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We miss a regular strong 'Spine' throughout the team!

Guest Jags11

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Guest Jags11

I thank Carey,McAllister, McCombe and Basso for the strength and passion that they have shown in most games this season which confirms why they have never been left out when fit. (Missing to complete a winning 'spine' is a midfield player and centre forward)

It is easy to consider where we have been let down with some other players that are not regular in good form for two games running. My personal view is

Orr ( Strong and attacks in some games but bad errors in others.)

Woodman ( Was strong and could cross a ball in the beginning but he seems to have lost his inner strength to succeed with the best)

Keogh ( Out standing at times but caught out on speed at critical times)

Noble ( Wonderfull footballer but can only play at his pace where others wait a long time to get the pass)

Johnston ( Does his best to make up for his size. His hollywood passes take too long and not enough of them. Does not have a great shot mainly crosses.)

Skuse. ( Looked a great answer in the beginning but going the way of Woodman. Had a killer tackle but now a soft option for opposition)

Fontaine ( Outstanding last year not same player this year. Too many mistakes.)

Russell ( City's best midfielder. Creative and can score goals also a reliable passer of the ball. Off the boil sometime but mostly performs.)

Murray ( Can still run but lost his great ability to beat a man one to one. Can shoot and score goals. Without any doubt only a right wing man.)

Showunmi( One left leg only good and strong if he can only get clear! Out of the game too much of the time.Possibly needs better handling.)

Booker ( Still only the best runner, header and worrier of opposition we have. His game of holding up the ball seems to have been lost? )

Betsy ( Always a named goalscorer in League 1 last year. What's happened? Good ball player but not recently a good finisher.)

Jevons ( Our top goal scorer but falls out of the game regulary in the second half. Does not shoot enough at goal. Too much flicking the ball nowhere!)

Jennison ( First games flew by players with speed but all gone. 99% passes the ball backwards. Seems to lack confidence to beat anyone on his own)owWilson ( Not classy but got a good engine. Not a goal scorer but good tackler. Keeps himself in the game as opposed to others that disappear.)

The best use of the above is down to a good manager to correct the inherited weaknesses of each player if not sorted out it cannot be allowed to perform in the short run up to the seasons end where we need winning results. My feelings are we have got to spend now to ensure success by buying a proven goal scorer.


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Guest BCFC Matthaus
I thank Carey,McAllister, McCombe and Basso for the strength and passion that they have shown in most games this season which confirms why they have never been left out when fit. (Missing to complete a winning 'spine' is a midfield player and centre forward)

It is easy to consider where we have been let down with some other players that are not regular in good form for two games running. My personal view is

Orr ( Strong and attacks in some games but bad errors in others.)

Woodman ( Was strong and could cross a ball in the beginning but he seems to have lost his inner strength to succeed with the best)

Keogh ( Out standing at times but caught out on speed at critical times)

Noble ( Wonderfull footballer but can only play at his pace where others wait a long time to get the pass)

Johnston ( Does his best to make up for his size. His hollywood passes take too long and not enough of them. Does not have a great shot mainly crosses.)

Skuse. ( Looked a great answer in the beginning but going the way of Woodman. Had a killer tackle but now a soft option for opposition)

Fontaine ( Outstanding last year not same player this year. Too many mistakes.)

Russell ( City's best midfielder. Creative and can score goals also a reliable passer of the ball. Off the boil sometime but mostly performs.)

Murray ( Can still run but lost his great ability to beat a man one to one. Can shoot and score goals. Without any doubt only a right wing man.)

Showunmi( One left leg only good and strong if he can only get clear! Out of the game too much of the time.Possibly needs better handling.)

Booker ( Still only the best runner, header and worrier of opposition we have. His game of holding up the ball seems to have been lost? )

Betsy ( Always a named goalscorer in League 1 last year. What's happened? Good ball player but not recently a good finisher.)

Jevons ( Our top goal scorer but falls out of the game regulary in the second half. Does not shoot enough at goal. Too much flicking the ball nowhere!)

Jennison ( First games flew by players with speed but all gone. 99% passes the ball backwards. Seems to lack confidence to beat anyone on his own)owWilson ( Not classy but got a good engine. Not a goal scorer but good tackler. Keeps himself in the game as opposed to others that disappear.)

The best use of the above is down to a good manager to correct the inherited weaknesses of each player if not sorted out it cannot be allowed to perform in the short run up to the seasons end where we need winning results. My feelings are we have got to spend now to ensure success by buying a proven goal scorer.


Woooaaaaa!! You have systematically managed to rip apart nearly every member of our team. Come on surely if you scrutinise them enough you can find a weakness in Carey, McAllister, McCombe and Basso so you can have a full set.

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Guest reggiedenim

My take on below...

Orr ( Strong and attacks in some games but bad errors in others.) - agree

Woodman ( Was strong and could cross a ball in the beginning but he seems to have lost his inner strength to succeed with the best) agree - although i believe if he had a decent run he could prove to be a valuable player

Keogh ( Out standing at times but caught out on speed at critical times) - wouldnt say outsatnding - id say great attitude but still a little raw - need regular games in one position

Noble ( Wonderfull footballer but can only play at his pace where others wait a long time to get the pass) - since he came back at the Boro home game has impressed me - however i thought he was very average at thye begginning of the season

Johnston ( Does his best to make up for his size. His hollywood passes take too long and not enough of them. Does not have a great shot mainly crosses.) - probably the best creative midfielder at the club - definatley doesnt deserve the stick he gets - However need a rest once in a while

Skuse. ( Looked a great answer in the beginning but going the way of Woodman. Had a killer tackle but now a soft option for opposition) - got to be honest - I cannot see what everyone else see's in Skuse - Doesnt shoot - Never scores - Totally anonymous in a game

Fontaine ( Outstanding last year not same player this year. Too many mistakes.) - Rubbish this season - looks out of his depth

Russell ( City's best midfielder. Creative and can score goals also a reliable passer of the ball. Off the boil sometime but mostly performs.) - a bit better than skuse - again don't see quite what he brings to the table

Murray ( Can still run but lost his great ability to beat a man one to one. Can shoot and score goals. Without any doubt only a right wing man.) - was excellent and back to his best on the right wing ... Top Attitude - and Johnson has gone SOOOOO downhill in my books for taking him out of the right wing position just to accomodat his new signings - MURRAY must play on the right...

Showunmi( One left leg only good and strong if he can only get clear! Out of the game too much of the time.Possibly needs better handling.) - an excellent buy in the summer - cant play every game - but is a great striker to have in the squad - Great Attitude again

Booker ( Still only the best runner, header and worrier of opposition we have. His game of holding up the ball seems to have been lost? ) - Awful this season - Sick note - Cant ever seem to get behind the oppositions defence line. Sulks too much

Betsy ( Always a named goalscorer in League 1 last year. What's happened? Good ball player but not recently a good finisher.) - Looks good - although havent seen enough of him yet to make a judgement

Jevons ( Our top goal scorer but falls out of the game regulary in the second half. Does not shoot enough at goal. Too much flicking the ball nowhere!) Hit or Miss - mainly Miss

Jennison ( First games flew by players with speed but all gone. 99% passes the ball backwards. Seems to lack confidence to beat anyone on his own)owWilson ( Not classy but got a good engine. Not a goal scorer but good tackler. Keeps himself in the game as opposed to others that disappear.) - see Jevons

The best use of the above is down to a good manager to correct the inherited weaknesses of each player if not sorted out it cannot be allowed to perform in the short run up to the seasons end where we need winning results. My feelings are we have got to spend now to ensure success by buying a proven goal scorer.


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