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The east end has never been the key to sucess

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest North Street
As for you saying that there is not going to be trouble you only need a few hot heads to infiltrate your ranks then you could have a problem there is only a flimsy bit of net between you and the away supporters that why the club must have adequate policing in the EE that's why it cost so much to open it up

The club actually do not have to have police the likes of Bradford.

That less than flimsy netting is over forty foot wide and Andy McNab on a mission would struggle to get over it.

There is not a history of violence in the East End and Mr Lansdown accepts this.

You are wrapped up in some sort of hooligan Psychosis which would have to mean there wil be soon be a five metre moat all around the Dolman to protect the players.

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You are making a load of assumption there aren't you why if you don't want to sing that you are a miserable old git.

In fact if there if none stop singing I fell that does really give you an atmosphere just a constant noise you just as well put a load of speakers there, atmosphere is produced by a good move or something that happens like a good attack then the crowd can show there appreciation

when I used to sit in the Atyeo the Samba band did nothing but get on most people nerves most of the time

If what you say is true why will the club not open up the EE if its not cost??

ask the club

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All this East End hype all we get is that has a magic cure that makes the players play better. If you had the East End full up and the team were playing crap it would be the same as any part of the ground

Point in case, when we played Hartlepool it was only when we got a goal back that there was any noise at all, Some people have delusion of grandeur that its the cop at Liverpool

To get the crowd going start playing free flowing football like the last time we went up under Ward then the whole of the ground would be singing

5K? not true is it? even if it was 5k, can you tell me how much it costs for an extra adrenaline boast, to hear the fans, and gain extra passion from hearing our fans ROAR you on????? I'd say it was pretty ###### priceless.... OPEN THE EAST END FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON......

Lets make home advantage, HOME ADVANTAGE.......


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Guest North Street
ask the club

I would welcome any indication from Mr Lansdown of what exactly was so objectionable about the East End v Brentford that Bristol City's future does not include support like that.

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E.E Tickets should be on sale for Forest now, today, already, mind boggling that they are not, still this club will go its own way whatever :disapointed2se:

(that is my opinion) :disapointed2se:

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The reason the ground atmosphere has been poor is that ever since the last time we came down.

Is the teams under different managers has been substandard we have been there or there abouts since we were relegated but none of the teams have given the fans the confidence in there ability to perform.

So making the fans nervous and on the edge of their seats. Which is why fans find it hard to get behind the team because the fans are waiting for the team to fail. In most case's when a big performance was required the team did, and still are now eg Rovers & Bradford show that it still has that fault now

I know this not a good thing for the Club or team. I hope Johnson can get rid of this mind set but it will not happen overnight, a lot of the home games this season does not inspire one with confidence

If what is said it does not cost the club extra money to open it OK but I was reading an article that said it cost 5k to open it up because the Police insists on manning it with Police Officers and not just steward and at that price over a course of a season it would cost 100k + which is better spent on other things.

Its been lousy since the day the EE was closed, and forced the singers to become scattered about the Gate in penny packets. There are ST holders all over the ground quite a few of which are not the noisy types, which is fair enough, but there is no area in the ground, unreserved, where they can all just go in, and be with like minded people, and I include the Atyeo (*shudder*) band area.

The EE fulfils that role, and inspires the rest of the morgue to get off its arse and sing. Why the police require so many plod there and insist on such a wide gap between fans baffles me. anyone the the Baggies vs Bru yesterday, what five-ten seats apart MAX. local derby, record of problems. And that was Goblins fascist WM Police too. I smell a large rat here...

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