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I'm Soo Sorry

Guest whitey_03

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Guest whitey_03

This post is for all the lads who who are planning to play on the Sunday against the Scotland team.

Unfortunately my mates have pulled out this game at the last minute, and have left me to pick up the pieces!! They are not willing to play with a 10:30am K.O. but they havent took into consideration what it means to me and you lot!!

I am so so sorry that we can not fullfill our game, and special apologises to Edson ( Huw ) how made a unexpected trip to the game!!

I hate myself for having been the spearhead of this idea, because now I know all the players expecting a game will vent there fury in my direction, which I probably deserve, but seriously its out of my hands!!

I want to say sorry to Grannyjoy, who has worked tirelessly for us, Edson for a trip for nothing, guys like Matty Tom & Sean who have worked hard arranging teams, and also Tommy who has went through all the trouble of arranging a pitch etc!!

I am at the stage of pulling out, as they have made me look foolish, and built up expectations when they had no intentions of going through with it!!

I hope you can forgive me, but if not I fully understand

From a very sorry Scotsman,

Rob :blink::clap::clap::cool::o:o:o:D:D:D

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Guest BCFC Matt

Damn! :clap::clap:

I am at the stage of pulling out, as they have made me look foolish, and built up expectations when they had no intentions of going through with it!!

Your quite welcome to come along on and play still if you wish, I'm sure we'll still manage a to have a game between us forumers - i hope. :blink:

Cheers for letting us know though, so much for the scots beating the english!!

So its purely down to the early K.O time that the lads wont play, if yes, I'm sure we can arrange to move the k.o time back and play on the downs or something, get back to me asap?

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Whitey no problem my friend i know what its like to have organised some thing with other people then mates let me down last minute.

Hope you have a good time down here still and go out and get even more wrecked on saturday!!

I'm sure we will find 2 teams to play each other so don't worry about the pitch.

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I am so so sorry that we can not fullfill our game, and special apologises to Edson ( Huw ) how made a unexpected trip to the game!!

I may never recover from the disappointment.

Tell you what, give me a bell on Saturday and we'll meet up before the Oldham game, when you can buy me several pints to try and ease me through the traumatic effect this news has had on me.

I'll still come along if there's going to be a game of some description on Sunday. If you still want to come, but don't have transport, let me know, Rab, and I'll pick you up.


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Didn't know much about this game; was hopefully coming to have a gander.

If I can get a pass out, might be able to play as it is local for me if you need players and are still going ahead.

After all, I need the practice :blink:

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Another pass ???  :clap:  - wanna swap wives Neo ??  :blink:
Don't think i'll have 1 soon!

Still trying to find a way to bring up the Port Vale and Swindon tickets I bought yesterday.

Undergoing major house changes at moment and she has got me down as working every Saturday from now until May. She'll be lucky to even see see me on a Saturday for the next few weeks! :clap:

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Guest BCFC Matt
Whitey, don't take this in the wrong manner.. BUT

The more I think about this, the more it doesn't add up!!

We've all known the kick off time since the begining of the week, sometime around 14th March and you have been 'well up for it' as so have the rest of the guys coming down with you. So I don't quite understand whats changed - okay 10.30am is early, but not 'that' early.  :blink:

Surely if your mates are letting you down then you need to explain to them that they will be letting down around 15 -20 others who have arranged the pitch, teams, kit (Joy) and generally 'made' this happen. I'm disapointed at the outcombe as I've been looking forward to it all week  :cool:

I hope you reconsider this as its taken time and effort for a lot of people to make it happen. I wouldn't like to think its because of better events happening the night before the match  :clap:

Whitey, any chance of a reply.....surely you can persuade the lads to play, like Tom said, a lot of effort as gone in on both parts and surely you cna make them see it from a different perspcetive?

Get back asap, becuase we're in a state of confusion! :clap:

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Guest RussRed

If there is any match of any description goin ahead i'll still be there? even if everybody goes for a kick-a-bout if you cant make up the teams it should be a good laugh

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Honestly boys, we will still get 2 full teams and more probaly, i know what its like to be told by a load of friends one thing then last minute they all get together and let you down.

Its not his faught, lets just look forward to a game with eachother, we can't lose then :blink:

I got someone else to come, and can get another 2 or 3 in minutes if neccesary.

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Guest Grannyjoy

Come on guys, please don't be too hard on the Scottish boy's. :blink:

Especially not Whitey

I don't think the boys realised that the game would be early Sunday morning, and by the time they did it was too late to move kick off back.

Also the whole purpose of this trip was to watch City on the Saturday, and go out on the town , with Lee to celebrate hopefully a City win, but mainly their pals success.

Think on how you would feel the morning after such a special get together :clap:

I feel just as dissapointed as you do, after meeting so many of you last weekend, but please don't make me eat my words about how friendly the Bristol City Supporters are, by being hostile towards them, should you see them at the game.

I have read a lot on this Forum about racial comments against Christian Roberts for being Welsh, and although I normally would'nt bring it up, Lee has also encountered some similar stupidity for being Scottish. I am proud to say he did not rise to it, and the friendlyness of the majority more than made up for it.

I am convinced that the true City supporters are above all that, and will treat the boys in the same way I have always been treated on my visits to Ashton Gate, with friendship, good humour and a mutual respect unique to lovers of the, "Beautiful Game".

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Guest BCFC Matt
Come on guys,  please don't be too hard on the Scottish boy's. :blink:

Especially not Whitey

I don't think the boys realised that the game would be early Sunday morning, and by the time they did it was too late to move kick off back.

Also the whole purpose of this trip was to watch City on the Saturday, and go out on the town , with Lee to celebrate hopefully a City win, but mainly their pals success.

Think on how you would feel the morning after such a special get together    :clap:

I feel just as dissapointed as you do, after meeting so many of you last weekend, but please don't make me eat my words about how friendly the Bristol City Supporters are, by being hostile towards them, should you see them at the game.

I have read a lot on this Forum about racial comments against Christian Roberts for being Welsh, and although I normally would'nt bring it up, Lee has also encountered some similar stupidity for being Scottish.  I am proud to say he did not rise to it, and the friendlyness of the majority more than made up for it.

I am convinced that the true City supporters are above all that, and will treat the boys in the same way I have always been treated on my visits to Ashton Gate, with friendship, good humour and a mutual respect unique to lovers of the, "Beautiful Game".

I dont think we were meaning to sound hostile Gran. :cool:

We may hav been able to book another pitch for a later k.o time, but we have heard nothing. :clap:

Thanks for infroming us and i hope the lads have a great weekend at the mighty Ashton Gate, and of course, down town!


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Guest whitey_03

Sorry lads for not being in contact, but i was at college yesterday and was at football training last night so havent had a chance to check out the forum.

As i said previously the boys have backed out, because they cant see themselves being in any fit state to run around a football pitch.

I read Toms theory about it not adding up, am sorry Tom but the lads were all up for this game, but it is all my fault as I thought they knew the kick off was half past 10, although I didnt realsie until Wednesday no one knew the kick off time and when I told them I was met with a few choice words and a few disgusted friends. As soon as one said they werent going to play then a few followed and by the end of the night I was left with three players for definate, which wouldnt have made for a good game. I know we could have pulled in a few other players from the forum but i defeated the purpose of a Scotland vs England match. I was so gutted to have to tell all you lads about it i stayed off the forum fearing the worse in reply, which has been confirmed alittle with some of the replies. I am at the stage of questioning how we will be received when we do go to the game if anyone realises who we are!! The talk of spitting, eggs etc may all be just harmless ribbing from the guys, but not knowing what to expect at the moment, hearing things like this doesnt exactly fill me up with good feeling.

I can only apologise again for what has happened, and as i mentioned in the original post the names of the people my apology is most directed at.

I hope we wont be looked at as hate figures in anyway due to this game! :blink:

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I hope we wont be looked at as hate figures in anyway due to this game! :blink:
Don't worry about it mate.

As long as you enjoy the weekend that is what really matters.

As I said in an earlier post, the weather forecast for this weekend is pretty horendous and my colleague, who runs a local team, has told me that he expects most local games to be called off.

Are there plans for the Scottish/English lads to go for a pint before the game? If so what pub?

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Didn't know much about this game; was hopefully coming to have a gander.

If I can get a pass out, might be able to play as it is local for me if you need players and are still going ahead.

After all, I need the practice  :blink:

It's like I never spoke!

Will be decorating the house instead now :clap:

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Guest whitey_03

Don't worry about the replies, I think some of them - mine included - we perhaps born out of frustration.

By all means if you can get three of you down to play, then do so - we have managed to get more of the official team out for the game so with three of you added we should make up the numbers easily.

Also check your PM box about tomorrow and pre match drinkies  :clap:


I have check my inbox and you will have a pm later today RE drinkies etc.

I have just got a message about the game, telling me to bring my boots down anyway. I am going to mention to a few of the boys who were still willing to play, and see if they still want to play, but its worth a try, even if its just to stop all your hard work going to waste.

As tompo has kindly posted are the parks going to be playable? I am going to speak to the 2 other lads willing to play, and see if I can salvage something.

As for posts out of frustration its ok i understand, it was just a bit worrying when someone them became a little dodgy, which led me to believe we might not be received well at all at the game!

Thanks for being understanding all, its much appreciated :blink:

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Just hope you and your mates enjoy the City v Oldham game, we get a win and Lee M plays and scores - then enjoy the hospitality of Bristol on a Saturday night! Don't worry about it - you'll all have fun :blink::clap::clap:

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Guest whitey_03

Just hope you and your mates enjoy the City v Oldham game, we get a win and Lee M plays and scores - then enjoy the hospitality of Bristol on a Saturday night!  Don't worry about it - you'll all have fun  :blink:  :clap:  :clap:

Cheers Bobby, its post like this that remind me why we have been so excited about coming down the game in the first place.
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As for posts out of frustration its ok i understand, it was just a bit worrying when someone them became a little dodgy, which led me to believe we might not be received well at all at the game!

Naa, you'll be fine just remember to cheer for the 'City'

Moan about Danny Wilson & his team selection etc

Nobody will Know :blink:

Oh........ and mineral water for our lads Miller & Peacock :clap: on the big night out

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Guest BCFC Matt

Whitey, you have nothing to be sorry for.... i understand your situation and it isnt a massive deal, dont worry about it!

If i see/hear you in the eastend, ill come over for a chat!

Enjoy the game, enjoy the night life, and enjoy the lasses! :P

Your still quite welcome to come along to the game, no matter how few of you there are.

If i dont see you guys, then i hope you have an enjoyable weekend!


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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Whitey without your suggestion for a game i we allwouldn't be playing another game against eachother Sunday at all. So it because of you we are having another game, i enjoy them a lot so thankyou for maij git all happen!!!

Enjoy the game and let hope Super Lee will start and bang loads in with Lita were due to hammer someone maybe you could be our lucky incentives!!

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Guest whitey_03
Whitey, you have nothing to be sorry for.... i understand your situation and it isnt a massive deal, dont worry about it!

If i see/hear you in the eastend, ill come over for a chat!

Enjoy the game, enjoy the night life, and enjoy the lasses! :P

Your still quite welcome to come along to the game, no matter how few of you there are.

If i dont see you guys, then i hope you have an enjoyable weekend!



Cheers mate means alot to know that all can be forgiven.

I am going to try and get Lee to bring me down to the game, even if it is half way through, but I'm going to try and get there at some point.

Lets hope we meet up yeah,


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Guest BCFC Matt

Cheers mate means alot to know that all can be forgiven.

I am going to try and get Lee to bring me down to the game, even if it is half way through, but I'm going to try and get there at some point.

Lets hope we meet up yeah,


Yeh, that'd be cool mate....

Maybe see you Saturday or Sunday then!

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Guest whitey_03
Tell yer old mucker tae get in, and fill his boots Saturday, with a few of his own folks shouting for him!!! You Reeeeeeeeeeds!! :blink:
I'm sure he will put on a performace with the boys there, lets just hope he gets the chance, he started on the bench last game, which might mean another start from the bench this time!! I hope not because Lita & Miller is a partnership to unlock Oldham and ram home a few goals!!

But it all comes down to what Danny sees fit to do, and thats usually the thinhg you least expect I gather!

Miller + Lita from the start = Good Win For City ( I wonder if Danny failed maths, or wasnt good at working out simple equations )

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I'm sure he will put on a performace with the boys there, lets just hope he gets the chance, he started on the bench last game, which might mean another start from the bench this time!! I hope not because Lita & Miller is a partnership to unlock Oldham and ram home a few goals!!

But it all comes down to what Danny sees fit to do, and thats usually the thinhg you least expect I gather!

Miller + Lita from the start = Good Win For City ( I wonder if Danny failed maths, or wasnt good at working out simple equations )

True unfortunatley, but I start to like his style. me father in law a Dudee fan rated him, and although I wernt sure to start with the longer the season has gone on, he should be a starter, and I'd like to see him with Robbo too, cos I reckon there could be a good partnership. Robbo is a little selfish at the mo, but with a regular run, could prove to be a good team there. Whats his chances in the full Scottish squad?
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Whitey, don't be worried about coming down. I'm sure all the negative remarks weren't serious, just our Bristolian sense of humour!

I hope you have a great weekend that is successful in every way! :blink:

I expect people will think more of you for coming on here and being honest. Let us know what you think of Bristol! :clap:

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Guest whitey_03
True unfortunatley, but I start to like his style. me father in law a Dudee fan rated him, and although I wernt sure to start with the longer the season has gone on, he should be a starter, and I'd like to see him with Robbo too, cos I reckon there could be a good partnership. Robbo is a little selfish at the mo, but with a regular run, could prove to be a good team there. Whats his chances in the full Scottish squad?
Glad to see he has changed your mind towards him.

I heard he played some of his best stuff up front with Robbo, but i dont think it would matter who he played with be it Lita or Robbo, if given the chance with either he would begin to play to his full potential, and also be setting up a fearsome partnership.

As for the Scotland squad, he would need to establish himself in the 21's squad again, but Ranier Bonhoff hasnt took much interest since his move South, or since he pulled out the Portugal training camp to help Falkirk win the league, only for all Falkirks games during the Portugal training camp to be cancelled, which meant he missed two weeks in Portugal for nothing.

REDM thanks for you words of comfort, I am sure we will enjoy the weekend, its just that i felt a few people maybe annoyed that i built up the game only to pull out sudden, but I had to tell the boys, it wouldnt have been right if come Sunday we just didnt turn up. At least this way there seems to be a game going ahead, which me and Lee are going to try and come see.

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If its any consolation, all games on Bristol City Council pitches are off tomorrow (and probably Sunday) so the chances are the Imps ground would be off too.

Have a brilliant weekend and hope to meet up with some of you.

Are you going for a pint before the match tomorrow?

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Guest whitey_03
If its any consolation, all games on  Bristol City Council pitches are off tomorrow (and probably Sunday) so the chances are the Imps ground would be off too.

Have a brilliant weekend and hope to meet up with some of you.

Are you going for a pint before the match tomorrow?

Yeah ill post where we will be later mate, I'm in talks with Edson on where he wants to go for a pint, or a few!!

That is a little bit of consolation, means if the parks are off Tommy gets his money back or doesnt need to pay!!

Cant wait, ill be on the plane in about 5 hours time!! Excitement

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Whitey/ Grannyjoy: I read an earlier post on this thread saying that Lee had some abuse for being a Scot. I found this really upsetting. I hope he realises that this isn't the view of the majority. I don't know what he has done to deserve this. He hasn't been here very long but he always gives 110%. I feel really ashamed that he had to encounter this.

I don't really know why Roberts gets it either, perhaps people feel he has been here a while which entitles them to give an opinion. And by insulting his birthplace is one of the most insulting things you can say?

Hopefully it is something that people are becoming less tolerent of.

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Whitey/ Grannyjoy: I read an earlier post on this thread saying that Lee had some abuse for being a Scot. I found this really upsetting. I hope he realises that this isn't the view of the majority. I don't know what he has done to deserve this. He hasn't been here very long but he always gives 110%. I feel really ashamed that he had to encounter this.

I don't really know why Roberts gets it either, perhaps people feel he has been here a while which entitles them to give an opinion. And by insulting his birthplace is one of the most insulting things you can say?

Hopefully it is something that people are becoming less tolerent of.

REd M, spot on post, I'm married to a Jock, and I'm a white african, dont like that stuff meself...


Bring on Robbo, and wee man Miller, and intae em lads, you know you can!!!! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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