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10 Games To Go........

Guest bristolbred

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:cool: then lose to either Swindon or Brighton in the first play off! A season just like last year!
The happys will condemn ya!!! :cool:

If Swinedead dont get auto guess who we'll get in the final, another bloody rival aaaaaaaarghhhhh!! ;)

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;) then lose to either Swindon or Brighton in the first play off! A season just like last year!
cchhrriisstt,up early aintcha?You been thinking about this all night?

We might go up to! we might you know! See Steve L's quote on west country negativity.

"The happys will condemn ya!!! "....mmm...the whiff of faction...If at end of season we havn't gone up THEN I'll moan..till then...

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;) then lose to either Swindon or Brighton in the first play off! A season just like last year!

What a wonderfully positive attitude. We can only hope that the players don't hold a similar frame of mind.


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In our new run of 11 consecative wins :D Up the footbal league we go :D Swindon :cool:  Brighton :cool:  havent we already beaten those no hopers this season :D

You gotta have faith or no hope and you have no hope :D

agreed, but see that there painting of the Light Brigade: wonderful example of two things-

1) wonderful heroism, of the finest kind, by the troopers going to hell, and if they were lucky (a few) back again.

2) Crass stupidity in believing the Ivans wouldnt be there, and that they would be alright, and ignoring a few troops who foresaw disaster, most of whom died trying to save the massacre happening. :D

For further examples, please see Afrika Korps, and Alam Halfa, Red Army and 3rd battle for Kharkov, and the French at Dien Pen Phu, in particular :)

The point, mindless optimism leads to excessive hopes being built up merely to be shattered as reality kicks in. Dont pan people for having realistic hopes as opposed to somewhat unrealistic ambitions. and boy will some people turn on DW if we ##** from this point, and beleive me it wont be the realists among us, it'll be the disillusioned happy clappys baying for blood. ;)

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Guest bemmyred
:blink: then lose to either Swindon or Brighton in the first play off! A season just like last year!

Somebody from my own heart!!!

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Guest little un
then lose to either Swindon or Brighton in the first play off! A season just like last year!
Good to know everyone is feeling so positive. :Sleep12:

This positive attitude is going to lift the team. :Sleep12:

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. Dont pan people for having realistic hopes as opposed to somewhat unrealistic ambitions. and boy will some people turn on DW if we ##** from this point, and beleive me it wont be the realists among us, it'll be the disillusioned happy clappys baying for blood. :blink:
I didn't pan anyone.A couple of us pointed out that as we have already beaten both these teams ......Whatever.cant be bothered with all this again bucks red.

The sig was in responce to a post by Bristol Boy along the lines of ###### it lets go!!

It also appeals to something deep in our souls,but not yours ,obviously.

Thanks for the critique though and the History lesson.most illuminating :clap:

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I haven't got unrealistic ambitions.

BRISTOL CITY in division one.

Cex twice a day.

A pint of thatchers that refills itself.

Perfect surf every time i go to cornwall.

Warm " " " " " " " .

Being able to surf.

A day with midland red in the Cotswolds.(with a bucket of grease).

A milkman that delivers bottles of Katy.

Free liver tranplants in the pub.

Elvis Dolman greeting me with a pleasentry.

CITY fans singing louder when CITY are losing.

Mrs. Spot not shouting at me for being online.

Babe Spot never fighting with Little Spot.

Greased piglets with grip.

rovers struggling for four years in basement league.

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at the risk of being slated for being a "Happy Clappy" -

City can still do it - the team are still positive so why not try it??? :P

Being positive is IMO a better state of mind to be in - I enjoy watching city play, I prefer it if we win obviously, but just like supporting them, through good and bad. Will have the odd moan about lack of goals, poor performance etc, but whatever division we are in next season I'll be back (as will all of you).

I will keep my positive attitude until it is impossible for us to go up - if that happens! :blink:

until then Glos Boy - Happy Clappy Land - keep it going because I certainly prefer it there it Doom & Gloom Land :o:o


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Having faith and confidence is not mindless optimism :o What is your reality? mine is that we are capable of beating anyone in this league? are we or are we not? and certainly believe we will go up this year :o

How can it be realistic that we will fall at the first hurdle and lose to Swindle & Brighton WHEN WE HAVE ALREADY BEATEN THEM :blink:

I will not give up hope of the championship until there is none, or of winning the next 2,4,6,8,10 games; who knows though this is Bristol City anything COULD happen and probably will.

One life, one team

  :clap:  :clap:  :cool:

Nor is mine gloom and doom, based on solid runs of our season. We have not played well all season, we are incapable of killing a game off in 90% of cases.

The only decent team we have solidly beaten is Brighton, and yeah we beat Swinedead, but during periods of that game we were under the cosh. And the team with the best run after we lost ours Swinedead, and they lost theirs to PlyMOUTH, tell me who'd we lose ours to, Wednesday, not exactly lighting up the division are they, and everyone was saying it'd be 3 points at the time.

Also 1 point out of 6 from Wycombe (24th), and 3 off Stockport (23rd) aint promotion form. I have also seen the worst ever performance by a City side in 20 years, that ###### performance at Wycombe. Not many sides promoted play as bad as we did that night, and I hear it was bad at Wrexham, at home to Peterboro, poor again to Wycombe.

Potentially this team is one of the two best teams, but has hardly lived up to its billing. We haul dowm the pasties, and cocknies, overtake em, and now we're back in 3rd. I have said since December Automatic is the only way city will escape, play-offs, we are ###### and Swinedead are the worst possible team for us to draw then.

Cardiff- 6 points out of 6 for us last season, remind me who is in Division 1, out of us.

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