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Fairplay Steve L

Cider red

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I think we ought to count ourselves lucky to have such a good , level headed chairman. It's great how he answers the posts on his forum and interacts with the fans , and he trys to answer in the best way he can without giving too much away.And its good that he seems as peed off as we are about our form at the moment. There wont be many other chairman in the country who would do this on a regular basis. He has said that we are looking for a midfielder or a striker on loan , as usual he didnt give any clues as to who but at least now we know which positions were looking at. With him in charge i can see this club going forward , with or without wilson.

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Guest Jenny

I also have a lot of respect 4 Steve aswell. I think he does a fantastic job for the club & a lot gets unnoticed. Not all chairmans would take the time & effort 2 come onto a fans forum & get lots of stick about what 2 do or not as the case may be!!

So thankyou Steve (I trust you come on the main forum!) it is very much appreciated!

This is a time 2 all come together & support the lads especially as the next month is so crucial.

Cmon u Reds, lets get out of this division!

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The only problem with that is we needed them 6-8 weeks ago.

DW said so himself, then, as usual, did nothing and now, as I predicted, it's panic stations with the deadline Thursday and our form gone out the window.

The man's a dilatory, lacadaisical, fool.

Perhaps we should make SL manager and employ a coach or two whilst getting rid of all the coaches we already have on the gravy train.

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