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Wilson Out

cider army on tour

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In Wilson's make or break season promotion again looks like a pipe dream. But I can't understand the mentality of people wanting Wilson out now, we have to give him until the end of the season unless we have a quality replacement lined up. As this could give the players and our promotion hopes a kick up the backside. However we MUST give the lads our full support and put aside our thoughts on Wilson, this is key to having any chance of promotion!

Come the end of the season, if we fail, which we're bound to knowing City! I for one will be at the front of the queue calling for Wilson's resignation(which would be the decent thing to do) or sacking! If neither happens I will happily sing Wilson out at every city match next season unitl he goes because him been here is holding back our club!

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If City fail to get promoted this season then there will be huge consequences for the club.Many of the out of contract players will be let go and a re-building process will start taking place.

Steve Landsdown has said that failing to up will be a financial disaster.

With regards to Wilson - Our Chairman gave him a 3 year deal almost a year ago.That deal can work both ways.If Wilson leaves for another club then compensation is payable.However if City want to dismiss Wilson then it would cost the club however much to compensate him and possibly Barlowe as well.

Now add any compensation pay-out to the financial restraints imposed by staying the second Division and you'll find a massive overspend which the Chairman with all his fiscal expertise will not allow.In other words Wilson either leaves for another job or resigns.He won't be sacked - City can't afford it.

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