldn't be quite so vociferous in your defence of Mr Wilson. He really is sucking the enjoyment out of this particular City fan.

As I say, I don't wish to start a "I'm a better City fan cos I attend more matches" argument as I understand your current situation, I am just saying that maybe those that unarguably witness more 'performances' are possibly in a better position to argue against the current abilities of our manager.

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I was there on Boxing Day at Brentford in one of Tony Pulis' last games as manager. I'll tell you, that was ###### football.

Don't worry, I've been to several City games this season where the performance level has been very similar if not worse! I'm sure you'll get the oppurtunity to as well before the season is out wink.gif

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The sad reality for us and our club is that we are doing no better or worse than we have for the most part of its existance.Even when we had a current England international in the team we still played the likes of Plymouth,Swansea,Port Vale,Brentford & the like more often than the "real" bigboys.

I was fortunate in witnessing the Dicks era and our brief but memorable rubbing shoulders period.Certainly there were a few calls for his head along the way,but it was recognised that although a new face may give a temporary lift, the clubs dynamics would remain pretty much the same.

That remains true today with D.W. I do believe he recognises this season as his make or break with us,the pulisite period has been flushed out of the system & he has now a team that really is his.Good enough so far? Probably not,the fortunate thing about this division this year does seem to be its truly mediocre standard.It reminds me of a 10,000m race with all the runners bunched together just going through the motions,all doing just enough to stay with the pack,all waiting for the bell and the last lap.

I truly hope he can take us that step forward for I think that if he does'nt he will be added to a very long list of previous managers who all thought they too would find success easier to come-by at Ashton gate.

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For what its worth, heres my view.

1. The team is underperforming hugely. Only a worse than usual division is keeping us in touch with the top. OK we only have QPR conceding less goals, but (I may be wrong) only Chesterfraud have scored less goals- this is good then? We have almost as many red cards so far as we had all last season, usually a sign of a frustrated team :D

2. The managers job is to turn it around. He said it would after Plymouth, then we got the Wycombe game, and it doesnt really seem to have improved massively, does it? :Rage:

3. If it doesnt turn round, the manager should walk. Well in an ideal world- see below!!! :Costumed19:

4. Danny aint going to walk, unless a bigger club comes in, cos he's on a bloody good deal here. See below :D

5. No bigger club is going to come in on this seasons dismal performance, cos lets be honest can you see a massive improvement before Xmas :(

6. How long can City afford to indulge this joke before we make the decision. the gate was down Saturday, and if we don't win Sunday, it'll drop more. And remember FA Cups produce upsets, and this shower aint playing well... :D

7. Yes we have only lost 3 games, so therefore we havent had our usual January slump, which could take us close to the relegation dogfight- remember Rovers, finishing 3rd one year, and relegation the next, after selling the stars....hmmmm familiar story so far... :angry:

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....and Phatwill, with all due respect, and I am in NO WAY questioning your commitment to the club in making this point: with the way your life is currently panning out, I understand you only sparingly get the chance to watch City and are therefore spared the week-in/week-out 'uninspired' performances that we are forced to live with. I put forward the suggestion that if you had to watch this rubbish as often as some of us 'have to' (yes I know we have a choice but addiction blah blah blah) you wouldn't be quite so vociferous in your defence of Mr Wilson. He really is sucking the enjoyment out of this particular City fan.

Thanks Madger for sheading some light on this.

The missing part of the puzzle now fits into place

Now I don't know the circumstances, and quite frankly I don't care, the fact is you aren't at games regularly (it appears)

How do you see fit to pass comment (one way or the other) when you aren't witnessing it? Are you relying on 2nd hand information, Chinese Whispers?

Or just swallowing the copious amounts of junk that is served as reasons/excuses by the club, most Mondays after yet another woeful performance?

It's becoming clear(er) - the reasoning behind your ill informed BLIND faith

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How bad as what got to get?

City in 9th place, 7 points from the top spot, lost only 3 games in 17.......good grief! anyone would think that City were losing every week and propping up the league.

It will get better - just wait and see.

But we've won very little, were not looking to be doing "ok", were looking to top the table.

Also the league is so much more open this season and if it hadnt of opened up we'd probably be mid table and looking to stuggle to get back up there.

Also lets face it... we used to score alot of goals and now were struggling

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