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Roberts Upfront

Guest Rob

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He scored nearly 20 goals here last season and hasnt been given another chance since.

He may well be lazy but thats what everyone said about Thorpe. He still got us 20 goals a season. Let Robbo do the same.

If we hadnt of had Muppet Wilson in charge Robbo would be well into double figures and we would be laughing.

Instead we are depressed at sitting 3rd in the division because we all know where we could and should be. And that is steam rolling this division.

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I would like to see roberts play along side Miller up front

Ive never been a fan of peacock and I'm also not a huge fan of lita

BUT if we play roberts up front who the hell do we play on the right!!






new signing???

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I think Marvin Brown should be given another chance on the right, with Roberts up front (although maybe at this stage in the season it's too late for experiments). Don't know much about Hawkins, what's he like?

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I dont actually think Roberts is as lazy as everyone says.

I think its more to do with him not having the positional awareness to operate as a wide man, he gets pulled out of position a fair bit and doesnt always know when he has to track back etc..

I think him and Miller up-front would be a pretty decent shout, although i still think we should invest in a new forward sometime in the near future..

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Guest nobby

i cannot understand why people are saying roberts should be in the team at all,let alone up front.

as i have said on this forum many times before roberts scored 17 goals last season,4 or 5 of them in the fa cup against non league and in the ldv.so say that leaves him with 13 league goals last season,to me, that is pathetic when last season he played in an extremely attacking team,

that scored well over 100 goals.

he probably played in 75% of all our league games last season aswel, so for him to be playing in a team as bad as we have this season, the man hasnt got a hope in hell of scoring.

anyone who was at the match today must have also realised he is useless on the wing,his body language and generall attitude is terrible,and his passing,crossing and shooting skills barely good enough for the third division.

the man does have pace,and that is the only reason danny picks him because we have no one else at the club with any. for people to suggest he is the man to shoot us to promotion,please,think again.

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Guest shotgun

I agree, roberts last season got 16 goals?! as a striker more than any of our strikers now?

Get roberts upfront alongside miller or peacock or whoever asap! cant be any worse! played 3 bottom teams and got 1 point! pathetic! embarrassing! shameful!

Sort it out asap somebody!! please!

Roberts cannot score as many from the wing position!

Tinnion is not a left winger!

Wilkshire is not a right winger!!

Goodfellow is a left winger!

I could go on.....and on.....


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