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Steve Phillips


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I'm sure this has been talked about over and over again, but his behaviour over the two legs has been disgusting.

Down at the Gate, ignoring the handshake from Basso at full time then celebrating a 0-0 win and "bowing" to the Sags

Then again last night, giving it loads at full time and waving a Rovers scarf!

Ok, he is a Rovers player now and no doubt he is over the moon with a trip to Cardiff, that I don't deny him, BUT, his comments in the press over recent weeks and his actions towards Bristol City and Gary Johnson has been nothing but a kick in the teeth for the City fans who supported him for ten years!

10 years these fans supported him! and then we sold out his testimonial! The bloke is vile in my eyes, may sound harsh....but true (oh and before anyone says I don't know him personally, no I don't, but my mate who is a Sag season ticket holder grew up with him down Norton and has always said he is not a nice person at all)

The point I'm getting at is players like Christian Roberts, Alan Smith and Berbatov, for me, showed real respect for their former teams. When they scored against their former clubs, a hand in the air and a bit of a celebration, and that was it,. Shows respect to the fans that once supported you.

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I think people are forgetting he feels like he was mistreated by the club and that is why he has turned sour.

I bet he was delighted his team won and so he should be, why not celebrate if your team win.

You telling me if Stewy comes down here and scores he wont put hand to ear in front of Johnson. I don't think these players hate the club just the man who came in and gave them the boot and pubicly humiliated them.

Firstly, why was he mistreated?? Paid by the club for ten years, always liked by the fans and given a sell out testimonial last summer?

Stewy was only here a year and a bit, and hardly played. So you cannot compare the two

How was he humiliated? he was dropped for what, at the time, was supposed to be a better option in goal. Id hardly call that a humiliation! It happens in football all the time, he just wasnt prepared to fight for his place.

I'm not saying he shouldnt celebrate, course he should, but no matter what happened with him and Johnson.....can he not spare a thought for the City fans? a little bit of respect should be shown in my eyes

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Guest ashtonyate
Firstly, why was he mistreated?? Paid by the club for ten years, always liked by the fans and given a sell out testimonial last summer?

Stewy was only here a year and a bit, and hardly played. So you cannot compare the two

How was he humiliated? he was dropped for what, at the time, was supposed to be a better option in goal. Id hardly call that a humiliation! It happens in football all the time, he just wasnt prepared to fight for his place.

I'm not saying he shouldnt celebrate, course he should, but no matter what happened with him and Johnson.....can he not spare a thought for the City fans? a little bit of respect should be shown in my eyes

Well I thought he was treated badly by the club he was dropped for no good reason he was not to blame for the bad results and any goalie would have let in goals with that defence in front of them. His problem was he got on the wrong side of Johnson as did Stewart he was a good keeper for us,fans have a short memory's. Don't blame him for rubbing it in either I think most of us would have.

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I said he feels he was mistreated not i do.

Also you say show city fans some credit when he hadn't said f all for 12 months to the press and didn't until after he played against us and all he got was bo-ed off the coach, slated during training and then sung basso at all night, its like he's got to have respect after that bollox, had i played ofr aclub ten years and got bo-ed because i wanted first team football and went where i was wanted and then got slated by 15k fans and personal comments as well i think i would be sour, he wanted to play first team football and it wasn't happening so he left. He gave ten good years to thsi cluba nd for ten years was a great keeper, if i was him and got that abuse last week i would have stuck 2 fingers up at the crowd, if anything the fans have been disrespectful to him not vice versa.

Ask yourself why did he get booed last week and this week? not said "###### all to the press?? are you having a laugh?

When he left last year he slated the club, and Gary Johnson. Ok fair enough, you fell out with the manager, but did he once, ONCE ever say "I want to thank all the City fans for their support over the ten years Ive been here" or "thanks to the fans for their support and selling out my testimonial"

NOT A WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!

No gratitude! No respect! As for last weeks game, after the warm up, he was CLAPPED by the Atyeo as he came off......the stick during the game is part and parcel, and is all done to try to put the player off, its nothing personal

His complete lack of gratitude I feel is a disgrace. Ah well, never mind, he is where he belongs, in the basement league and going no where

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I got to say the bloke is an idiot. He comes across as some who is very thick. He should have been going into the tie saying I've had a good time at City bla bla bla but I'm a rovers player now. But no he comes out being arrogant and showing no respect for the city fans at all. He is bitter because Basso took his place and he can't handle that he wasn't the hot shot around the club.

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He should have been going into the tie saying I've had a good time at City bla bla bla but I'm a rovers player now. But no he comes out being arrogant and showing no respect for the city fans at all. He is bitter because Basso took his place and he can't handle that he wasn't the hot shot around the club.

Ah yes - because we're all cyborgs and have to do what our publicists tell us to! Footballers should be more passionate, this will annoy alot but if it were the other way round you'd probably be saying the opposite.

He explained his side in the post-match interview at Ashton Gate and he came across very calm and reasonable - I'm writing this as someone without the Cityred or Roversblue tinted glasses on.

He's doing this to wind you all up - this is football - let him have his moment... yours will come - they're unlikely to get promoted whilst you're looking at a Championship place - what would you rather have?

He's bitter, you're bitter


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Guest rogerthered

I spoke to steve just after his mood.

He wasnt happy with the way he was treated at the club. He felt GJ didnt appreciate his effort.

For example when Basso was making mistakes he wouldnt turn to Steve yet as soon as Steve made a mistake he was dropped.

don't get me wrong I was shocked at his behaviour but just telling you how it is.

Also I cant get post my thoughts on last nights policing.

I got whacked by some Sags last night after the police has pushed them all onto Gloucester Rd.

Police were shocking we were treated like battery chickens. So much for a family club

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You can't blame Phillips really, he was only winding us up , and we are takeing the bait.

We gave him some serious stick at The Gate, so I suppoose it was fair game for him to retaliate,

let him have hi9s day he will still be in the basement next year, City must now get their act together look at the tables and fixtures,

2nd place is there for the takeing, if we can get Auto Promotion last night will have been a small price to pay.

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Guest avidcity

I b l o o d y l o v e d P h i l l i p s

I really did. And so did 10,000 down the gate. He really was Englands no 1. And that doesnt change just because he left. But saying that he treated us disgracefully. He chewed up the city fans and spat us out and I will never forgive him for that.

Out of interest he hasnt updated his website in a while :D


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any player that kisses our badge one minute then our fiercest rivals the next puts his true character on show for all to see!

The sags have taken all the bull and ar*e licking right in and even convienently ignore the fact that he was looking to get out in Jan (from the club he worships!) after only being there 6 months - I'll be amazed if the little creep is there next season!

At the moment he may be their best ever player but just one thing that doesn't go his way will show his true colours!

We are far better off with out him - Basso is a decent, honest, honourable keeper, qualities Philips got too impatient waiting in the queue for!

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Guest avidcity
You call Steve Phillips "England's Number One" and ask me not to delude myself? :disapointed2se:

May I ask how old you are?

Obviously older than you - I take it you werent old enough to go down the gate through 2001-2004 when we sang Englads No 1 to him week in week out

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We played Colchester United last year and I stupidly sponsered the match ball, it was an awful 0-0 game thnk is was Keoghs debut and he got man of the match. He came up to the sponsers lounge after laughing and joking and not really caring about the result all he was caring about was where he was going on the sauce later with his mate from BTC. They acted disgustingly and basically people were down but here was our keeper not really gving a flying one !! Thats what sort of person he is.

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Guest avidcity

don't get me wrong I hate him too

I guess the point I'm making is the lack of intellegence of our average Bristol City fan. Its disgusting.

Phillips was great for us - now he left us in a bitter row with Johnson. Why slag the bloke off after he did a good job for us at the time, nows hes moved on and so have us in Basso

Same can be said for Tony Thorpe - the way fans treated him when he came back for Luton was disgraceful.

Last night was disgraceful for the 30 who ran on to the pitch at the end

All I'm saying is (and yes too a minority) is get over it and grow up a little

The average Bristol City fan appears to have the memory of a goldfish!!

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