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My Eastend Hell


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when matt hill was tackled dangerously by Oldhams #10 the fans from the dolman and the eastend came down and hurled abuse at the guy whick i was involved in. but at half time i was nearly squashed to death by the fenceing. Then a 20p flew past my head and when i pickedit up a policeman came up to me and took the 20p away from me, :ph34r: i was really angry, why did he think i threw it, it was not throw where the eastend was so why would i hurt any city fans. But the fence broke and after 3 minutes later i finally got out the chaos and went to the back of the stand safe. It was arguebly the most shocking incident i ever seen at ashton gate.

but off of that, i am very dissapointed with city today, By far the worst i ever seen since the colchester game last season. My man of the match was Burnell, but tinnion done his job again trying hard to work our forwards and goodfellow did well after coming on.

But big up ta Danny Wilson he actually has the guts to take peacock off :dunno:

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sorry to hear about your experience in the EE - makes you wonder what it will be like against Plymuff and QPR.

Gotta agree - Burnell was my man of the match too.

But it was a tough call as I thought they was all pretty rubbish!

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Sorry to hear you had a bad time, thought it was a lot of posturing but feelings were running high. moved away second half as there were a lot of kids around who wanted to have a go at oldham rather than support city.

It is hard to keep a lid on it when things are going wrong on the pitch and one or two comments flew around that probably wouldn't have normaly.

Agree with you about Burnell but now he's not around don't we miss Aaron. How many crosses whent straight to the keeper, he must have thought it was catching practice day! :dunno::ph34r:

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it would be interesting to find out if the eastend is open for other games. and also how much police force will be at the plymouth and qpr game.
They cant not open it now the tickets have been exchanged. My Hell. Phffft. What a girl. Because of some pushing and shoving it was hell? Ok Mate.

Yeh they kids on the front row we're idiots but they was hardly hooligans.

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oh dear, a few kiddies get a tad over exicited and you go mad. Do you write for the evening post by any chance ?

Most shocking scene you have seen, have you been supporting city for more than about 2 years. They were not hooligans, and it was not that bad as i managed to get caught right in the middle as they surged towards the fence, and just walked out of it. The bad thing about it was the little girl that got squashed :dunno:

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This was not hooliganism, this was nothing, we had it at the start of the East End trials and because we were told to calm it down, it seemed all very rosey, then Oldham fans begin rattling the fence after their second, and that was it, nothing to be honest, i could put a 5 year old child in there and he wouldn't of been as scared? :dunno:

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Guest Topbuzz

Wish i had moved over too Spot ,awful atmostphere tday

I found the youg un's against the fence amusing but there does seem to be a average age in the east end of 13 odd at the moment gets very annoying, Looks like I'm going in the second block at the back leave the back fence for the young wannabees

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

Yea the atmosphere was poor today due to the score........i hope. The only negitive is that all these kids are doing small things now which might lead to them being proper hooligans when they're older. I worry that against QPR & Plymouth when some proper hooligans are in there and they do stupid stuff the kids will follow them,

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Guest City+Rangers_loyal

Most shocking event for me will always be the Coldseal pigs and that tramp from wolves! far more shocking than the infamous city v rovers on the pitch game, much more brutal than city v millwall.

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Guest Topbuzz

In a way i wish the fence would break cos they would all ###### your pants when faced with anything but posturing .

Is getting annoying i remember my first days in the east end as a young un 1989 we werent like that ..having the away fans right next door doesent really help i suppose now .

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City+Rangers_loyal Posted on Mar 20 2004, 07:19 PM

  Most shocking event for me will always be the Coldseal pigs and that tramp from wolves! far more shocking than the infamous city v rovers on the pitch game, much more brutal than city v millwall.

Personally i think any stray wolves should be immediately incarcerated...... they just can't be trusted! :dunno:

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Guest City+Rangers_loyal
But that pitch invasion was bad...........wolves tramp, please explain.

Wolfie their mascot

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Guest nobby

just think if it would have been a quid!!!!!!! dear oh dear,what is the world coming to.cant imagine this kid had ever gone to cardiff,hed still be having nightmares now if he had.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah I'd have to use it in my comedy routine.

To be honest you're a bit pathetic for saying that people would find a child blinded a laughing matter

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Not as bad as condoning throwing of coins - thats not pathetic, it's criminal and I hope if anyone is caught they are banned for life.
Not one person has even indicated that they find the throwing of coins funny or that they condone the act of coin-hurling?!

From what I can gather, he was upset about getting twenty pence taken off him from a copper. Sounds like utter hell, if you're a skinflint.

As for laughing at an injured girl....actually I wont bother. Just get a better arguement instead of misrepresenting what I've said. :Sleep12:


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i was socked that 20p was taken off me because if it were me why was i not throwing it at the oldham end. so why would i hit my own fans, i just picked it up and when i stood up a copper yelled give that to me and i did. Then he said


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i was socked that 20p was taken off me because if it were me why was i not throwing it at the oldham end. so why would i hit my own fans, i just picked it up and when i stood up a copper yelled give that to me and i did. Then he said


So you were in the Eastend, standing up, with a coin in your hand, while coins were being thrown at away supporters.

And you wonder why the offending twenty pence piece was taken away from you?

I would call it good policing.


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Guest nobby

were you by any chance wearing a fake burrberry cap and standing with the rest of those annoying little t*****s who think thier in the csf????!!!!! :angry:

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Not one person has even indicated that they find the throwing of coins funny or that they condone the act of coin-hurling?!

From what I can gather, he was upset about getting twenty pence taken off him from a copper. Sounds like utter hell, if you're a skinflint.

As for laughing at an injured girl....actually I wont bother. Just get a better arguement instead of misrepresenting what I've said. :Sleep12:


BS4 Red

"As for laughing at an injured girl....actually I wont bother. Just get a better arguement instead of misrepresenting what I've said"

If I have misrepresented or indeed misinterpreted what you have said, I unreservedly apologise. On reading the thread I got the distinct impression that coin throwing was of no consequence and I disagreed with that.

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Guest malaggro

I find this amazing. People must have very short memories. This is not hooliganism. It's just some daft kids being just that. Kids do silly things, throw snow balls in the park, chuck stones at each other etc. etc. Sure it can be dangerous but it is not hooliganism.

I find the clubs reaction so over the top. Maybe they should stand on the terrace at Cardiff with gits chucking bottles of p_iss at you, stones and enough loose change to worry the Royal Mint. What is the reaction from the club concerned there?

What happened on Saturday does not compare.

One of the problems that is ongoing is appalling stewarding. Anyone who goes in the East End knows exactly which two stewards cause a great deal of ill feeling with their aggressive snarling faces and somewhat "forthright" language. People towards the back of the stand will continue to stand up if the people in the larger front section stand (it is totally impossible to see otherwise). I and many of my mates do not take kindly to be told to "###### sit down" by some ignorant and abusive self satisfied hired lacky. We are talking about customers here, if I cannot see because others in front of me stand I too will stand. Neither can I or will I accept being sworn at by these imbeciles.

I thought the dry run with the Police did nothing but excite the previously mentioned kids. The fence causes more trouble than it's worth, it acts as a frontier and these young 'uns feel safe to take the p_iss behind it.

Rant over. :angry:

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Guest jairob

I think it may be that chrisbcfc is still young and was slightly upset by the actions of his fellow supporters. I strongly advise him to be ascorted by a sensible guardian for the matches with QPR & Plymouth as there is a strong possability of further trouble.

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Guest superbob

I have to agree with straightthrough118,  they were just a bunch off kids getting over excited and trying to look hard in front of their mates. It reminded me of a primary school when the bell goes for lunch and all the kids rush out the door at once to play tag, mums and dads and other such playground games.

There was no real threat of anyone being hurt and its not really worthy of the title "hooligan"

I was right in front of the pre pubescent stampede. All it took was one cop to clear  practically the whole lot. As for the 20p thing, what do you expect. coins are being thrown a cop see's you with a coin, it looks a bit suss even if you were only picking it up...........why were you picking it up?

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Guest superbob

very true midland red i forgot that, ok send them to bed with no supper and let them think about what they have done. ;)

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Guest Topbuzz

Damn right Superbob but with no kids in the EE there would be a lot of market traders out of business with no1 to sell fake burberry too ..surely you dont condone that !! :P

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