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Wilkshire Was Right To Be Miffed


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I can't help feeling that LW is a class above what we have within the squad.

He is a pass & move player that needs to have players around him that move for him.

We have a stagnent team that today were 2nd to every ball & never looked to make space for themselves.

Tinnion, I am afraid is fast becoming past his sell by date & is very limited in his ability now. I think spends more time thinking about his Testimonial :P

Before LW was taken off he was creating more than any other & it was ashame that others around him we so stagnent.

I thought he was totally right to chuck his training top down & it showed in the rest of the game, that his substitution was total b0ll0x - as was the Bell introduction. :dunno:

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yup have to agree - couldn't believe it was Wilkshire going off, thought he was playing well and looked like the player most likely to create something.

In fact it only got worse when Bell came on - why, thought he was coming on for hill who was obviously struggling!!!!!!

would have brought Goodfellow on earlier and left Wilks on but there you go!

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I can't help feeling that LW is a class above what we have within the squad.

He is a pass & move player that needs to have players around him that move for him.

I've been saying that for months and months.

He has the brain and arguably the ability to be playing in the Premiership. He just needs players around him willing to pass and move and make themselves available to him, in order to bring the best out in him.

He will make things happen, but in our team of static idiots, he looks to struggle.

I don't believe it's all his fault.

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Guest WestburyRed

And to make matters worse he was the only player that looked interested at the start, even got stuck in a fair bit and was chasing Oldham players about. Completely shocked by his substitution.

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Thats wilson for you though , wilkshire was having one of his better games for city after recent poor performances , and he does look a classy player , and you feel if he was playing in a classier team he would be better. I dont know what wilson thinks he's doing when he selects a team like todays , it had no pace (apart from roberts and maybe lita) and no width , and more importantly (as others have pointed out) no passion. We didnt seem to care , and the players dont communicate with eachother on the pitch , if a blind man came and sat in the ground with just the players playing a game ( and no fans) he would think he was in a mourge. I just feel that the players dont have faith in wilson anymore , and if we had any other manager in this league we would be top by a long way , i remember at the start of the season people saying danny's squad was the envy of division 2 , well it certainly isnt now.

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And to make matters worse he was the only player that looked interested at the start, even got stuck in a fair bit and was chasing Oldham players about. Completely shocked by his substitution.
Yep, couldn't believe he was the player to be withdrawn.

Goodfellow on & Tinnion off was my choice.

Real test of mettle now, as todays game, has gone a long way to dishearten a class player.

DW bought a class player & is slowly turning him into a player that won't give a toss like a few other t0$$pots out there today. :dunno:

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Guest little un

He is a good player with good vision. Don't have a clue why DW subbed him. I agree "WestburyRed" he was the only player looking interested today.

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Guest little un
You say he was the only player interested but Burnell appeared to be trying his best even if it wasn't very good.
Yes Burnell's effort was good but why was LW subbed?
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Guest bemmyred

Wilkshire has the same problem as Rosenior last season in that their thinking is 10 seconds further forward than the rest of the clowns.

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Guest bemmyred
Such a star player he has to depend on his dad for employment in the football basement
Obviously England you failed to witness one of the most dire cup finals last season which , had it not been for the entry of Rosenior , would have meandered along into penalties.

You obviously failed to witness his first pass in league football against Stoke when he split open half of their defence with one pass to set up Brown for an equaliser.

Of course I forget that he obviously had too much pace and flair for Wilson ( Stockport away last season just one example).

He was a player ,especially in this sh%t dividsion, who would have set this team alight this season , but he suffered as is Wilkshire and Goodfellow with the problem that Wilson doesnt seem to see full potential of players even when it is blatently stairing him in the face !!!

Its no surprise he pushed off considering the shabby way he was treated and his lack of oppourtunities his undoubted talent deserved !!

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I must admit, I too thought the subbing of LW was strange. When I saw Mickey warming up I thought we were taking Hill off (switching to 3 at the back); Mickey wide left; Goodfellow wide right with Roberts joining the other two up front. At that point we were already two down - Oldham were quite happy to sit on their lead and a 3 man front line may have been worth a go.

Wiltshire for me though is not looking the player he was. Before he left for Oz, he was really stamping his authority on matches. This has not been the case since his return. Perhaps he is a little jaded. Perhaps (thy cynical part of me thinks) he aleady has one eye on this summer's Olympics.

Tinnion is a different matter. Quite plainly he has not got the legs to be an out and out winger. Some may say he never has had. He needs others around him to 'feed' off his timely passes. So if you are going to play him wide left - then it is imperative that an attack minded left back is also playing i.e. not Hill. For me though, Tinnion (if selected) has to play in the middle. His range and timing of passes are still far and above most in this division - but without movement of others, his passes are pointless.

This is coaching and tactical errors. If we all can see this - why not our own coaches ??

One things for sure - it will be easier to get served in the pub at Tranmere now. :angry:

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This is coaching and tactical errors. If we all can see this - why not our own coaches ??

The thing is WLA that we are just fans who don't earn a great deal of money making a living as football coaches or managers.We simply don't have the deep knowledge of people like Wilson who understand the game at a much greater level than the rest of us plebs.

Most have not played pro football as so have little understanding of the complexities of tactics or the subtleties of making runs and stratregic positioning.Its far more complicated than we know... :D

The bottom line is that your average football fan simply doesn't get it.Therefore our opinions are worth nothing and what we see on the pitch doesn't mean that thats the way it really is............ :angry:

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