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The Secret Evening.....


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If that's true I'll be rather peeved at a wasted evening...

Can't remember exactly what I heard but the announcer made some comment about Thursday & City2000 etc.

To be honest, I'm not inclined to go now. Whilst I have no real problem with the 2000 scheme, I'd rather put my cash in to the Supporters Trust.

The City2000 scheme was/is not a bad thing though. It helps generate money for the Academy, participants stand a chance of winning some cool cash prizes and members also get priority on ticket sales after season ticket holders. For as long as much of these incentives remain, it will be a good scheme for some fans to join. I withdrew my support from this scheme for 2 reasons. 1) They stopped offering a 5% discount on my season ticket cost and 2) I wanted to invest my money in the Trust instead.

I wish the Club all the best for the relaunch of this scheme and I hope that it has appeal.

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Guest cityboy1965

Hope someone who is going will let the rest of us know what all the fuss was about. I'm a season ticket holder and did not get an invite, SL must have seen my bank account!!

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I would be very surprised if there is not a lot more to it than that.........my guess would be stadium related or a substantial investor

I'd be surprised if it's to do with an investor due to the fact that it's season ticket holders being invited rather than shareholders. I'd have thought that would be more a meeting to announce to the latter?

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My guess, based on the fact that tickets aren't being sold in the EE for the Meatloaf concert, plus Mike Lewis's reference to a change in City 2000, is that the new stand is going ahead in the summer. In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

This is just a hunch, based on no prior knowledge of anything whatsoever. If it is a new stand, then let's have it named after a former player. I opt for the Bell End.

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My guess, based on the fact that tickets aren't being sold in the EE for the Meatloaf concert, plus Mike Lewis's reference to a change in City 2000, is that the new stand is going ahead in the summer. In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

This is just a hunch, based on no prior knowledge of anything whatsoever. If it is a new stand, then let's have it named after a former player. I opt for the Bell End.

I thought that was the aim of the Man Yoo fans hijacking the vote on the Man City website a few years ago to name the new stand at the CoM stadium? Shame it ended up being a side stand really.....

I think you are spot-on with your assumptions about this evening Dave, unless of course you are privy to some insider information :ph34r:

My vote for the new stand name (if that is what this announcement turns out to be) is the Tinnion stand, purely because he was the most influential player I have watched during my 13 years as a City regular. I await the backlash... :innocent06:

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I would be very surprised if there is not a lot more to it than that.........my guess would be stadium related or a substantial investor

I hope it's very substantial investor and that GJ gets a striker before Sat :D

All joking apart, I'm not putting another penny into following Bristol City until we're in The Championship and I see real ambition & investment both in terms of facilities and playing staff.

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.In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

Winning Promotion, playing better teams, with bigger away followings, will bring in the cash!!.

So all we have to do now is get Promoted!!,


I opt for the Bell End.

Now you are taking the "Mickey!!"


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Supporters should..... listen to & support whatever is proposed by the club (if acceptable)

....but push for a QUID PRO QUO deal - something for something - supporters backing the clubs ideas/club backing the supporters wishes -

The Club want supporters to actively support them....

- The Supporters want the Club to actively support & encourage maximum possible home usage of the EAST END - get something in return for your continued support - fairs fair - Quid Pro Quo..

Its not too much to ask is it??

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I hope it's very substantial investor and that GJ gets a striker before Sat :D

All joking apart, I'm not putting another penny into following Bristol City until we're in The Championship and I see real ambition & investment both in terms of facilities and playing staff.

You and me both BB. Sadly, there are plenty of others who feel this way to.

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All joking apart, I'm not putting another penny into following Bristol City until we're in The Championship and I see real ambition & investment both in terms of facilities and playing staff.

You know that's not true Ian.

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Well, it wasn't at all exciting - revamp of City 2000 as the City Foundation ... £110 a year.

Not best pleased. Don't do lotteries and don't like being duped into attending a sales pitch for one.

Think SL knew it was a cheap trick, as have seldom seen him look so uncomfortable saying his bit. He should be ashamed of calling a lottery sales pitch a meeting of "a business nature".

For the first time in 40 years left AG early tonight!

If you didn't go, you missed nothing.

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What's it all about then?

I had a ticket but couldn't be arsed.

Someone must have a mate there who can send a text

Snap, I'm City 2000 as well, so I'll not be enthused about another re-launch.

Just seen Cider Heads post above. biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig deal!!!

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Well, it wasn't at all exciting - revamp of City 2000 as the City Foundation ... £110 a year.

Not best pleased. Don't do lotteries and don't like being duped into attending a sales pitch for one.

Think SL knew it was a cheap trick, as have seldom seen him look so uncomfortable saying his bit. He should be ashamed of calling a lottery sales pitch a meeting of "a business nature".

For the first time in 40 years left AG early tonight!

If you didn't go, you missed nothing.

I'm City 2000 as well BR.

Perhaps they should call this one: Early Dawes, in order for ourr less visible director to get some attention.

Wasn't a timeshare villa on offer?

A goody bag?


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Guest KeepOnBelieving

THis is a text I've had from a mate there:--

"Its a new city 2000 thing. Cost would be £114 a year. £2000 draw every month, £10000 every 6mths, and £20000 every 12 months, plus other discounts"

"Sounds like they just want out money, £114 a year - only real benefits seem to be your season ticket would be the same price as this season and a 10% discount in the shop"

"Apparently season tickets will go up 5% next year - possibly 10% next if we go up"

All I know so far.

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Can't believe they had the cheek to trick people into going down there at their own expense, on their own time, to listen to a bloody begging session.

I'm all for the club making money but not by pulling this sort of cheap stunt. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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Guest KeepOnBelieving
So if we don't go up they wanna charge us more for watching football in this division :disapointed2se:

Your telling me CityBoy - when I spoke to my mate during the interval he said - even if you became a member of C2k and paid the £114 + this seasons seasons ticket @ £350 - still more expensive than a 10% increase on next years tickets!

He was also surprised by the 11 acre site scenario.... could there be more in this? As PhatWill says - new stadia??

If we don't go up - definitely makes you have to ask the question of whether to get one next year to watch the same old teams for more money!

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To be fair, it was posted on here the day after the first person posted that he/she had received a letter that it was all about a City 2000 revamp.

Hardly a shock was it? Mind you, it did mean reading a whole thread :surrender: so I can understand why quite a few might have missed it :handbags:

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To be fair, it was posted on here the day after the first person posted that he/she had received a letter that it was all about a City 2000 revamp.

Hardly a shock was it? Mind you, it did mean reading a whole thread :surrender: so I can understand why quite a few might have missed it :handbags:

I'm with you Neo. When i had a bit of an idea that it was going to be C2K re-launch i sudenly remembered i was washing my hair. People on here a few weeks ago were certain it was this, so no great suprise.

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He was also surprised by the 11 acre site scenario.... could there be more in this? As PhatWill says - new stadia??

Yes, that was the one interesting bit of info tonight ... in fact, if I heard him right SL said they were two parcels of land making 25 acres in total. Rather a lot for a training facility, isn't it? How many football pitches is 25 acres??

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Yes, that was the one interesting bit of info tonight ... in fact, if I heard him right SL said they were two parcels of land making 25 acres in total. Rather a lot for a training facility, isn't it? How many football pitches is 25 acres??

25 acres = 0.04 of a square mile or 101171.5 sq/m

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Guest KeepOnBelieving

Wonder where this plot of land has been acquired?

Anyone know of such an area in south bristol?

Wonder if this could also be a business venture like Derby's ground - whereby its situated with loads of brand new office units?

Who knows??

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Details currently now on main site. Bit confused says anyone interested contact certain person. Does that mean my city 2000 membership is now invalid or are they going to take extra money out of my account and the name will be changed on my statement.

You'll automatically become a member of the City Foundation.....

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Same here from North Wales.

I'll be stopping my membership because I don't like the way this has been handled. Why all the secrecy for **** all ?

No. Bollix.

I'll pick and choose what I want to invest in regarding BCFC - and at this moment in time, it's a ticket to the game.

I'll review that later in the season.

I think fella, ''all the secrecy for **** all ?'' was just that, an attempt to build an element of suspense and anticipation, not to mention honour and privalage for those invited, making them more likely to become apart of this ''exciting new initiative'' when to many it is just that ''**** all''. Be interesting to see how many accept it. Surprised I am not, hence my night in.

Likewise, how limited is the quoted availability of the 2000 places in actual reality? Not just more con-artistry to make people believe there's great demand for this fantastic offer, surely?

Would have thought you would have reached these conclusions yourself with your username :farmer: .

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I think fella, ''all the secrecy for **** all ?'' was just that, an attempt to build an element of suspense and anticipation, not to mention honour and privalage for those invited, making them more likely to become apart of this ''exciting new initiative'' when to many it is just that ''**** all''. Be interesting to see how many accept it. Surprised I am not, hence my night in.

Likewise, how limited is the quoted availability of the 2000 places in actual reality? Not just more con-artistry to make people believe there's great demand for this fantastic offer, surely?

Would have thought you would have reached these conclusions yourself with your username :farmer: .

Being a City Society member and season ticket holder, I wasn't even invited, so they can whistle for any more money from me.

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I had an invitation and declined.

Enough said.

My point is that I am a City2000 member and I wasn't consulted about this "exciting initiative" prior to SL and CS deciding where my money is going. So I will now cancel my membership - already have done via email.

OK ?

No it bloody well isn't :tongue:

My point is I'd like to start slagging Purdown and Mr Sex right off, this isn't the setting for it though, I can't be doing with getting into a terrible hoo-harr with anyone, not tonight. So more subtle, cynical dig's will have to make do and your post was the most suitable platform for it. I don't like the way a lot of thing's are handled.

They couldn't inform you or word would have more blatently slipped and attendence tonight would have been less which would be bad news as far as they are concerned.

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From the main site...


Foundation funds new training ground.


City boss blasts proposals.

In all seriousness I've no issue with the club attempting to raise extra funds. However this secret evening/tacky sales pitch just adds to the list of PR errors that those in charge at BCFC are guilty of over the past few years.


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I can only agree with you.

I am absolutely gobsmacked by the way in which SL and CS think we are all sheep who will throw money at the club.

I am not convinced of SL's motives at all - and NickJ has raised that in the past, with the result of SL becoming indignant but offering no real answers to relevant questions.

I support this football club - which now consists of (thanks to SL), the playing staff and their management, and I will shout my gonads off each game to push them to promotion.

It's a shame that the stadium lot aren't interested.

phew, for a minute there I'd thought I'd inadvertently walked into something I may regret.

We seem to be very much from the same school of thought regarding our 'Club'.

Faith in the authoreties is running wafer thin for me and there was no chance I was ever going down there tonight, s'pecially once hearing the rumours.

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Tonight was a right PR disaster - no doubt masterminded by Mr Sexstone. What a joke that man is.

It already sounds like tonight has cost the club money rather than making it. I like many others have no interest in joining an over priced lottery club. Do they not think that charging £21 to watch 3rd div footie is enough ?

If this is what it has come to under Mr Lansdown then its obvious he isn't going to be putting his hand into own bulging pocket and do something ambitious.

No new stand but some new red seats. Whooppeeee.

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