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East End Trial


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Anyone else think Steve L is dodging the east end issue? seems to be at least 2 threads on that board that are still yet to be replied to, but all other threads are getting replies! Why is he ignoring it? Surely a simple, "we're thinking about it" answer would be better than just purely ignoring it.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Well as he's said no numerous timesmaybe ignoring the question is the best way of resolving it. THat is fair enough I suppose, there are more important things right now than the East End, although I would probably get a season ticket if we were allowed in there

THis must be something taken up at the "fans Forum" I suppose

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disappointing for it not even to be ackowledged. While I appreciate it takes time to read and respond to such posts just a "we're thinking about it", "no" or "yes" would be good.

It is of course possible that they are trying to get it on and are simply waiting for a firm 'yes' before a reply is written. But a "we're working on it" would be appreciated.

I even went to the trouble of thinking it through myself and pointing out probable away figures for the game.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

It wont be a yes though, the cost of having an extra turnstile open would cause us to go into administration by the sound of it

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

When the appalling football, coupled with the terrible atmosphere drive season ticket sales down by half maybe the club will open it then as an incentive.

Untill then a day at City will continue to be drab for the many that can't get space in the overpopulated H block

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would it be too sceptical to suggest that...someone is deliberately trying to wait before an answer is given in order to take the "sting" out of it and to reduce the momentum. After the humiliation of Swindon, Sheff Wed and Southampton PROVING that there is NO atmosphere at Ashton Gate outside the East End there was a definite swing behind the movement again?

Not saying that is the case but you do wonder. For the time being lets give the club the benefit of the doubt. Surely sooner or later someone will have 10 seconds to post 'sorry no' or 'yes'?

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Exaclty that's what I was thinking. I didn't go in the east end cos I thuoght, new season here's hoping for a renewed atmosphere, but i was wrong! It does seem to get worse week by week so really wanna try out the east end. I think more and more people are warming to the idea of the east end, so more time they leave it the more support it will have cos more and more people will be getting fed up with the current atmos.

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