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Team v Northampton

Bristol Boy

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It's time to put last night behind us and get back on track at home as well as away.

Our last three home results have been poor, moreover the performances dire, particularly in comparision to three out of four wins away from home.

I'm assuming that McAllister will be back and Murray & Russell will still miss out.

No messing around with formations let's just get back to basics in a formation that our players will understand and do what we do well....in fact, very well.























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Can't see Murray or Russell making it, as I said.

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Guest tommy doc
Tell me bristol boy. What has Keogh done to deserve to be dropped? At the moment, you have Carey who is not on the best of form. When he's like this he seems to continually foul (another booking last night wasn't it?). No, it has to be Keogh and McCombe as a central pairing.


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Tell me bristol boy. What has Keogh done to deserve to be dropped? At the moment, you have Carey who is not on the best of form. When he's like this he seems to continually foul (another booking last night wasn't it?). No, it has to be Keogh and McCombe as a central pairing.


However sometimes it will happen that a player will be dropped irespective of any other factor execpt formation.

GJ Favours Carey/McCombe at centre back. Thus options are limited as to other positions where Keogh will fit as this will involve dropping other players who probably don't deserve it either...(last night not withstanding)...

However we'll all know at 2:30 on Saturday :tv_horror:

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Tell me bristol boy. What has Keogh done to deserve to be dropped? At the moment, you have Carey who is not on the best of form. When he's like this he seems to continually foul (another booking last night wasn't it?). No, it has to be Keogh and McCombe as a central pairing.

And another way to look at it is that when we had a combination of Carey & Keogh & Fontaine we didn't conceed and when McCombe returned, we did? Central defence is one of the places we really do have strength in depth and it wouldn't bother me either way.

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Its a toughie cos we don't know who will be back or not. I would have Keogh ahead of Orr, I really don't rate Orr. I think Keogh will become a fantastic player for this club. Murray has to start wide right if he is fit, if not then a toss up between Wilson and Betsy but I wouldnt play them both. Johnson HAS to start; he has the most assists this season and although Noble looks good when he plays he doesnt seem to have the killer pass in his game.

I would start with Johnson and Russell centre midfield if Russell is fit, if not then Johnson and Noble - lets give it a go.

Its all ifs and buts with the injuries. I'm just thankful our strength in depth is very good.

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Its a toughie cos we don't know who will be back or not. I would have Keogh ahead of Orr, I really don't rate Orr. I think Keogh will become a fantastic player for this club.

I think we're fortunate to have them both in what is the strongest part of our squad, by far.Keogh seems to have moved on and improved more than Orr this season.His crossing and general distribution appears better currently as well and he was part of our best flat back four as a right back.

Murray has to start wide right if he is fit,

Agreed or RWB

if not then a toss up between Wilson and Betsy but I wouldnt play them both.

If we're going with wingers and Murrays injured we have little choice and it worked well at BHA

Johnson HAS to start;

There we differ

he has the most assists this season

Hardly surprising when he takes all the set pieces, is it, although, in fairness, he does have the most goals as well

and although Noble looks good when he plays he doesnt seem to have the killer pass in his game.

Or enough shooting, I agree.The problem is that if you play two wide players, you need to central midfielders like Russell, Noble or Skuse who win, then retain the ball and defend well-not LJ's strengths

I would start with Johnson and Russell centre midfield if Russell is fit,

Statistically the most succesful partnership.We've never lost when they've started a game together, so I believe

if not then Johnson and Noble - lets give it a go.

We did earlier in the season and it was awful

Its all ifs and buts with the injuries. I'm just thankful our strength in depth is very good.

In some areas, yes in other areas we have enough players however I'm unsure that the mix is right.Left wing for example and the central midfielders are a bit samey.

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As long as Enoch plays up front and isn't put out wide and we can get some crosses in from the flanks to him and Brooker in the box Id hope we'd have enough punch to floor Northampton and restore a bit of confidence, to the team and the fans.

My line up, presuming only those fit on tuesday make it;


Basso (No reason to drop him)


Keogh (In place of Orr, as he has looked top class recently)

Fontaine (Not ideal at left back, but has more on-pitch time under his belt than Woodman right now)

McCombe (Our most consistant defender and a biggest set piece threat all term, should always start if fit IMO)

Carey (Must be keen to get the Rovers game out of his system in front of the faithful)


Betsy (On the right side, as he might finally have the 'Big Two' upfront to feed with decent crosses)

Wilson (Will not be carrying any baggage from the derbies and is due a big performance at the Gate, plus provides a bit more width than any other option I can think of)

Johnson (His assists seak for themselves, and until Noble adds the same amount of final balls/goals LJ will always have the edge on selection)

Russell (We need to play through Northampton and his wise use of the ball trumps Skuse's energy)


Enoch (We need goals, he scores goals, we need to see if he and Brooker can perform as a front pair and this is the ideal situation IMO)

Brooker (After starting four games he should now be close to true match sharpness, and we all know what he can do when he shifts up a gear, plus will be playing with a 'big man', a situation he often profits from.







Woodman only misses out because I would hope we are going all-out for the win, and with Orr and Skuse providing the defensive cover, Smith and Andrews can both be utilised on the flanks or up-front if we need to turn the screw.

Up the City! :city:

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As long as Enoch plays up front and isn't put out wide and we can get some crosses in from the flanks to him and Brooker in the box Id hope we'd have enough punch to floor Northampton and restore a bit of confidence, to the team and the fans.


My line up, presuming only those fit on tuesday make it;


Johnson (His assists seak for themselves,

Actually, I don't think they do

and until Noble adds the same amount of final balls/goals LJ will always have the edge on selection)

That's probably until Noble takes all the corners and free kicks

Russell (We need to play through Northampton and his wise use of the ball trumps Skuse's energy)

Not a bad point and as I have said their partnership is our most succesful-however the flaw in your plan is that he wasn't fit Tuesday and probably won't be Sat as a 33 year old takes longer to recover.


Enoch (We need goals, he scores goals, we need to see if he and Brooker can perform as a front pair and this is the ideal situation IMO)

Agreed and both of them staying fit for thirteen games would be great

Brooker (After starting four games he should now be close to true match sharpness, and we all know what he can do when he shifts up a gear, plus will be playing with a 'big man', a situation he often profits from.

Agreed once again and it's about time as the questions are already being asked

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Actually, I don't think they do

That's probably until Noble takes all the corners and free kicks

You aren't wrong, and the point about set pieces is a very goods one, but I don't feel Noble is decisive enough in his decision making when entrusted with the role of lone midfield playmaker.

Granted, LJ could possibly be accused of 'overplaying' on many occasions but at least he is not afraid to try the more complex passes and have a pop at goal, something Noble seems to have removed from his game since this time last year.

Saying that, Noble could very well just need a good run and shouldered the burden of the playmaker role at BHA well, and he might be due a start or two in place of LJ on recent performances.

Not a bad point and as I have said their partnership is our most succesful-however the flaw in your plan is that he wasn't fit Tuesday and probably won't be Sat as a 33 year old takes longer to recover.

I just presumed his presence on the bench tuesday (plus the fact he didn't have to play) might have led to his being fit sat, but if not Skuse would slot back in for me. If Russell was not full-game fit but could play a part then I would actually start him and bring Skuse on later to cover him, as we need to go at Northampton from the first second, and I feel Russell will give us the edge in that.

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Guest Bluebeard

Do want Johnson does, write Lee on the back of 42 playing cards, add random squad members to the remaining 10, shuffle, then pick 11.

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I think we're fortunate to have them both in what is the strongest part of our squad, by far.Keogh seems to have moved on and improved more than Orr this season.His crossing and general distribution appears better currently as well and he was part of our best flat back four as a right back.

Then why did you pick Orr ahead of Keogh in your original post?

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Why don't you worry about the side you will be picking on Friday rather than worry about ours.

My Selection


















At last someone who thinks McCallister should be at left midfield. He is by the far best to play this role. I like the shape of this side although i would have Wilson in for Orr and Brooker for Jevons. One thing is a must:

Keogh must not be dropped.

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