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Well for weeks there has been threads about Signing Murray, Robins getting that new attacking midfielder, who we would like to see etc etc when in reality after just reading the website we find out we are in serious trouble 5.9 Million in debt, and really not in any position to sign anyone.

What we should really be concentrating on is how are we going to clear this massive debt ?? assuming that all of our debt is secured on the stadium then at the moment city will cease to exists in 10 years time.

Whilst most people would argue that gaining promotion is the way forward the last time we went up are crowds were a lot lower then what they were in our promotion season, bit like last year compared to this average of 11/12 last year and only 9 on Saturday! by the 2 thousand fans who stayed away on Saturday cost the club about £40000 in lost gate receipts.

I am not sure where I am going with this post, may be I am just trying to re emphasize percy parrots posting earlier that all is not rosey at BCFC and this is time that OUR club needs us.

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that was exactly the point I had with regard to SL's barmy mission statement. It is plainly deluded. We have no money and he's on about taking risks.

Bananas if you ask me

Any money we raise should go to clearing debts not waking the dead, unless of course we get Glen "The AfterLife" Hoddle in charge

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I cannot believe that the land AG sits on is worth £5.9 million, how many four bedroom detached houses could you fit on to the land? Don't forget the Council owns the car park.

Selling AG and moving to Severnside for free would not wipe out that debt.

Agreed on the extra revenue received from attendances in the 1st Division, any, and it is a big if (Crewe and Cardiff's have not increased significantly) would be offset by bigger wages.

Hell, we are in a spot of trouble.

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