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Marigolds Purchased

Guest Neo

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Just went to Lidl and purchased 6 packs of Yellow Marigolds; as said in earlier post; 2 pairs in each for 66p (plus 3p for the carrier bag!).

They even do different sizes; medium and large; so the kids can join in!

Have tested for inflatability. The large ones inflate quite large, however, string needed as tying a knot is not really practical. As I won't be able to wait, will bring a couple of testers in the East End for the QPR game!

Best thing about the my first visit to Lidl is I was verbally abused by a Waynetta Slob wannabe, complete with figure-hugging track-suit; she was even accompanied by a fake burberry clad munter who was wearing more gold than Mr T.

There I was, looking up the aisles with my shirt and tie on and works pass attached to my trousers as usual when I heard:-

"eh, wers the trellis you ad in las nite. U promised derr wud be some left".

I retorted with "sorry, I don't work here; just buying something"

"why de firk u got a baj on for then, stupid tosir?"

I simply had to laugh as she then attempted to storm out the shop and couldn't work out how to lift the handle on the barrier of the closed check-out.

So, a good purchase and a show! :blink:

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Guest jairob

The only thing you yellow gloved people are going to bring to the club is a huge amount of embaressment. This whole facade has been done and done a million times before inflatable toys and marigold gloves....what next......condoms. Getting behind the team and singing for the City is great but the gloves..... a pathetic childish attempt to get on sport am ....... please.

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The only thing you yellow gloved people are going to bring to the club is a huge amount of embaressment. This whole facade has been done and done a million times before inflatable toys and marigold gloves....what next......condoms. Getting behind the team and singing for the City is great but the gloves..... a pathetic childish attempt to get on sport am ....... please.
Well, that's predictable.

The foul language and verbal abuse towards me got deleted on your thread and here you are picking on the first available post to throw your toys out just a bit more.

:Cool27: :Cool27: may help you lighten up?

I was going to suggest condoms actually, however, I used all the ribbed ones up decorating the house for my son's birthday :clap:

As for pathetic and childish; pot, kettle, black?

As for "getting behind the team is great"; it's apparent from your other post that you are firmly not in that category.

How come you can press the full-stop button so many times, yet still cannot find the <Enter> key? :blink:

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Neo Posted on Mar 18 2004, 02:01 PM

  Just went to Lidl and purchased 6 packs of Yellow Marigolds; as said in earlier post; 2 pairs in each for 66p (plus 3p for the carrier bag!).

They even do different sizes; medium and large; so the kids can join in!

THats the spirit :Wave:

jairob Posted on Mar 18 2004, 02:17 PM

  The only thing you yellow gloved people are going to bring to the club is a huge amount of embaressment. This whole facade has been done and done a million times before inflatable toys and marigold gloves....what next......condoms.


Thats not :blink::clap::clap:

a pathetic childish attempt to get on sport am ....... please

Incorrect :cool::o

I now know why you're so anti NEO as you're obviously upset at his criticism of your typing skills on your topic. Hope Danny and the players don't react in a similar

fashion. With all the criticism they get. There wouldn't be enough rattles in ENGLAND for them to throw out of their prams

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Just went to Lidl and purchased 6 packs of Yellow Marigolds; as said in earlier post; 2 pairs in each for 66p (plus 3p for the carrier bag!).

They even do different sizes; medium and large; so the kids can join in! 

Have tested for inflatability.  The large ones inflate quite large, however, string needed as tying a knot is not really practical.  As I won't be able to wait, will bring a couple of testers in the East End for the QPR game!

Best thing about the my first visit to Lidl is I was verbally abused by a Waynetta Slob wannabe, complete with figure-hugging track-suit; she was even accompanied by a fake burberry clad munter who was wearing more gold than Mr T.

There I was, looking up the aisles with my shirt and tie on and works pass attached to my trousers as usual when I heard:-

"eh, wers the trellis you ad in las nite.  U promised derr wud be some left".

I retorted with "sorry, I don't work here; just buying something"

"why de firk u got a baj on for then, stupid tosir?"

I simply had to laugh as she then attempted to storm out the shop and couldn't work out how to lift the handle on the barrier of the closed check-out.

So, a good purchase and a show!  :clap:

Was she looking for 'Braaaaaann' Trellis? :blink: (that's Brown in cockney accent, if not obvious)
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Guest comeonyoureds
a pathetic childish attempt to get on sport am ....... please.
dont you mean soccer am???

also whats the harm in people wanting to have a bit of fun while watching football,

in my opinion it will add to the occasion and make the atmosphere better!

dont worry you dont have to join in, stay in the williams and keep quiet like i expect you normally do!

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The only thing you yellow gloved people are going to bring to the club is a huge amount of embaressment. This whole facade has been done and done a million times before inflatable toys and marigold gloves....what next......condoms. Getting behind the team and singing for the City is great but the gloves..... a pathetic childish attempt to get on sport am ....... please.
Bet you never owned a huge inflatable banana then ??

Largest one (oeerr Mrs) I ever did see was at Notts Forest away (cup game if memory serves )

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Was she looking for 'Braaaaaann' Trellis?  :blink: (that's Brown in cockney accent, if not obvious)
Not sure. She certainly wasn't happy that she might have to go and pay for proper shelving :clap:
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full marks and respect to neo for seeing that what we do is try to and bring a fun element into our away days. as for JAIROB we don"t need to be told its been done before, most things have, but city doing it on swindles patch in promotion year will be a day to look back on and remember. so come on jairob get yourself down to nettos and get some yellow marigolds, i"ll meet you in there you know it makes sense.

yours waiting at nettos midland red.

:blink: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Party12:

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Guest Uncle Ern
If jairob is a Cardiff fan on the wind up, then I suggest he/she/it hides that email address quickly!!
Enrol him on dubious sites !!!
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Guest jairob

I have no beef with anyone on the forum. I was just adding an opinion. I do have a problem however with being labled as sitting in the williams, I have supported and defended city, up and down the country for over 20 years and sit there for a proper view of the game. I challenge anyone to say i am not passionate as anyone who knows me will know I have more than enough pride and passion for my club. How many of you have lived and worked in both Cardiff and south London and worn your city pin day in, day out sometimes under abuse of our also passionate rivals. Stop assuming.

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I have no beef with anyone on the forum. I was just adding an opinion. I do have a problem however with being labled as sitting in the williams, I have supported and defended city, up and down the country for over 20 years and sit there for a proper view of the game. I challenge anyone to say i am not passionate as anyone who knows me will know I have more than enough pride and passion for my club. How many of you have lived and worked in both Cardiff and south London and worn your city pin day in, day out sometimes under abuse of our also passionate rivals. Stop assuming.
Fair play.

I have stopped my immature bit (for today), so say welcome to a fellow fan :clap:

Good to hear you have no beef with anybody; I was getting a bit sheepish :clap:

(oops :blink: )

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But I hope you don't wear it in Lidl, or people will think you work there  :clap:
Too true CiderEagle.

I think I was only spared a few sovereign ring imprints because she had me down as a shelf-stacker.

A little pin on your coat and your management a la McDonalds. The last thing you would see before you were unconcious on the floor would be a purple "Campri" embossed fore-arm :blink:

This labelling of people is all wrong you know. But when you see people bringing in their own cupboard boxes from the boot of their 82 Sierra 4x4 to save the 3p carrier bag charge, you have to do it! :clap:

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Guest out of harms way

Hey Jairob, it must be tough having to wear that pin all day - total commitment eh! You need to go read Old Spot's eloquent prose on what Subbings all about and lighten up mate! I suggest one or two evenings dressed up in a frilly dress, few pints of Natch, wearing your marigolds should get you in the right frame of mind for Swindon away.

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I suggest one or two evenings dressed up in a frilly dress, few pints of Natch, wearing your marigolds should get you in the right frame of mind for Swindon away.

Sounds like a good night out, who's organising it?

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Guest out of harms way

Malagros organised a few such events for the humour-challenged in WsM - all of which were a rip-roaring success. I also think he has a few spare dresses. He's your man to get it going!

:blink::clap::clap: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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Basically I think all this marigold behaviour is fantastic......

and I want in!

I am now going to make the effort to get some marigold washing up gloves and look for you on the Stratton Bank. :blink:

Which Lidl did yo get em from, the one in Bemmy? 66p sounds like a bargain, way cheaper than jonnys n all.

Well done subbers,


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Which Lidl did yo get em from, the one in Bemmy? 66p sounds like a bargain, way cheaper than jonnys n all.

I did get them in the Lidl's in Bemmy; just down from the McDonalds before the railway bridge (presume this is the only one in Bemmy area?).

They had loads left on the right hand side wall as you walk in. Remember your cardboard box though if you are buying lots :blink:

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Guest out of harms way

I had a dream of a sea of floating marigolds on string - stretching across the whole end - so i set about to see if i filled the glove with helium and then tied the end off, and attached a bit of string - we could have them dancin above us whilst we sang and danced.

Unfortuntely, it didn't work! :cool:

:blink::clap::clap: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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Guest Uncle Ern
I had a dream of a sea of floating marigolds on string - stretching across the whole end - so i set about to see if i filled the glove with helium and then tied the end off, and attached a bit of string - we could have them dancin above us whilst we sang and danced.

Unfortuntely, it didn't work! :cool:

:blink:  :clap:  :clap:  :Wave:  :Wave:  :Wave:

What were you smoking ??? :Cool27: :Cool27: :Wave: :Wave:
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So you get 4 for 66p. That equates to one for 16.5p.

THERE IS NO EXCUSE GET YOURS NOW :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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So can we repeat something stoopid for the QPR match? Buy then the yellow gloves will be so passe (daaahling)

Start a topic asking for suggestions. I know its late but shouldn't the east end do something for saturday, something easy?

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Jairob, lighten up, mate, its only a bunch opf nutters avin a laugh!!! If it lightens the team up, to help em score, win and get promoted, let em!! :blink::clap::clap:

Personally think its brilliantly subversive!! The dibbles, and other supporters wont have a ######* clue!! :cool::o:o

builds an East end spirit among the fans too!! :o:D:D

Good luck with it I say!! :D;):D

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The W.DP. or E.P. ripped into a million pieces and thrown in the air would look good for a second :clap:
It'll look good if enough done it.

What about confetti or ored and white "ticker tape" (is that what is't called)?

We have to do something; QPR is going to be the first game with a large away following since the East end opened and the city fans in the East end in particular will have a massive part to play in creating a hostile atmosphere and united front from the off!

I'm actually starting to wish my life away; can't wait for QPR :PC_Plod: :Costumed19: :Party3: :clap::blink:

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