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While the club and moreso A&S police will oppose today`s reopening of the EE for the Forest,Yeovil and Swans matches i implore SL to make the neccesary arrangements to open the EE for Tuesday night.

While some may be disappointed by the numbers there, nobody can deny the fabulous atmosphere their prescence created today. The team and the fans deserve the opportunity to repeat this Tuesday for what will be, arguably, THE most important fixture at home so far this season.

Whatever it takes, Mr Lansdown, you must pull out all the stops. Forget exchanging tickets. I would suggest allowing those who want to use the EE to purchase tickets up to Tuesday lunchtime, also a ticket line that works and allow any ST holders to simply go to the turnstiles with their books and using the voucher on the night. If neccesary close the turnstiles 30m before kickoff so fans who don`t get in have time to go to their respective seats.

These are hastily put together idea`s which i`m sure are full of pitfalls that someones going to point out to me. Fact is something must be done and quickly.

So.....Mr Lansdown, how about it.

PS Ken let the cat out of the bag. :disapointed2se:


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While the club and moreso A&S police will oppose today`s reopening of the EE for the Forest,Yeovil and Swans matches i implore SL to make the neccesary arrangements to open the EE for Tuesday night.

While some may be disappointed by the numbers there, nobody can deny the fabulous atmosphere their prescence created today. The team and the fans deserve the opportunity to repeat this Tuesday for what will be, arguably, THE most important fixture at home so far this season.

Whatever it takes, Mr Lansdown, you must pull out all the stops. Forget exchanging tickets. I would suggest allowing those who want to use the EE to purchase tickets up to Tuesday lunchtime, also a ticket line that works and allow any ST holders to simply go to the turnstiles with their books and using the voucher on the night. If neccesary close the turnstiles 30m before kickoff so fans who don`t get in have time to go to their respective seats.

These are hastily put together idea`s which i`m sure are full of pitfalls that someones going to point out to me. Fact is something must be done and quickly.

So.....Mr Lansdown, how about it.

PS Ken let the cat out of the bag. :disapointed2se:


I was at a pre-match meeting with SL and CS at AG earlier this season when "Southville Kiddy" asked a question about the EE being opened again. Steve's response was to roll his eyes in disdain, turn around to Sexstone, and say "the East End again". He may as well of said "the effing East End again".

Very noticeable today, most of the players, and Johnners especially, made a point of going over and applauding the EE straight after the game. Sadly Lansdown and Sexstone, being new "supporters" don't understand what its all about, hopefully they might begin to.

The EE made a real difference today, fair play to CiderHead and North Street for making it happen, and many others for their support. The stewards tried to make the lads sit down at one point, which would have had the effect of reducing the noise and the atmosphere - fair play boys for having none of it, the "Stand up if you hate the Gas" chant was very well timed.

Well done all the boys in there today - here's to a return to a proper atmosphere at Ashton Gate once more.

Next on the agenda - muffle the armadildo song when we score.

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Can we please start something to get rid of this!

When Jevo scored today, I was over the moon, really felt like going potty.....then this starts.... :o not good

It has to go. Does anyone like it??

Andy i cant stand it, maybe the supporters trust/club could do something, it depends on the general feeling though mate. Cant see them getting rid of it cos me and you hate it!

Same goes with the bloke who reads out the teams and then cccccccoooooooooommmmmmeeeeee on you reddddddddsssssssss

Its so embarrassing!

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Can we please start something to get rid of this!

When Jevo scored today, I was over the moon, really felt like going potty.....then this starts.... :o not good

It has to go. Does anyone like it??

I mentioned this on the way home, I hate it, but I cant actually remember them playing it, and I don't think i noticed at the time either?! :dunno:

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The EE made a real difference today,

To what apart from the better atmosphere?

You can't say that it inspired the team. A 1-0 win against lowly opposition that would more than likely have happened without the EE being opened.

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To what apart from the better atmosphere?

You can't say that it inspired the team. A 1-0 win against lowly opposition that would more than likely have happened without the EE being opened.

It did inspire the team to get out of the blocks quickly, something we've not done all season which resulted in us getting a penalty.

Why is it that every time you post about the East End it's with a negative slant and you have very little positive to say about it? That's not balanced is it?

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It did inspire the team to get out of the blocks quickly, something we've not done all season which resulted in us getting a penalty.

Why is it that every time you post about the East End it's with a negative slant and you have very little positive to say about it? That's not balanced is it?

Come on Nibor - City went 1-0 up against Millwall with the first attack and the only fans in the EE that day were from the East End of London.

Its not a negative slant at all.I've already said in other threads the atmosphere was improved but you have to balance that against the cost of opening the EE.

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Come on Nibor - City went 1-0 up against Millwall with the first attack and the only fans in the EE that day were from the East End of London.

Its not a negative slant at all.I've already said in other threads the atmosphere was improved but you have to balance that against the cost of opening the EE.

Not that it's relevant but as you've mentioned the Millwall game ....

What do you reckon the ADDITIONAL cost of opening the EE against Millwall would have been?

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Come on Nibor - City went 1-0 up against Millwall with the first attack and the only fans in the EE that day were from the East End of London.

Its not a negative slant at all.I've already said in other threads the atmosphere was improved but you have to balance that against the cost of opening the EE.

happy fan, happy fans :innocent06:

stick the 688 fans in another area of the ground as to be fair they are already in ashton gate scattered around

they just want to sit, sing, and positive support the team together .

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but you have to balance that against the cost of opening the EE.


Lansdown himself told us cost was not an issue and that £4k (thats the figure he gave us) he would happily pay himself.

His one and only issue was the fear that it may attract trouble.

So give up on this cost issue.

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Not quite sure what your getting at but hasn't he said that the added atmosphere was a good thing?

I read it as ''The atmosphere improved, so what? What else did it do?''

He clearly doesnt see the added noise as a benefit, thats clear enough.

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The stewards tried to make the lads sit down at one point, which would have had the effect of reducing the noise and the atmosphere - fair play boys for having none of it, the "Stand up if you hate the Gas" chant was very well timed.

That happens at all the away games i go to. I stand at the back and constantly we all get told to sit down. which always ends up in us standing up 5 seconds later cos we hate the gas! :chant6ez:

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That happens at all the away games i go to. I stand at the back and constantly we all get told to sit down. which always ends up in us standing up 5 seconds later cos we hate the gas! :chant6ez:

I know, I'm at most away games these days and usually join in with that.

Someone else has put a post on this forum that the law basically says its ok to stand up if you are singing. Not sure if that's true, but it certainly seems to be at the very least an unwritten rule.

The fans have started the fight back over the football authorities sanitising our game, so many other things to put right. Having seen the Trundle sending off yesterday, the daft law that says exuberant goal celebration equals a booking would be a good place to start.

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I know, I'm at most away games these days and usually join in with that.

Someone else has put a post on this forum that the law basically says its ok to stand up if you are singing. Not sure if that's true, but it certainly seems to be at the very least an unwritten rule.

The fans have started the fight back over the football authorities sanitising our game, so many other things to put right. Having seen the Trundle sending off yesterday, the daft law that says exuberant goal celebration equals a booking would be a good place to start.

Will you be making the long arduous journey to Crewe?

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Will you be making the long arduous journey to Crewe?

Well having driven to Germany for the weekend last year, three times, and compared to M'boro, Uddersfield, Rotherham, Bradford, etc plus Carlisle to come, Crewe will be like popping round the corner to see your mate.

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Robbered are you a gas head in disquise because your posts on the Eastend go against the majority of City fans perhaps you should try it once you never know you might enjoy it,do not be such a killjoy please for the sake of the club

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Big Brother is now watching the BCFC East Enders. :noexpression:

What a great book cover cider head's piccie would make for a reprint of George Orwell's novel '1984'.

Subjugation, coercion and control in a 'Royalist Gestapo Police Camera State'........ :whistle2: .....

Have the Gestapo not got more urgent tasks?

I have to say pictures like that are frightening. People having a good time, full of positivity, not a hint of trouble, and a copper videoing them, just as a matter of course, is really quite distasteful.

I appreciate the police have been successful in combatting football hooliganism, but that is just overstepping the mark.

Your views are sometimes seen as a bit, erm, extreme for some RG, but on this ocassion I think your analysis is spot on.

I remember reading '1984', in 1984, and feeling quite relieved society was not like that, but it seems Orwell's only mistake was his timing.

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I have to say pictures like that are frightening. People having a good time, full of positivity, not a hint of trouble, and a copper videoing them, just as a matter of course, is really quite distasteful.

I appreciate the police have been successful in combatting football hooliganism, but that is just overstepping the mark.

For once Nick, I actually agree with you. Videoing fans in unnecessary and provocative. Maybe the police see it as a deterant, adopting the "we have you on camara, so don't try anything" attitude.

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For once Nick, I actually agree with you. Videoing fans in unnecessary and provocative. Maybe the police see it as a deterant, adopting the "we have you on camara, so don't try anything" attitude.

So will they start filming you as you are shopping in tescos, or taking the kids to the park????, cant remember being filmed walking around Alton towers either, it's an infringement on peoples privacy, and should not be allowed to happen.

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For once Nick, I actually agree with you. Videoing fans in unnecessary and provocative. Maybe the police see it as a deterant, adopting the "we have you on camara, so don't try anything" attitude.

If you politely ask them for the data controllers details so that you can request a copy of the tape, and when they look puzzled explain that under the data protection act 1998 they're obliged to provide details of who to contact for data access requests in writing if they're filming people, they tend to stop.

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