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Early Leavers

Guest smarty

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Guest smarty

Have just read some of the posts following yesterdays game.

Some comments and observations.

Seems people have given up already, leaving early and running away when the tough times are ahead.

I wish we had scored three late goals yesterday, unlikely the way things were going i know but what fun that would have been and those people that left early and probably leave early even when we are winning would have missed a great comeback.

At times like this the team needs encouragement and support not negativity on the scale somepeople are showing on this site.

For ##*cks sake we are third in the table, we have some 6 pointers comming up and the possibility of a loan signing appearing in the next week. If I was thinking about joining the club on-loan and saw people moaning like some of you I would probably think twice about it. I would want to go to a club where I know the supporters are behind the team and not running scared.

I think the team selection could have been better yesterday and hopefully Danny will realise that and make the required changes. The ref didn't help or the conditions but suppose it's the sam efor both teams.

I am disappointed as others are but I have followed this clubs during the good and the bad (Old div 4, Old div 1). I have always stuck with the club and always will.

If you can't handle it I suggest you leave now and close the door on the way out.

I'd rather have 10000 commited supporters than some of the 11 to 12000 who moan and leave early every game.

I wave you goodbye :Wave: :Wave: unless your are hear for the long run and willing to support the boys in their hour of need.

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Guest nobby

you cannot blame people for walking out after watching that.there was no commitment,no determination,no will to win whatsoever.

ive seen city 2,3,4,5,6 goals down over the years but thers only been a handful of occasions when ive left early.

those have been when there has been no effort from the team.

i can take it when weve been unlucky,bad ref,great keeper,hit the woodwork etc, but when there has been no effort,why on earh should i stay,if the players cant be arsed,then why should the fans.

you cannot defend performances like that. :Rage:

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Guest smarty

Well I can remeber two clear chances about 6 yards out of goal by Goodfellow. On another day they would have been in and the whole game could have been different. But I guess you wouldn't have seen them if you were one of the people who left 15 minutes from the end!

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I pay my money and do as I bloody well please, I didn't like what I saw so I left early, I turned up and paid my money like you did, If i had stayed away deliberatley then fair enough, What purpose would it had done to stay til the end and clapped a team and manager off the field who between them served up 90mins of utter ####, I'm here for the long run too, when Wilson Barlow and those players are all gone I'm the one the club will look for to keep paying my money to come through those turnstyles every home match, and I'm going to keep on doing it because I'm a City fan through and through, If I leave early it's because I am disgusted with what I've seen.

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I stayed til the end, not because I thought we were going to pull it back, but because I am a city fan - no the performance was not acceptable and i would say that the players were more than aware of that given the looks on their faces at the end.

But yesterday is gone (maybe not completely forgotten) and now we have to look forward to Tranmere - I may actually now try and get to the game (work permitting), as I'd like to be there to support the team. I'll also be at Port Vale next weekend.

One benefit of everyone leaving early - made it a hell of a lot easier to get out of the stand come the final whistle and to walk home! :angry:

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Guest nobby

ok,goodfellow missed 2 clear chances,but that doesnt mean that there wasnt a lack of effort from the team as a whole?

out of that bunch yesterday,only burnell,tinman and goodfellow and miller when they came on,broke in to a sweat.

you must have thorght alot of the team looked like they couldnt be arsed, no matter how many chances we did or didnt miss

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Guest smarty

I try my hardest at work but sometimes I have off days where things go wrong. When a number of players all have an off day then thats what happened yesterday.

Bring on Tranmere and lets hope Saturday is forgotton.

Not making excuses for sloppy play just supporting and getting behind my team. :angry:

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Guest nobby

but the problem is,were having off days on a regular basis. did you go to shef wed,stickport,wycombe games?

its not a rare occurance,city have played poorly all season, during the winning run we never played brilliantly,just got ourselves a goal and then didnt do anything stupid at the other end,but now our defence is making mistakes left,right and centre and we havent got enough goal threat too come back.

this compounded with a total lack of effort as seen yesterday means that we will not win matches

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Guest Bawno

I have been watching city all my life and I have seen it time and time again when we get goals in the last few minutes. I would have to say that anyone who does not stay until the final whistle must be stupid!

For those of you who do leave early, aren't supporters supposed to stay through rain and wind, through thick and thin, not come when we're winning and leave when we're losing! :angry:

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Guest little un

I stayed til the end although I saw people leaving after we went 2-0 down! We could still of won. We didn't improve in the 2nd half and it was then clear that we weren't going to win. I hope we can beat Tranmere.

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I have been watching city all my life and I have seen it time and time again when we get goals in the last few minutes. I would have to say that anyone who does not stay until the final whistle must be stupid!

For those of you who do leave early, aren't supporters supposed to stay through rain and wind, through thick and thin, not come when we're winning and leave when we're losing! ;)

What a total load of b0ll0x :D

I get real naffed off with these so called 'happy clappy' fans who put up the 'real' fan cr@p, when other fans either have an opinion, or in this case decide to leave a little early (for whatever reason - cr@p game, transport to catch etc, etc, etc!)

Yesterday, was the first time, I actually left before the final whistle. But I do admit to leaving my seat before the end, but never leave the Stadia before that final whistle.

So I am now depressed that I am deemed a 2nd rate stupid fan.

For christ sake, you are very welcome to your opinion, but try looking at the areas for 'real' concern rather that belittle your fellow fans for not acting like the 'mother of a fan' that you seem to make out you are. :blink:

Now I'm sounding as bad as you :angry:

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I didn't leave early yesturday, i have only ever left 1 game early and that was oldham away last season when we were dire and that was only about a minuite before the whistle.

But i was severly tempted yesturday. I can stomach poor performances, we are all human it happens, we have off days. But not 1 of the players bar Matty Hill, Robbo, Miller and Wilkshire before being bizzarely substituted, gave a ###### yesturday. They didn't want it, even Coles look as if he didn't care. They can play badly all they want, but when they don't bother it is a disgrace and i will not tollerate that. The only reason i stayed was because i wanted to applaud those off the pitch that i felt actually bothered.

Those players plus Stevie deserved my applause none of the others did, all they deserved was what they put in ABSOLUTELY ###### ALL.

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Guest Ricky BCFC

I think that if you really supported the club then you wouldn't be telling fans to stay away but would encourage them and other people who aren't regulars to come more often, as it would mean more support for our club. More support = more money to take the club foward. But apparently you don't want that because you are a real supporter.

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Guest Ricky BCFC

Also who is to say that people who leave their seat early because of a poor performance aren't real fans? If anything you could argue that they are better fans as by leaving early they are showing the players that their performances are not good enough and that they want them to improve. If you stay there and clap a bad performance then what you are telling the players is that you are pleased with how they are playing, and then they won't bother to improve because they think they are already doing good enough and then we will go nowhere.

I didn't leave the ground early myself but I am just trying to get you to see things from the other side.

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Dont understand why people do it , it wasnt just yesterday they walk out every game , the old people infront of me leave 20 mins before the end every game! They have missed so many late goals this season , and the crucial part of the game , i dont see the point in going if you leave that early. Imagine if people did that at the cinema because they werent happy with the film , there would be uproar from the people who were trying to watch it , its ridiculouce (spelling) , i say if your going to leave 20 mins before the end dont go. Fair enough if you leave after 85 mins and you live a long way away , but other than that there is no excuse for it , and it ruins the game for other people as well.

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I didnt leave after the Wycombe debacle, but I should have, it was ######* awful, you pays you money, you makes you choice. At least the players might get the hint that we aint ######** happy about the performances eh??

No point in hiding the fact the performances are ####, and the paying punter aint happy, and we pay their ######** wages. Performances like that from me, or you at work would result in us getting the flick. They are pretty lucky, really, in wilsons Blunderland, shielded from the critiscism in the real world..

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I laugh at the people who question the support of the early leavers - I have a message


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Agreed W.R. I laughed at the whole thread.

I can't believe people have bothered responding trying to justify themselves in terms of when they choose to leave.

The fact they were there is the only significant point.

I am happy in the knowledge that I am the best, the worse and the most average fan of Bristol City. :angry:

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Guest North Street

Well i left early , very early, but why should i sit there as people who's wages i help pay take the (I tried to say a naughty word)? I could have sat there till the bitter end but when a warm pub and a pint was waiting why waste my time?It was not as if some where trying their upmost to perspire for ninety minutes and City got out what was put in, big fat Zero.

Day off work Wednesday and well this sucker is heading to Liverpool for the afternoon before the "suffering/entertainment" begins again. A repeat of City's "efforts" and out of the ground "early" i shall go wondering "now what about Port Vale saturday"!

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Guest WestburyRed

I don't care what reasons people give for leaving early, it happens every week even if we are 2-0 up, 2-0 down or whatever.

What does annoy me is the attitude of many of these people. Its almost like "I'm leaving, I don't care if you can't see a bloody thing for the next few minutes"

I stay for the full match no matter what (apart from the one time I had Kidney Stones and could only hang on for 85 minutes, still had a 2 hour drive home to endure after that, amazingly the other early leavers around me were actually walking into homes just minutes from AG!) but what frustrates me the most is that if there is a bit of action most of these leavers will just stop in their tracks and watch the game, blocking the view for many who want to see the full match.

My point is, if you want to leave, LEAVE. Don't hang around watching, don't stop when something exciting happens, just get out. Pick a moment when the ball goes out (not when the opposition are attacking, most of like to see this part of a game as well funnily enough), get up, head for the exit and goodbye. It should be a simple request considering these people clearly aren't interested in the rest of the game, but you would be suprised at the abuse received on the one time I've politely asked someone to move when they were walking past my seat and just stopped to carry on watching.

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Guest citygal17

People really annoy me wen people leave early as it means people who want to see cant! It spoils the last 10 mins they leave early even if we r winning wats the point in that!

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