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Kids In The Ee Today.

Guest Cider_Army

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Guest Cider_Army

My feelings on todays game I cannot write at the moment due to intense anger, even a shift at work and us winning the rugby hasn't calmed me down.

However, I was amused no end by thekids by the fence in the East End today, they clearly thought they were all that and more with their "attack" during half time. Most of them would know football holliganism if it hit them on the head (which someday it might when an away fan recognises them after the game) Now I know kids are the fans of tomorrow but these burberry wearing morons who insisted on baiting the the away fans while at the same time probably texting their mummy so she could pick them up after the game, are a bloody nightmare.

Oh and no comments about being a whingeing old man. I'm 19!!

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Guest Red_Rat

I think that would be harsh restricting Kids in the East End,to some extent it would solve some problems,but i myself are in there to support the team,and have a bit of a sing.

Hooliganism doesnt interest me

I'm 16

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Guest Cider_Army
Well no as once again you are prejudice against all under 18's. Me and my mates at the back are fine, we enjoy a laugh and we never goad or go to the fense so to make The East End exclusive to over 18's would be stupid.  I'm surprised there hasnt been much mentioned about what happened at half time on the board tonight.
I never said all under 18's were stupid. My brother is 16 and is a proper City fan and a lot of my mates are as well. It;s just the moronic ones today who thought they were big and clever by attacking the fence.
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I never said all under 18's were stupid.  My brother is 16 and is a proper City fan and a lot of my mates are as well.  It;s just the moronic ones today who thought they were big and clever by attacking the fence.
I Know who you are on about, but banning u-16's from the east end wont do nothing, i saw plenty of men doing it too. At the end of the day, Banning people for shouting at away fans or making adults go in with them are stupid. My dad dont let me swear, and if i sing a City song with a swear in it, the man goes bananas! So in the Eadt End i can sit back have a good laugh with my mates without worry from my father!

EDIT: Poor Spelling

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I Know who you are on about, but banning u-16's from the east end wont do nothing, i saw plenty of men doing it too. At the end of the day, Banning people for shouting at away fans or making adults go in with them are stupid. My dad dont let me swear, and if i sing a City song with a swear in it, the man goes bananas! So in the Eadt End i can sit back have a good laugh with my mates without worry from my father!

EDIT: Poor Spelling

I know the feeling.
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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

Our best bet is too ban ALL people who constantly push the fence from the East End. Not the ground.

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I Know who you are on about, but banning u-16's from the east end wont do nothing, i saw plenty of men doing it too. At the end of the day, Banning people for shouting at away fans or making adults go in with them are stupid. My dad dont let me swear, and if i sing a City song with a swear in it, the man goes bananas! So in the Eadt End i can sit back have a good laugh with my mates without worry from my father!

EDIT: Poor Spelling

No-one does everything their dad says but at least respect his experience. Swearing is for children or adults who have not grown up or cannot communicate.

Spelling is a problem for most ( especially me believe it or not) and a final twist

"wont do nothing" is a double negative which actually means it will do something

- I think :angry:

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