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Do The City Players Read This Forum?

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There have been some strong views aired this weekend...

It made me think what if the players were reading the posts?

Would it inspire or discourage our players?

I know a few of our forum members have contacts with a number of the players, do you know if they read the forum?

If so how do they react to it?

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There have been some strong views aired this weekend...

It made me think what if the players were reading the posts?

Would it inspire or discourage our players?

I know a few of our forum members have contacts with a number of the players, do you know if they read the forum?

If so how do they react to it?

It would discourage them. That's why they don't read it.
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I spoke to Leapy briefly in a local nightspot and formed the distinct impression that he read the forum. He was sober by the way - certain other team members are the heavy binge-drinkers in the team. Tinman is a MEMBER of the forum aswell.

I'm sure most would try to avoid the forum, though. As Edson said it wouldn't exactly inspire them at the minute. But it's just curiosity, of course some team members read the forum.


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I spoke to Leapy briefly in a local nightspot and formed the distinct impression that he read the forum. He was sober by the way - certain other team members are the heavy binge-drinkers in the team. Tinman is a MEMBER of the forum aswell.

I'm sure most would try to avoid the forum, though. As Edson said it wouldn't exactly inspire them at the minute. But it's just curiosity, of course some team members read the forum.


Then... see/read my words

COME ON YOU REDS!....... do it for us! :angry:

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I don't know, depends entirely on their mental strength and how they react to criticism. Some players would get disheartened, but others would actually benifit from it, if they are mentally strong. They would try all the harder to rub our noses in it, and proove that we are wrong.

Matty Hill is one player who i think would react very well to it, he would like when he got barracked by City fans who couldn't see his obvious tallent, and it made him better because he was determined to proove them wrong, and in the end did.

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