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Shut Up!.... Whatever


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Because I paid money to be entertained I feel I can voice my disapproval if I think what I pay to see isn't of the quality I expect.

From what you say you seem to think you can only cheer and not moan. Its the old story of expressing an opinion and mine is that city this seaosn have not lived up to the promise of the last couple of seasons and this in my view is mainly down to the ineptitude of the manager.

I will complain if I feel it merits complaint; I will cheer and congratulate the team if I feel it merits it. I pay to express my opinions and I shall continue to do so until complaining is banned by law.

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Guest Cidergal


We'll be back on Wedensday with a win over Tranmere! :angry: A team that have gone 11 straight wins recently have got to come back on form sooner or later!

Division 1 heeeere weeee come!!! :Party27:

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and to make our sad lives worth living.
I detect someone has hit a nerve?

Sad Lives? speak for yourself, in your BCFC blinkered world, now that is Sad.

There are other things out there you know apart from BCFC, and I find they help take away the pain of yet another #### performance/result. Not that my pain is any less to begin with than yours.

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Because I paid money to be entertained I feel I can voice my disapproval if I think what I pay to see isn't of the quality I expect. 

From what you say you seem to think you can only cheer and not moan.  Its the old story of expressing an opinion and mine is that city this seaosn have not lived up to the promise of the last couple of seasons and this in my view is mainly down to the ineptitude of the manager.

I will complain if I feel it merits complaint; I will cheer and congratulate the team if I feel it merits it.  I pay to express my opinions and I shall continue to do so until complaining is banned by law.

I respect that position........ But Are You City Till You Die?

Do you think I have not payed and been disapointed?

You're with me or against me geezer.... you decide ..... I respect you either way :angry:

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I detect someone has hit a nerve?

Sad Lives? speak for yourself, in your BCFC blinkered world, now that is Sad.

There are other things out there you know apart from BCFC, and I find they help take away the pain of yet another #### performance/result. Not that my pain is any less to begin with than yours.

I speak for no man apart from ME........I live a full life, I respect your pain...... I often share it ... but life goes on :D

When it come to Bristol City ... you are either with me or against me... get it :angry:

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Dorset Cider, my position vis a vis with your stance is somewhat ambiguous; whilst I agree with your passion for the club (and I've been supporting them since 1970) and I will be City till I die - I certainly couldn't stomach putting my time, money and emotion into another club - I also feel I have the right to complain when the club I love is not being utilised in the right and most effective way.

Pulis was a disaster and so was Davidson's tenure as chairman; the departure of both was a relief. Wilson i feel did bring some great things to the club and corrected a lot of evils on the playing pitch, but there comes a time when a manager's sell-by date is reached and I do think wilson is getting close. Of course, if he manages to turn things round in time to get promotion with style, getting it through class not ass, then I shall relent.

However from what I have seen this season I can't see he'll change much and its only going to harm City's chances of development to Division 1.

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Dorset Cider, my position vis a vis with your stance is somewhat ambiguous; whilst I agree with your passion for the club (and I've been supporting them since 1970) and I will be City till I die - I certainly couldn't stomach putting my time, money and emotion into another club - I also feel I have the right to complain when the club I love is not being utilised in the right and most effective way. 

Pulis was a disaster and so was Davidson's tenure as chairman; the departure of both was a relief.  Wilson i feel did bring some great things to the club and corrected a lot of evils on the playing pitch, but there comes a time when a manager's sell-by date is reached and I do think wilson is getting close.  Of course, if he manages to turn things round in time to get promotion with style, getting it through class not ass, then I shall relent.

However from what I have seen this season I can't see he'll change much and its only going to harm City's chances of development to Division 1.

I agree...... but you must see you have the bug

I don't want anything but the best but.........

If Danny has to go that does not change the fact that you are or are not not 'City Till You Die'

I believe you are .... it's not a real choice is it?

Thing is you love the ride.... it's the best you could ever have...... get it .... I can see you do................ don't tell the wife!

I see through the disapointment, I share it but you will never be anything else..... so just agree with me :angry:

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Just because i have a opinion and it does'nt follow the party line does not mean i am not a loyal fan.

I have been there in the bad times. I started watching City during the worst time in our history. I started going to the gate in 81, it does'nt get much worse than that. I was one of the fans that were still in Bramall Lane 15 minutes after we lost to Sheffield United and were relegated singing "City til i die".

I have NO problem with supporting my club through the bad times, i always will. That does'nt mean though that i will sit down and keep my mouth shut when we once again look like throwing away promotion. Not because of the team not being good enough or beacause money is tight but because the manager is very poor.

Four years is more than enough time for a GOOD manager to of got us out of this division. EVEN PULIS would of had us up within four years. I remember a year or two ago, Wilson saying on skysports news that if he didnt take us up then the season would not be sucsessful. Well that was a year or two ago and here we are in 2004 looking like we will once again not be going up.

Winning a cup that NO ONE in this division takes seriously is not what i would call success. Fighting for promotion three years on the spin and each time coming up short, when the team is more than capable i do not call success.

Now i hav'nt said that Wilson should be sacked, not untill the end of the season anyway. I hope that Danny can turn it around but i dont think he will. We have played poorly all season. Even during the 11 match winning run we didnt play anything near quality football. We were lucky on more than one occasion. I was talking to some friends on the way to Wednesday about the run and i said then that i was worried how we would respond when we lost. Well even i was not expecting us to be this bad.

The bottom line is this. If we dont go up then Wilson must go. If we do go up then i still think question will need to be asked. I hope we do go up but even if we dont and Wilson is in charge next season, i will still buy my season ticket and be there on the first day of August because no matter what i am CITY TIL I DIE.

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Full of passion as usual DC. :blink:

But this beautiful game is full of opinions & a forum is the right place to air views of all issues.

Yesterday, we witnessed two supporters nearly coming to blows over their opinions of the Oldham performance.

Which one was 'City til I die' ??? :D

Well actually they both were, but one obviously wanted to show his concern verbally, the other was just keen to take things on board & keep his concerns under wraps.

At the end of each season, all fans want the BEST for BCFC. And when things go slightly off track, fans get outspoken about what they feel is going wrong.

DC, please don't believe that any one is less City til I die than you. :angry: As we all want the best, but we all also have varying ways of showing frustration.

Good post though :P

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Dorset Cider - definitely with you ;)

We are all city till we die, else we wouldn't spend so much time analysing and commenting and arguing about players, managers, performances.

Some of us just have a more positive outlook on life/football etc than others.

But keep up the positive thoughts!


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I'm certainly glad I was born to support Bristol City. :D

Imagine if your team was Man U or Arsenal. How boring would that be, winning all the time. At least we have unpredictability to excite us!

Or even worse, we could have all been born Gasheads!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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