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Burrnell Should Not Haved Played

Guest whitesat2000

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why  did he play today ???????????
I knew a post like this would appear :Sleep12:

"Burnells back in the team and we played ####. It's all his fault"

Absolutely f'in ####. He was one of, if not the best player for us out there today.

Why should he not have played, can you please explain why?

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Guest Champagne Football

I can look beyond anti-Burnell stuff and can truely say he had an awful game. The only thing of note he did was lose the ball a few times and win it back. He gave nothing to us attacking wise and did very little in disrupting the Oldham attacks, the two goals included.

Tony Butler was having a better attacking game than Burnell and I am not being sarcastic there either.

Where is Fortune? Why was Wilkshire taken off instead of Joe? He offered no creativity which was what we needed I really do hope he is dropped for the next game.

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I can look beyond anti-Burnell stuff and can truely say he had an awful game. The only thing of note he did was lose the ball a few times and win it back. He gave nothing to us attacking wise and did very little in disrupting the Oldham attacks, the two goals included.

Tony Butler was having a better attacking game than Burnell and I am not being sarcastic there either.

Where is Fortune? Why was Wilkshire taken off instead of Joe? He offered no creativity which was what we needed I really do hope he is dropped for the next game.

sorry mate you must of been watching a different game to me! :dunno:
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Guest Dolman Moaner
I can look beyond anti-Burnell stuff and can truely say he had an awful game. The only thing of note he did was lose the ball a few times and win it back. He gave nothing to us attacking wise and did very little in disrupting the Oldham attacks, the two goals included.

Pardon me.

Wasn't the first goal from a setpiece ?

Obviously Burnell's fault then.

Get off his back, he was our best player today, which perhaps says it all.

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"sorry mate you must of been watching a different game to me!"

Just like you were to me, if you can name one good thing Burnell did today apart from walk off at 90 minutes, please tell and I'll give you credit.

Well he broke up a few attacks and won the ball quite a bit for a start.
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Guest Champagne Football

Sorry I just can't believe I've read posts saying he played well.

He can't do nothing, although I blame Wilson for starting him, it's not his fault he's been picked, but my god he's terrible.

Fully agree with you mate I too am astounded at how some people thought Burnell had even a mediocre game let alone getting man of the match! :dunno:

I am sure it must be to do with sympathising with him because he doesn't have the ability to play in our team which such people as Fortune, Wilkshire, Doherty, Tinman obviously do have.

If Wilson plays him next match I really can see us scoring blanks again because he simply doesn't offer the team anything!

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I can't have a go at Burnell for playing because he got picked.

When we could of played Wilkshire and Tinnion together in the middle it makes me mad, Wilson has well and truely lost the plot.

Fair enough, tough away games he'a an OK player to start, but home to Oldham, your havin' a laugh?

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"sorry mate you must of been watching a different game to me!"

Just like you were to me, if you can name one good thing Burnell did today apart from walk off at 90 minutes, please tell and I'll give you credit.

ok - he broke up play pretty well, put in some good tackles, chased around and actually looked like he wanted to be out there (which is more than you can say for most of the others)

he put some good balls forward, couple of through passes, even saw him running into the box on a couple of occassions

maybe we are all blinkered on occassions when we don't like particular players???

anyway it seems I'm not the only one who thought he was our best player! :P

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He does not deserve to play in central midfield for a club competing for 1st division football as he would barely get in the Rovers team in that position!!

Seriously, this bloke is an absolute joke and i know that he is a city lad and all that and we should get behind whoever plays in the red shirt but i really cannot tolerate Wilson sticking with this complete and utter JOKE!


(As you may guess, i'm still fuming from todays game)

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You haven't actually named one moment, just the typical, done good tackles, why not name one of them then?
actually can't be arsed -people like you will never be convinced about a player you obviously don't rate.
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You haven't actually named one moment, just the typical, done good tackles, why not name one of them then?
Okay , how about when he mullered that bloke and left him injured , or when he bundled his way through to the edge of the area but had no one around to pass it to so he was tackled. Or do you look the other way when burnell gets the ball , becuase it seems to me that your just using him as a scapegoat because he's not one of our better players.
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Guest dez_gimred

you idiots..

they arent just vicitmising joe to have a go at someone!

he is absolutely awful, backing out of headers, playing passes to the opposition, not following the rythm of the team when attacking..

today was the worst i have seen city play and joe burnell was the icing on the cake...he is rubbish!


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I thought Joe played only ok today -

which was about 100% better than Lita, Tinnion, Wilkshire, Hill, Butler et al

again I say Tins should hang up his boots, a player who has literally "starred" for City on countless occasions now cannot pass the ball to save his life, yes I know the conditions were difficult so it is down to experienced players to keep the ball down not like Tins just hopefully hoofing the ball forward.

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Joe Burnell was my man of the match today - he ran his socks in to the ground when everyone else couldnt be bothered to turn up. He was constantly up and down the pitch helping out the defence and joining the attack,

In response to someone comments above one incident was when matt hill lost the ball for the uptenth time and JB was the player who was covering coming in with a bruising tackle and also winmning the ball.

The majority of comments above are all based on JB not being a favourite, the same way as Roberts and Butler all get slated. Joe Burnell was always going to get slated today cause he isnt a fans favourite, before the game people were moaning so in reality he had no chance.

JB played with passion today which is more than Lee P and the rest of the team.

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Nice to see him in the team.

Gave 100%

There are alot bigger problems at city than burnell playing

give the kid a break and have a closer look at your idols

Tinman and doc have played no better than burnell did today for weeks

yet these two seem above critisism.

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I'm not Burnells greatest fan. BUT, even though he was probably match rusty he looked no better or worse than anyone else out there.

I couldn't pick one player out for MOTM today.

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Guest westoncider

JOE B worked his socks of today.what were the burnell haters doing for 90mins,slagging of him and the rest of the team by the sound of it.

GET BEHIND THE TEAM<its not over yet>anyone would think we,re going down ,not a chance of going up. :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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JB is a terrible terrible palyer,he goes backwards instead of forwards,never tackles and always get tackled,the only thing he is good at is slowing are attack down and passing the ball backwards,i admit he may of been our best player today but come off it they WERE ALL TERRIBLE, i wouldnt have JB in my sunday team

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Guest bemmyred

Wilson said in the radio preview that he has been a model professional since being out of the side.

The only reason this is the case is that he knows if he was released he wouldnt be even good enough to get into a conference team !!!!

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I'm not Burnells greatest fan. BUT, even though he was probably match rusty he looked no better or worse than anyone else out there.

I couldn't pick one player out for MOTM today.

Have to agree.

Not a JB fan, & that is a major worry as he was one of the better players today.

Just shows how cr@p every other player was today. :dunno:

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Because Tommy was injured and we need a ball winning midfielder on the pitch. I thought he had a good game.
yeah he did well at ball winning but sadly didn't have a clue what

to do with it once he won the ball, but to be fair he was one of our

better payers today but that was not that hard to do :dunno:

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JB got stuck in and had a half decent game, take the blinkers off and actually watch him play, just about sums you people up when you drag up Burnells name after an awful team display, why did it have to be his name again, why pick him out when you could have mentioned any other player, ooh yes because it's a nice cheap shot at Joe. He isn't an attack minded player, is that his fault or is it the fault of DW who asks him to play that way.

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I've harped on about this before, especially during the dire performances of September/October when we were not winning home matches. I said long and passionately enought that JB is NOT a midfielder and negates any attacking quality we may have in midfield.

Yesterday it all came back AGAIN.

I don't care he runs like a headless chicken for 90 minutes or tackles like a maniac (he should have been sent off for that stupid two-footed lunge in the first half), the fact is HE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH IN MIDFIELD. Give me TommyD any day over JB there as Tommy contributes more positvely in 30 minutes to a game than Joe can for 90.

This is DW's fixation about putting people in positions thay clearly cannot cope with, such as the laughable selections of Wilkshire on the wing or Carey in midfield. Clayton Fortune would have been a far better choice in midfield than Joe Burnell. As long as Burnell plays in midfield City will be sterile, limp and pathetic in the opposition's half, and for a home team that's derisory.

I'm amazed that people just cannot see that. How many more #### home performances does the team have to put in with Burnell in midfield for the connection to be made?????

The guy is INCAPABLE of passing forward. I counted four occasions he put the ball right into the stand or to an opponent before I gave up. So what does DW do?? Takes off Wilkshire. What a clown, a fool, an idiot, an utterly hopeless stubborn mule with a favouritsm streak that is ruining City's chances of going up.

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Guest Champagne Football

fct is completely correct in what he says, If Joe is to play please let it be at right back because that is the only position he can do a job good enough to match the rest of the players in our team. Carey needs some presure for his position this is where Wilson should be concentrating playing Joe.


Doherty, Tinnion, Fortune, Wilkshire, Roberts, Goodfellow, Marvin.

I wouldn't want to see Burnell put in the team in front of any of the above players. He doesn't have enough quality on the ball to play midfield but by all means try him out in defence.

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Aye I don't think Burnell should be got rid of, he ought to be tried in the right back position, just to give Carey a kick up the bottom.

We also need a keeper that can dominate the box. We'll get nowhere with a keeper that cannot command the box. Look at Pogliacomi yesterday... THAT is how a keeper should play, not our laughable example. Who cares if he's a good shot stopper? City have conceeded too many from crosses and will continue to do so as long as we have Dracula in goal.

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1. Doherty was injured

2. Fortune was presumably injured - he was subsituted from a reserve game recently with an injury.

3. The reason Pogliacomi looked so good was because we didn't test him, and he was contesting the majority of crosses with Leroy Lita.

4. I still find it amazing the amount of people that try to link yesterdays performance with Joe Burnells first start in a while. He was one of the better players on the pitch, the whole TEAM PERFORMANCE was a complete joke. It was not down to one man!!

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Burnell's influence from midfield is felt in that it reduces our attacking options. Time and time and time and time and time again it happens yet all people seem to see is his running and tackling. What does he do after that? Passes to Phillips from the halfway line, puts the ball into the Dolman or gives it away. He's not capable of anything constructive.

Wilkshire and Tinnion had to be the starting two in the middle.

When Burnell played in the team in September/October the team played sterile football. Yesterday it returned. Co-incidence? NO.

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Guest east_dundry_red

Burnell was very much over rated. He gave away the ball to much. Pass rate was poor and cant tackle.

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Guest Champagne Football
1. Doherty was injured

2. Fortune was presumably injured - he was subsituted from a reserve game recently with an injury.

3. The reason Pogliacomi looked so good was because we didn't test him, and he was contesting the majority of crosses with Leroy Lita.

4. I still find it amazing the amount of people that try to link yesterdays performance with Joe Burnells first start in a while. He was one of the better players on the pitch, the whole TEAM PERFORMANCE was a complete joke. It was not down to one man!!

So that leaves us with a midfield of

M. Brown/Roberts...Wilkshire...Tinnion...Goodfellow

Please tell me that midfield wouldn't have gained us at least a point yesterday?

Joe shouldn't play in midfield again, defence sure give him a chance, but he simply doesn't create anything at all to warrant a place in midfield!

As said by fct why cannot people see this? Is it because they all sympathise with him, or what, am I missing something? As has been said nice chap and all but he doesn't have the ability to play anywhere bar defence.

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Guest Bootylicious

Quite right he shouldnt have played!

DW seems to think its essential to have a defensive midfielder in the side, which is ok for games vs the top teams AWAY from home, but at home against a relegation threatened side??! Give me a break!!

Joe did all that was asked of him - its not his fault he got selected to play!

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So that leaves us with a midfield of

M. Brown/Roberts...Wilkshire...Tinnion...Goodfellow

Please tell me that midfield wouldn't have gained us at least a point yesterday?

No it wouldn't. On the whole the team performance was diabolical. Who was at fault for both of the goals?

As said by fct why cannot people see this? Is it because they all sympathise with him, or what, am I missing something? As has been said nice chap and all but he doesn't have the ability to play anywhere bar defence.

I don't even like Joe Burnell :angry:

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Guest nobby

I'm not going to say burnell had a briliant game,bacause none of them did,but he did seem to be trying alot more than others. the fact is though he had to play.

hes not as good as the doc but we need someone in central midfield who can actuly make a tackle. i cant seem to remember wilkshire,roberts,goodfellow,brown

making many this season. I'm not a fan of burnell but i dont think people should be slagging the kid,he gives 100%,which couldnt be said for about 9 others yesterday.

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In my humble P***ed off opinion yesterdays team should have picked itself










miller (although lovechild peacock was always going to be DWs pick)


subs Wilkshire Burnell stowell peacock woodman

This gives us a balnced look given the injuries we have....The line up DW played was floored with a natural left footed winger starting on the bench and poor old brian being expected to get up and down the pitch....Despite this are main problem was our return to humping the ball forward (particularly by carey) 60 yards and hope for a mistake or that someone would get on the end of something....This allowed Oldham to win the ball constantly and RUN it back through a midfield who couldnt scramble an egg........No excuses please we were cr&p because mind blowing team selection confuses the players as much as the supporters lets please just keep it simple and tackle and head the ball like we mean it.............

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