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Williams stand

Guest Weav

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Hello all,

Wonder if you could shed some light on the problems in the Williams stand last night.

Fans in the block where i was had tickets for the ateyo and dolman but yet still manage to stand in the williams, in the E Block of the williams, near the pitch some coppers came along and ejected 3 or 4 fans, not sure if this was city fans or rovers fans being ejected, it got quite heated and i wondered if anyone knows what went on......!?

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Guest rogerthered

I was shocked by the stewarding. I sat in L block in the Williams. and we had to wait 15mins to leave the ground.

Having asked the steward if he could let us out of Gate 2 (runs to the side of the Williams) he effectively told me where to go!!!

City cant cope with big crowds, so how we going to cope when we get promoted and have the likes of West Ham, Charlton, etc etc

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Some knuckle-dragging moron was jumping up and down next to some old chap, so the old chap says can he stop because he cant see/its annoying etc.

The moron just says ''No I'm supporting my team''..

But eventually left his seat and sat somewhere else.

Wouldnt suprise me if he climbed the roof and swang into the Williams.

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I was in E Block of the Williams. There was some kind of commotion near the front, could see two city fans having verbals at each other and lots of hold me back, hold me back kind of antics, then in went the old bill and i assume removed a few of them.

One thing that did suprise me was the amount of people that were allowed to stand there up the back. I had little choice as people infront of me were standing also, that said, bar the first 10 mins where i couldnt see a damn thing, they sang there hearts out all match and created a good atmosphere up there and i was happy to be in there with them. The whole time the police and stewards just stood and watched, first time i had been in the Williams for years and was expecting the same kind of sit down treatment dished out in Dolman G Block.

By the end of the game the allocations up the top of E block seemed to be pretty much a free for all, with people watching from the steps, stood on seats etc.

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Was he fat? He was shouting at the old dude telling him to get in the away end, I'm embarressed to be assotiated with these plonkers

Not fat no.

The fact is, this old chap has been attending games before the moron was even born, and as an elderly fellow enjoys just taking in the atmosphere every game and enjoying the match.

He is there every game, every season...so its irritating to see some lout ruining the experience by making ###### signs at the opposition every minute..

When he has blatantly come to his first game in ages, alone, to see some trouble.

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I was in block F of the williams and about 4 rows back from all the action.

The whole problem was people at the front not sitting down and therefore lots of people not ebing able to see what was happening on the pitch.

A few people were shouting at them to 'sit down' they would generally retor will 'eff off you crunt' or something similar. Plenty of effing and blinding, that created more agro as there were lots of kids in the local area and were quite simply shatting themselves.

Some tit sarted making cutthroat gestures to one of the blokes with kids next to him, i think his one braincell was letting him down. Couldnt belive what i was seeing.

About 20 of the police in riot gear plodded into the front rows to remove one young chap, videoing him as they walked him out of the ground.

It all calmed down for a bit until mid way through the second half when some bloke turned around spitting feathers and pointing at one bloke whilst shouting 'you an effing grass' at him, then tried to clamber over the seats to get physical. Thankfully his mates held him back. That bloke left of his own accord.

And that was that.

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