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I've just read that Basso played tonight with a significant injury which makes his performance tonight even more remarkable.Two stunning saves,the second from his own defender gave City the points.He did the same against Brighton and kept the Blackpool fiasco down to 'acceptable' levels.

And yet some City fans still see him as a clown who over dramatises saves and who can't kick or handle crosses.

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To be fair he also almost gave away a goal with a horrendous kicking mistake, and one of the 'stunning' saves he made came from a shot that happened after he dropped a clanger with a bad punch. I don't know how much this affects our hap-hazard defending inside our own penalty area but it can't help.

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I've just read that Basso played tonight with a significant injury which makes his performance tonight even more remarkable.Two stunning saves,the second from his own defender gave City the points.He did the same against Brighton and kept the Blackpool fiasco down to 'acceptable' levels.

And yet some City fans still see him as a clown who over dramatises saves and who can't kick or handle crosses.

Agreed. He made ONE mistake with a miscued kick which many gave him stick for. Otherwise he played very well and has quietened a few down on here.

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I've just read that Basso played tonight with a significant injury which makes his performance tonight even more remarkable.Two stunning saves,the second from his own defender gave City the points.He did the same against Brighton and kept the Blackpool fiasco down to 'acceptable' levels.

And yet some City fans still see him as a clown who over dramatises saves and who can't kick or handle crosses.

You rarely see injury prone goalkeepers but he certainly seems to be one. He's a decent keeper but thats about it. Just cant believe how often he seems to be injured.

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Saviour or clown?

Both, surely!

He's prone to those inexplicable moments, but also pulls off some blinding saves. The one dodgy kick was a moment that had me wincing, but I think it's harsh to criticize him for punching shortly before one of his wonder saves.

But it's worth also noting that he commanded his area well, coming out very quickly to take the ball near the edge of the box on one occasion as a striker tried to get onto a through ball.

He had a good game at Tranmere too. If he can eradicate those one-off moments of madness then he will be a truly top level keeper. Phillips managed to do it after a series of clangers that make Basso look positively stable, and I see no reason why Basso can't do the same as he gains experience with us.

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Saviour or clown?

Both, surely!

He's prone to those inexplicable moments, but also pulls off some blinding saves. The one dodgy kick was a moment that had me wincing, but I think it's harsh to criticize him for punching shortly before one of his wonder saves.

But it's worth also noting that he commanded his area well, coming out very quickly to take the ball near the edge of the box on one occasion as a striker tried to get onto a through ball.

He had a good game at Tranmere too. If he can eradicate those one-off moments of madness then he will be a truly top level keeper. Phillips managed to do it after a series of clangers that make Basso look positively stable, and I see no reason why Basso can't do the same as he gains experience with us.

Surely you are not implying Philips is a top level keeper and yet playign for the Gas, unless you meant he was a top level non-league keeper, as that is where he will soon be playing with th rovers. :w00t:

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Surely you are not implying Philips is a top level keeper and yet playign for the Gas, unless you meant he was a top level non-league keeper, as that is where he will soon be playing with th rovers. :w00t:

Phillips is a League One keeper or higher in ability, but a Conference level keeper in attitude.

Basso seems to have a good attitude, and is not only a better shotstopper than Phillips (who is himself a decent shotstopper) but also commands his box with more authority. Unlike some, I don't have a problem with his preference on occasions to punch, and I think he is far more willing to come off the line to get the ball than Phillips was.

If you offered me a straight choice of one or the other, I'd take Basso every time.

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Hes eratic and most the time just pisses about rather than making routine clearances..

But some of the saves today and last week other keepers in this division just wouldnt have saved.

Hes sorted himself out after the horror show at Cheltenham so we should thank him for the moment.

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The blinding save, and it was excellent, came directly after a cross he should really have taken with ease did it not?

He's too erratic for my liking, not a quality I want in a keeper, and he nearly gave away a goal out of nothing tonight.

He has moments of brilliance but for me they're more than counter balanced by the madcap incidents and mistakes that cost us.

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To be fair he also almost gave away a goal with a horrendous kicking mistake, and one of the 'stunning' saves he made came from a shot that happened after he dropped a clanger with a bad punch. I don't know how much this affects our hap-hazard defending inside our own penalty area but it can't help.

I have to agree with that he still messes around to much.But hey weale be here soon just hope hes better.

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The best tactical move GJ made last night was getting the sub keeper to warm up in from of Basso - he certainly seemed to play better after that.

I didn't know he was carrying an injury into the match but I did notice that he seemed only moments away from being subsituted at the start of the 2nd half. He did seem to be in some discomfort and the coach went behind the goal to have words with him and he was constantly signalling to the bench.

This coincided with Orient's revival, they started to trouble us, maybe they realised he was injured and tried to make it pay. With the help of the ref they almost managed it too.

I don't think the move by GJ was tactical, more out of necessity. Still it worked though. :)

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The blinding save, and it was excellent, came directly after a cross he should really have taken with ease did it not?

Err... no it didn't...it came from a cross where he was whacked by a defender and really should have had a free kick..

He's too erratic for my liking, not a quality I want in a keeper, and he nearly gave away a goal out of nothing tonight.

You are right, a stable keeper who is rubbish is a much better bet..

He has moments of brilliance but for me they're more than counter balanced by the madcap incidents and mistakes that cost us.

So, the mistakes cost us and the moments of brilliance save us..surely that is the stability you are after?

Why can people just not get off the lads back, he's the best thing down here on and off the field

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Err... no it didn't...it came from a cross where he was whacked by a defender and really should have had a free kick..

Looked to me like had he gone in with more conviction it would have been an easy take. Not seen the replay though.

You are right, a stable keeper who is rubbish is a much better bet..

I can't remember saying such a thing but I'd prefer a stable rubbish keeper over an erratic poor keeper. It at least allows the defence to predict what he'll do.

So, the mistakes cost us and the moments of brilliance save us..surely that is the stability you are after?

No it's not stability, it's the very definition of erratic. He makes horrendous cock ups and then pulls of blinding saves, what we need is a keeper who doesn't make horrendous cock ups and if the trade off for that is that he only makes decent and the odd very good save then that would be a massive improvement in my opinion.

Why can people just not get off the lads back, he's the best thing down here on and off the field

What are you on about? Commenting on what you think of his ability/performances on an internet forum he probably can't even read is not getting on his back, and I have never got on a player's back at a game.

Perhaps you should just accept that people can disagree with you.

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I had defended him up until the Cheltenham game where he produced one of the worst goalkeeping displays i have ever seen but since then he has laernt and improved. Against Tranmere on Friday he was brilliant and i cant remember one mistake from that night.

Last night he pulled of a couple of excellent saves similar to the one he made infront of the away fans at Tranmere and was also very close to saving the penalty from my view.

I will be glad when Weale is fit because then we will have two very good keepers pushing each other for the No.1 shirt.

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Guest Grandad48

You rarely see injury prone goalkeepers but he certainly seems to be one. He's a decent keeper but thats about it. Just cant believe how often he seems to be injured.

If you can't have a go at him for being a clown you want to have a go at him for being Injury Prone, I don't know what is a matter with you.

For a so called injury prone goalkeeper how many games has he missed ?

Lets face it you either like him or you don't , Personally I am 200% happier with him in goal than I was with Steve Phillips, and I for one likes him long live AB

He is a character and all sports need there characters in the game otherise where would we be,

Bruce Grobbelar, in football , Ian Botham and Fred Truman in Cricket, every sport has or has had one lets hope it stays that way.

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Looked to me like had he gone in with more conviction it would have been an easy take. Not seen the replay though.

I can't remember saying such a thing but I'd prefer a stable rubbish keeper over an erratic poor keeper. It at least allows the defence to predict what he'll do.

No it's not stability, it's the very definition of erratic. He makes horrendous cock ups and then pulls of blinding saves, what we need is a keeper who doesn't make horrendous cock ups and if the trade off for that is that he only makes decent and the odd very good save then that would be a massive improvement in my opinion.

What are you on about? Commenting on what you think of his ability/performances on an internet forum he probably can't even read is not getting on his back, and I have never got on a player's back at a game.

Perhaps you should just accept that people can disagree with you.

So you're saying you want a keeper who is a great shot stopper, commands his box and is good on crosses, first problem with that is such a keeper would almost certainly leave us sooner rather than later, second is that goalkeepers at any level are rarely good at everything and are famously eccentric. Personally I don't think there is much in it ability wise (Philips/Basso), I thought Philips had a suspect attitude, and I think Basso has a better one. I also don't buy the argument that Basso unsettles the defence, it is for the defence to protect him not vice versa. We would definately have lost last night without him, even with a five man defence.

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To be fair he also almost gave away a goal with a horrendous kicking mistake,

From an equally horrendous back pass from Carey I think it was.

He is prone to making terrible errors but he often makes up for them with blinding saves. It's entertaining to watch and he's doing a decent job before Weale takes over as no 1.

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So you're saying you want a keeper who is a great shot stopper, commands his box and is good on crosses, first problem with that is such a keeper would almost certainly leave us sooner rather than later, second is that goalkeepers at any level are rarely good at everything and are famously eccentric.

No I'm not saying that, though of course I'd love a keeper that good. What I want is a keeper who does the basics - kicking, simple saves, takes simple crosses - consistently, and I'd take one of those over a keeper who does the basics inconsistently but throws in the odd save they shouldn't really make. Eccentricity isn't a trait of goalkeepers IMO, it's just a trait of some of them.

Personally I don't think there is much in it ability wise (Philips/Basso), I thought Philips had a suspect attitude, and I think Basso has a better one. I also don't buy the argument that Basso unsettles the defence, it is for the defence to protect him not vice versa. We would definately have lost last night without him, even with a five man defence.

The defence need to know what to expect, they need to have an understanding of when the keeper is likely to come for a ball or not, and they need to know when the keeper will be comfortable with a back pass or not - things like that. The more erratic the keeper the harder that understanding is to develop and as a consequence the less confidence they can have in the keeper, or more correctly stated the less confidence they can have in their understanding of what the keeper will do.

Basso certainly has a much better attitude than Phillips but though that is very important I don't think his technical ability is any better, in fact I think in a number of areas it's worse. Opinions are like ass holes though :)

From an equally horrendous back pass from Carey I think it was.

He is prone to making terrible errors but he often makes up for them with blinding saves. It's entertaining to watch and he's doing a decent job before Weale takes over as no 1.

He had enough time to take three or four touches if he really needed them though, he wasn't under pressure when he miskicked.

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He had enough time to take three or four touches if he really needed them though, he wasn't under pressure when he miskicked.

Nevertheless, he was carrying an injury, it was on his left peg, travelling at pace and bobbling all over the place. I'm no fan of Basso but I'm happy to let him off with that one, he did well last night.

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Guest Ivan_is_a_legend

I've just read that Basso played tonight with a significant injury which makes his performance tonight even more remarkable.Two stunning saves,the second from his own defender gave City the points.He did the same against Brighton and kept the Blackpool fiasco down to 'acceptable' levels.

And yet some City fans still see him as a clown who over dramatises saves and who can't kick or handle crosses.

i have never been a big basso fan, but that was because of the errors he made which has cost us in the past. he has always been a great shot stopper, but he needed to cut the needless/pointless mistakes out his game.

touch wood, it appears he has now done this, and has been one of our star players for the last few matches. if he keeps this form up, i would be more than happy to see him continue between the sticks even when weale is fit.

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