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One Defeat And Suddenly Were Crap


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every time we lose a game its always the same, lets get rid of the manager, or the teams not good enough, then when we win again its, i think we"ll definately get promoted now. we really are a fickle lot down here, one minute we think were great, and the next minute we think were ####, oh the joys of supporting a football team.

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Its not just the defeat people are worried about , its the manner of the defeat , we lacked passion , movement , flare , etc... We just werent good enough , its not acceptable to lose at home to teams like oldham , especially when they deserved it.

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every time we lose a game its always the same, lets get rid of the manager, or the teams not good enough, then when we win again its, i think we"ll definately get promoted now. we really are a fickle lot down here, one minute we think were great, and the next minute we think were ####, oh the joys of supporting a football team.
:Sleep12: :Sleep15:

Unless you have been in a cave you'll realise a fair number of anti-Wilson posters have expressed such opinion for months, Win/Lose or Draw!

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Like Oldham? whos gives us the right to belittle teams, if we want to be better than any team we have to beat them and earn it.

We lost a battle not the war.  :angry:

I am coming out of shock a bit now the brightness is returning I am getting :D

I'm refering to their league position , and if were serious about promotion we should be beating the teams in the relegation struggle, especially at home.
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Its not one defeat though, its the 4 points in 5 games thats the problem

The Stupid team selections are the problem

The Fact we need a striker who is a predator around the box

The way we have played all season, not good.

The way Wilson has tried to model us around Wigan, who odviously we are not.

The fact that Wilson continues to play Carey, Peacock(like the guy alot but hes tired) and Butler when they are not up to it

The fact it has took him 3 months to start Lita

Thats why the fans are unhappy, we ought to be 10 points clear.

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Guest nobby

and the fact weve seen the same collapse 4 seasons in a row. people can only take so mutch before they snap and have to say something

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every time we lose a game its always the same, lets get rid of the manager, or the teams not good enough, then when we win again its, i think we"ll definately get promoted now. we really are a fickle lot down here, one minute we think were great, and the next minute we think were ####, oh the joys of supporting a football team.

it is hardly 1 lost game our last 5 games

sheffield lost

wycombe drew

stockport lost

rushden won

oldham lost

now all those games were to lower half of the table

teams, we struggled to score against them all with

only 2 goals in 5 games that is hardly promotion form,

i can take being beat but is how we are being beaten that

is bugging me the 11 games we went unbeaten i can count 9 of them

where we were not playing well in but i thought ok the 3 points

is all that matters but we are not even doing that now


we caught plymouth and opened a 2 point lead that has now been

smashed with them now having a 9 point lead on us, we need the

wings sorted out and a goal scorer who nets 25+ a season as at

the moment we will not go up and ware looking poor.

the only game we have looked like a promotion side was

the first game of the season against nots county since

then we have limped along.

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I am coming out of shock a bit now the brightness is returning I am getting ;)
well done good to see the old glos boy coming back - we need a bit of positive thinking at the moment.

bring back the happy clappies - know where I'd rather be :angry::D:blink:

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:angry: Unfortunately we are and have been for most of the season. No cohesive tactics/formations from Wilson, an unforgiveable scoring record and mediocre in the middle.

Even in our 11 game run, we were very lucky to come away with some of the wins we did. Now we're not even creating real chances.

As for Wilson, I can't recall a time when he has ever seemed to really motivate the players. His lame duck comments made after we've lost or managed to s####e a draw against 3 of the bottom 5 teams in the Division make my blood boil. Even if we do manage to go up (and this will certainly be via the Play-Offs), I can only see another season to rival the ineptitude shown by Ward.

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Wake up, we've been #### most of the season, it's a #### league and we just happen to be less #### than the rest of the ####.

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Wake up, we've been #### most of the season, it's a #### league and we just happen to be less #### than the rest of the ####.
Spot on, in a nutshell.

What IF (I know, I dont really like using hypotheticals, but go with it)

Where would City be IF Cardiff, Wigan and Crewe were still in this division?

6th? at best! add to that Swindon on our tails we would probably not make the playoffs.

'#### league and we just happen to be less #### than the rest of the ####' top quote.

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every time we lose a game its always the same, lets get rid of the manager, or the teams not good enough, then when we win again its, i think we"ll definately get promoted now. we really are a fickle lot down here, one minute we think were great, and the next minute we think were ####, oh the joys of supporting a football team.
So explain to me, just how long aint we been #### then?? Even the 11 match run was filled with indifferent performances- we just got found out now.

And our illustrious manager aint it seems got a clue how to change it.

not worried, you bloody should be!!!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Does no one have any idea how much not winning promotion is going to damage this club?

Every defeat is unacceptble, saturdays by the sound of it is criminal they way City played and were managed. Forget winning 11 games, we're not likely to lead for 11 minutes at this moment in time.

Some of these players have had YEARS to sort themselves out. But its still the same story, same mistakes. Don't judge the mood because of one game, looke back abit longer.

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Quite right Willsbridge. We were playing fairly awfully in August when we struggled to hold mighty Hartlepool to a 1-1 at home, and following that it took until the 92nd minute to finally beat Grimsby, the same Grimsby team that lost their NEXT MATCH 8-1!! EIGHT BLOODY ONE and we nearly failed to beat that pile of kack.

Then there was the insipid Port Vale 0-1 defeat in September. Port Vale for heavens sake! I mean they've been so damned excellent this season that they got rid of their manager half way through.

Then October and two simply pathetic limp-wristed performances against Peterboro and Sheff Wednesday, both ending 1-1. Classic Danny Wilson quote after the game "both sides will be up there in the promotion challenge end of the season". Oh yeah Danny, great assessment, displays your judgement perfectly. Us realists watching that game saw Wednesday as nothing more than ordinary. And City couldn't beat that load of donkey's conkers.

November we held the world class Luton to a 1-1 then in December piddled ourselves when drawing Barnsley in the cup and went out after two displays a Nun's Second Eleven would better. Oh and then the wonderful run started, but performances hardly improved, except perhaps the Bournemouth match. The rest? Staggering 1-0 wins against Colchester and Wrexham (whoo-wee) and late, late shows against Chesterfraud and Brentford.

At no time did City LOOK LIKELY WINNERS during the vast majority of these games. Last season I was confident if we conceded one or even two City could match and beat it. Now, if city go 0-1 down its as good as lost.

The team is weak, pathetic and limp and has the backbone of a jellyfish. It needs a manager who can put a rocket up their jacksies and motivate.. yes.. MOTIVATE them all. Wilson is not a motivator. At least, he doesn't demonstrate that ability.

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Guest Uncle Ern

I am coming out of shock a bit now the brightness is returning I am getting :angry:

Does that mean pulling your head out of your @rse ???
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Guest cider gliders

well i said we would not beat oldham and we do have

problems scoring i hate to be right BUT..... :angry:



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well i said we would not beat oldham and we do have

problems scoring i hate to be right BUT..... :blink:



That post has frightened me!!

If two veteran Cider-Reds of many years distinguished service in the name of you Reds say that, how come Danny Boy dont???? :angry::D

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