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whats happening to MY TEAM


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The title of your thread should have been changed to "What is happening to my CLUB?".

In thirty years of supporting City I have never known the fanbase so divided - to the point that various factions wanted to fight one another yesterday. Some of the management of this club is appalling in my view. Bristol Boy made an interesting comment that if we don't get promoted this season we will be getting 11,000 in this poxy division next year. I don't agree - I think we'll be struggling to hit 9,000 to be honest unless we get off to an amazing start which sees us walking the league.

We seem have various forms of extremism amongst our support now (the percentages below are approximate but you get my drift!!).

Gary Johnson can do no right (33%).

Gary Johnson can do no wrong (33%).

The rest (34%).

Colin Sextone isn't the most popular chief exec. in the league (99.9%)

Lansdown is god (60%)

Lansdown is isn't (40%)

Let me get one thing straight - the guy who tried to hit Orr yesterday acted like an idiot, is totally to blame and should receive a ban for his actions BUT surely the management of this club has to ask themselves what has happened to make a fan attending football so angry that he wants to go to the front and abuse the players? Is it a one off lunatic acting stupidly or does it run deeper than that? Ask yourselves the following questions:-

Have you been happy with the standard of football over the last two years?

Does the football represent value for money?

Have the club shown YOU, as a supporter, RESPECT?

Do you feel the club are riding roughshod over you in the search for corporate support?

Does the club listen to it's LOYAL supporters?

Does the club treat it's LOYAL supporters right (e.g. tickets for big games)?

95% of supporters should be able to give the same answers to all of these questions but I fear that if you did a survey you would get somewhere around a 50/50 split. Certainly not a 95/5 split - that is guaranteed.

It is simple - the management of this club need to take a long hard look at themselves and get their act together. We do not need factions amongst the support at this club. Just a group of supporters who may have different opinions on how the club should be run but are generally content with their lot. The truth is that Lansdown, Sextone and Johnson himself have a lot of repair work to carry out if this club is not to implode, fan base wise, over the next 18 months. Sort it out.

Edited to remove unproven allegations.

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The title of your thread should have been changed to "What is happening to my CLUB?".

In thirty years of supporting City I have never known the fanbase so divided - to the point that various factions wanted to fight one another yesterday. Some of the management of this club is appalling in my view. Bristol Boy made an interesting comment that if we don't get promoted this season we will be getting 11,000 in this poxy division next year. I don't agree - I think we'll be struggling to hit 9,000 to be honest unless we get off to an amazing start which sees us walking the league.

We seem have various forms of extremism amongst our support now (the percentages below are approximate but you get my drift!!).

Gary Johnson can do no right (33%).

Gary Johnson can do no wrong (33%).

The rest (34%).

Colin Sextone is the devil in disguise (99.9%)

Lansdown is god (60%)

Lansdown is responsible for the financial mismanagement (40%)

Let me get one thing straight - the guy who tried to hit Orr yesterday acted like an idiot, is totally to blame and should receive a ban for his actions BUT surely the management of this club has to ask themselves what has happened to make a fan attending football so angry that he wants to go to the front and abuse the players? Is it a one off lunatic acting stupidly or does it run deeper than that? Ask yourselves the following questions:-

Have you been happy with the standard of football over the last two years?

Does the football represent value for money?

Have the club shown YOU, as a supporter, RESPECT?

Do you feel the club are riding roughshod over you in the search for corporate support?

Does the club listen to it's LOYAL supporters?

Does the club treat it's LOYAL supporters right (e.g. tickets for big games)?

95% of supporters should be able to give the same answers to all of these questions but I fear that if you did a survey you would get somewhere around a 50/50 split. Certainly not a 95/5 split - that is guaranteed.

It is simple - the management of this club need to take a long hard look at themselves and get their act together. We do not need factions amongst the support at this club. Just a group of supporters who may have different opinions on how the club should be run but are generally content with their lot. The truth is that Lansdown, Sextone and Johnson himself have a lot of repair work to carry out if this club is not to implode, fan base wise, over the next 18 months. Sort it out.

Thats a good point but even if this club is doing badly (which it fricken isn't), nothing condones violence towards a player. The so called factions... people need to remember their age.

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Guest Hodges17
We seem have various forms of extremism amongst our support now (the percentages below are approximate but you get my drift!!).

Gary Johnson can do no right (33%).

Gary Johnson can do no wrong (33%).

The rest (34%).

Colin Sextone is the devil in disguise (99.9%)

Lansdown is god (60%)

Lansdown is responsible for the financial mismanagement (40%)

No disrespect, but you lot don't know you're born sometimes.

If these %ages are even nearly correct re GJ then I really don't know what 33% of reds are moaning about.

Your club, whilst obviously bigger than mine, has a rightful place in the top six of League One, or, at best, fighting to stay in the Championship. GJ has got you into that top six and kept you there.

Yeah you're going through some poor form but who doesn't at some point or another?

Do the 33% who dislike Johnson want Tinnion back?

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No disrespect, but you lot don't know you're born sometimes.

Oh we do and Bristol Rovers are not a sensible benchmark

Do the 33% who dislike Johnson want Tinnion back?

No and that isn't the question-Neither do we want Pulis who has done well at Stoke.

What we want is promotion to the Championship-Consolidation and then to kick on to the Premiership.


Boro, Blackburn, Bolton Watford, Charlton & Fulham.

All at our level or below not so long ago.

Great Leadership-Great Management

It's very possible, yet highly unlikely and there you have OUR frustration

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