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Jamie Cooper - are some city fans hypocrites


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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

This has absoloutley nothing to do with City or Rovers.

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I tend to agree and disagree.

The jibes were aimed at the whole and not the individual and in the heat of the moment. What the fans are trying to do here is help an individual who has put his life on the line to help OUR country to enjoy a day out supporting his team. We not helping the club or their fans as a whole.

I wasn't one that was saying offensive things but was angry at the time but should have been angry with our own team for not producing. But in the end I will support this guy to have a good day out.

Yes there is hostility towards Rovers, seeing as we have just played them recently, but that will pass and the chances are we may not play them again in a comptetive game for a very long time.

Good luck to the fund raising and good luck to the soldier.


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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

Blimey mate, irrespective of what i think about the Rovers or perhaps even their fans, this is just a Red side of Bristol tribute to the heroics and injurys this lad has been through!!!!!

I hope your big enough to drop your comment mucker.

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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

A little harsh but you're entitled to your opinion.

The way I see this this is that life has been put in to perspective once again. This is fantastic proof that both sets of fans can unite. They can set aside their differences and pull together for something many believe to be worth while. No-one is under any obligation to donate and, even if those that have said something bad or derogatory against the rovers choose to donate, in my opinion this is not hypocritical. Who are we to judge? People may be eating humble pie whereas others can deal with the differences between their dislike for the opposition and their compassion for another human being.

To me, this isn't about who supports which team, this is about people showing a good side of their humanity to help another human being without prejudice. I don't care how pompous that sounds.

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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

can see what you are saying......however hypocritics on this forum...shock

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A little harsh but you're entitled to your opinion.

The way I see this this is that life has been put in to perspective once again. This is fantastic proof that both sets of fans can unite. They can set aside their differences and pull together for something many believe to be worth while. No-one is under any obligation to donate and, even if those that have said something bad or derogatory against the rovers choose to donate, in my opinion this is not hypocritical. Who are we to judge? People may be eating humble pie whereas others can deal with the differences between their dislike for the opposition and their compassion for another human being.

To me, this isn't about who supports which team, this is about people showing a good side of their humanity to help another human being without prejudice. I don't care how pompous that sounds.

don't sound pompous at all Jay.

Albeit, fans on this forum will bicker and row with each other over things they don't agree on, this is a totally different scenrio.

This lad deserves 100% respect, and its nice to see he,s getting that from all fans mate......

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I havnt really paid any attention to the whole Jamie Cooper thing..

Personally, I'd be happy to rally around for a donation for a City/Gas/Football fan who was suffering from some life threatening disease..

Rather than someone who chose to join the army and got ill in the process (ok he contracted MRSA thats bad luck but still).

Yes I have compassion, but perhaps not as loaded as some on here!


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I havnt really paid any attention to the whole Jamie Cooper thing..

Personally, I'd be happy to rally around for a donation for a City/Gas/Football fan who was suffering from some life threatening disease..

Rather than someone who chose to join the army and got ill in the process (ok he contracted MRSA thats bad luck but still).

Yes I have compassion, but perhaps not as loaded as some on here!



Well if know one chose to join the army you and me as young males would probably be forced to join the army or face imprisonment, so have some respect.

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Well if know one chose to join the army you and me as young males would probably be forced to join the army or face imprisonment, so have some respect.

I'm sure Bush would send his chum some aid if that was the case.

Fair point, I wont be donating, but lets hope the lad still has his day.

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I'm sure Bush would send his chum some aid if that was the case.

Fair point, I wont be donating, but lets hope the lad still has his day.

And Bush' days as the president of the USA are officially numbered.

I don't think that Hillary 'everything is rosy' Clinton or that other geezer would have the same generosity as far as war goes.

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I don't think people are donating becuase he's a gashead. It's more, as someone else says, because he put his life on the line to protect our country, and more importantly us.

Even if he did choose to join the army, the fact he did derserves praise on its own. You wouldn't catch 99% of people on here joining the army just before a war.

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I don't like the Rovers, lets get that clear.

Now I don't want anyone to think there's any logic in that.

Oh no, it's far simpler than that.It's a simple football hatred that stretches back generations and there's no rhyme, reason or rationale for it.Now, having sorted that one out, we'll move on to this young man who, like yours truly, served in the armed forces.

I was lucky in that I exited the services aftet learning a trade.Representing them at sport took up a lot of my time, which, at 21 was just what I wanted, thank you very much.I was never in an actual war zone although Northern Ireland wasn't the friendliest place way back then!

For one thing, Jamie's a Bristol kid.Big plus!

Secondly, and perhaps even more curiously, I've got more time for a bloke that follows the Rovers home and away, than some Glory Hunter with no more connection to Chelsea than the moon, jumping on a bus to London every other week and adorning his bedroom with pictures of John Terry.

Thirdly, the lads done his bit for us and his duty to our country.Now, before somebody who doesn't agree with the war, the govt....etc, etc, goes into one let me confirm that CHOICE is a seldom used phrase in the services.I know he joined from choice but that was probably more about wanting a steady job, to play sport and learn a trade, than wanting to be a hero or wanting a tear up in a country thousands of miles away.

For those reasons, he'll get my help.

It's bad enough being injured, but imagine being a Rovers Fan!! :noexpression:

And before anyone asks, I'll be supporting the Rovers at the Millenium!!

DONCASTER ROVERS :winner_third_h4h:

Sorry Jamie, but there's only so far I can go. :D

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An excellent point Collis, Switzerland and Israel for instance still have compulsory national service.

Interesting to note also that Tony Blair played a big part in starting the war with Iraq. I note also that Tony Blair's son Euwen did not sign up to fight in the war that his dad helped to start when he left Bristol University. In fact, Euwen Blair was spirited off to the Americas where the last I heard of him was when he had food poisoning in the Bahamas. Get your act together Tory Blair and Co. - don't start wars that you or your families aren't prepared to fight for yourselves !!!!!!!......


Goblin, may i ask, have you a fleet of armoured tanks on route to Chesterfield this evening? :dancing2:

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Unfortunately I had to work today so I'll have to watch for our result on teletext and my recently renovated Stalin Tank thus remains untested on an away trip. :doh:

If you want a lift in a tank then I recommend you use Dolly Marie's T34 Red Army tank for the Millwall trip. It was actually equipped with cider barrels are beer taps for the discerning BCFC away tripper. Arrive at the New Den Millwall in comfort and safety and in a drunken stupor is our motto. :innocent06: Unfortunately I can't find the photo of it on this website.

As you may remember, from the post below from last year, she was very successful as commander of her very own Dolly Marie division on last season's trip to Walsall. :winner_third_h4h:

To avoid the destruction of the M5 motorway's tarmac, - units of the BCFC Cider Army use the fields at the side for the trip to Walsall last April....


Units of the BCFC Red Army 'Dolly Marie' division take Walsall centre with their WWII T34 tanks, absolutely no sign of any corrupt West Midlands Royalist Gestapo Police :shifty: .......


PS and we beat Walsall FC 0-3 !!!!!!

Quality RG, and always raises a smile!!!!

Heard Miss Marie has been promoted to Chief Commander?

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Football is a deep routed social institution, no matter how engrained into our individual psychology it may be it doesn't change that I'm sorry.

We're talking Humanitarianism here, he's a fellow young Man from Bristol who's come within an inch of his life due to having way more courage than I'm sure the vast majorety on here could muster, whether he be slightly unhinged for putting himself through this in the first place or not isn't the issue for me, neither are the justifications of the crisis, (it could've been me he'd be protecting).

He's got my respect farover the average bod and is therefore worthy of a pint or three on me.

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I think what this forum is doing for Jamie Cooper is fantastic.

I have never really had a problem with Rovers, but to think only a week ago quite a few city fans were saying a lot of very offensive and personel thing about Rovers fans and players etc, I cannot help but feel that some City fans are being a bit hypocritical now that they really want to help Jamie Cooper.

It's got nothing to do with the football team that this lad supports.

.........and also, he's not the one asking us to be nice to him is he?

I could give money to starving kids in Africa or something similar but I'd rather donate to a worthy cause closer to home and this lad deserves to have his special day out. The fact that he's a Bristol Rovers fan doesn't even come into it......I'm sure that the majority of Gasheads out there would do the same thing for one of 'ours' if he/she was in a similar situation.

Well done to everyone who has...... or who will be donating to Jamie's special day out.

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I havnt really paid any attention to the whole Jamie Cooper thing..

Personally, I'd be happy to rally around for a donation for a City/Gas/Football fan who was suffering from some life threatening disease..

Rather than someone who chose to join the army and got ill in the process (ok he contracted MRSA thats bad luck but still).

Yes I have compassion, but perhaps not as loaded as some on here!


anyone who serves their country deserves a pat on the back, and to be treated well. sadly these days it don't happen.

It should be a given, but it aint.

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Guest leepeacock's50phead

Not sure hypocritical is the word.

but you can't help but think if more people did more to stop this war going ahead and were more vocal regarding the superbug problems being experienced in the hospitals, a lot of heartache could be prevented.

The observation that he chose to join the army as a job is also a fair point.

Would a gashead who served in Iraq and is simply poor get the same treatment? I'm not so sure.

This is a nice touch from the City fans but will do nothing to prevent more deaths in Iraq or difficulties as a result of the superbug epidemic in the NHS.

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Guest leepeacock's50phead
anyone who serves their country deserves a pat on the back, and to be treated well. sadly these days it don't happen.

It should be a given, but it aint.

Soldiers in Irag are not serving their country, they are serving the interests of business.

In my view its up to their employers to 'treat them well'

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Guest leepeacock's50phead
Sir, around a million people marched on Parliament in protest at the war in Iraq. What more can people do to persuade the Government when our Government doesn't listen to ordinary people ????!!!!!! :noexpression:

However, I can offer a world renowned man of action from England's past who will frighten the politicians into listening to us....

End the tyranny of our 'politically correct' oppressors that did deny us our birthright to stand on Ye Olde East End terrace and our right to chant obscenities without fear of Royalist Gestapo Police reprisals. Vote into Parliament a real nightmare for the football supporter hating politicians........vote for the man of action.........VOTE FOR GUY FAWKES !!!!!!..........


you know the answer to that - revolution. Its happened far more often in thye recent history of Europe than most people think.

But people are far too busy shopping to worry about principals.

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Guest leepeacock's50phead
When there's no food in the shops to shop for that's when you get revolution. In Europe it most noteably happened in 18th Century France and in Russia during the first world war. It usually ends with a massive people's army overthrowing the Government and then executing the Royals, the Aristocrats and the Plutocrats en masse.

We are the People !!!!!!!!

Well there is little chance of that with the global resources of big business in this country, the kids of africa can starve while we gorge ourselves to death and the government continue to threated the relative peace in the world.

Your earleir point about a million people marching on london is valid though - if only there was an alternative in the polling booths.

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Soldiers in Irag are not serving their country, they are serving the interests of business.

In my view its up to their employers to 'treat them well'

soldiers in iraq are serving there country and fighting to give what me and you take for granted (freedom)and deserve the respect !

they join the army to serve and protect there country wherever they are sent to in the world ! and should be given the respect that they deserve as they are prepared to fight and sadly die for there country

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Lets get a few things straight here.

Anybody who was saying horrible things about the Gas a week ago (i mean like proper horrible stuff that got the forum shut down) was only a very small percent of the people on this forum(less than 1 %), and of thsoe people i would be surprised if any of them are donating money.

I think these are the people Mrdc is on about, not the fans who just say "we hate the Gas".

As for other talk, respect should defnitly be shown to soldiers. However, as always there are many issues that surround a campaign such as this.

1. If u wna be bluntly honest about "what hes been through" then really instead of donating money to fly him to the game money could be given to charities that help the war wounded. This is not to say the campaign is a bad idea etc, but i think you can see my point. I'm not saying its my opinion either, its jsut posts were suggesting about weather it was deserved or not so jsut thought id put that idea across.

2. Would fans donating donate for any other fans of other clubs?

3. I don't think this campaign is really aobut Bristol City and Bristol Rovers, it is more about Bristol and a soldier from Kingswood.

TO be honest, people r free to say and give what they want , so who r we to knock any campaign, opinions r opniinons and thats what makes the world so great.

Good luck to Jamie, and hope he enjoys his day, he deserves respect for his courage (although i also hope the Gas lose!)

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