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Guest 1948

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Personal attacks removed, constructive part of post left below.

Now for the rest of the balance postings on the sight, yes we need to look at the backbone of the team, which needs strength , otherwise we shall be streight back down in one season.

Sadly Brian T/Roberts/Peacock/Butler/Cary will not hack it...at a higher level

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Now for the rest of the balance postings on the sight, yes we need to look at the backbone of the team, which needs strength , otherwise we shall be streight back down in one season.

You talk as if we are up?

If we continue to play the way we have been playing for the past few months (including our 11 match run) we haven't got a hope in hell of promotion.

Bristol Boy and Red Goblin are realists and I happen to agree with a hell of a lot of things they say.

A forum is somewhere where you can express your opinions - whether you agree with them or not is another matter.

At the end of the day if things stay the same the real jokers will be us, the fans, as we'll have to endure yet another season of underacheivment and the prospect of playing another 46 games in this god awful division.

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I don't think any of our team seem to be able to hack it in division 2! Else we'd be flying at the top. We have too many players that lack consistency; until players can start performing week in week out they aint ready for division 1. I'd like to think a lot of them have the talent for division 1 but still yet to see solid application of what they have be put to use every game.

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Guest Uncle Ern

Perhaps its just more noticable that what they say is so darn near the truth that it hurts you to read it?

Unfortunately it is the truth and yes it does hurt.

can anyone say hand on heart that we looked good value for our run?

We have not looked convincing all season.

RG and BB were honest in their appraisal of what most of us (who have watched home and away) already know.


As a joker I'll now go and don my jester hat.

:Costumed34: :Costumed34: :Costumed34: :Costumed34: :Costumed34:

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The real jokers in the pack are Bristol Boy and Red Goblin.

Notice how quiet they have been whilst we like most teams enjoyed a run , yet just as soon as the ride starts to get bumpy the start off with their vitriolic attacks on the club mgmt team.

Suggest you muppits get a life and go up the road to the Mem or even better to Swindle - you would obviously be much happier up there ,and you can slag the off to your hearts content.

Now for the rest of the balance postings on the sight, yes we need to look at the backbone of the team, which needs strength , otherwise we shall be streight back down in one season.

Sadly Brian T/Roberts/Peacock/Butler/Cary will not hack it...at a higher level

Does reality hurt then mate, cos they are right and you live in a fantasy world if you cant criticise what is a p*** poor run we are having, and that god awful performance saturday, following 3 previous cr@p performances. They have passed comment on the management the whole of the last couple of months, it just the clappies have chosen not to read them

Bristol Boy, Green Goblin, and others like them aint going to go to the Swinedead, or the Gas, hell will probably freeze over than that happening- Really its you that needs to get out more.

In the meantime I'll read my script for a jesters tear...

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Does reality hurt then mate, cos they are right and you live in a fantasy world if you cant criticise what is a p*** poor run we are having, and that god awful performance saturday, following 3 previous cr@p performances. They have passed comment on the management the whole of the last couple of months, it just the clappies have chosen not to read them

Bristol Boy, Green Goblin, and others like them aint going to go to the Swinedead, or the Gas, hell will probably freeze over than that happening- Really its you that needs to get out more.

In the meantime I'll read my script for a jesters tear...

Green Goblin?? - are you suggesting RG has turned his back on the Mighty Reds to support the "pastie munchers?"

I gather he's a big bloke and i don't reckon he'll like that insinuation at all - i should retract it immediately if i were you. :angry:

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Guest city slicker 71
I seem to recall Bristol Boy posting throughout the run. infact he highlighted the fact we wern't playing well but the results were all that mattered.

I seem to recall Red Goblin on here saying the jury was still out but while we were winning he wouldn't complain.

Perhaps its just more noticable that what they say is so darn near the truth that it hurts you to read it?

This forum is all about debate and I see people coming on here slatting others for having different views - well surely thats the same princliple of what you are complaining about? - I don't see you complaing about BB and RG posts when we were winning?

Iv'e just read Simply Reds 'running to sir post' and while I have reservations about those who shout extremist at every given opportunity I'll respect his view. What practical view he saw Saturday could not have been down in the corner of the East End where I witnessed one of the most blatent cynical and dangerous fouls I can remember

Vitriolic he says how if you are anything but a city supporter could you be anything else? That the bloody creature was allowed to remain on the pitch came as little suprise given the long line of idiot officialdom over the last few seasons. Further incensed by the sneering attitude of the culprit towards the crowd this for me made it one bad afternoons work. Above all that was the total disconcern over the incident by the men in Red? Where was the swarm of players all for one and one for all? This so-called championship material were leaning alongside the dugout like their manager giving handouts at OUR EXPENSE!

It's about a desperation to win and not to be laughed at and the sooner some of these so-called supporters are prepared to die on their feet instead of living on their knees that, will drive our leaders to toughen up their act in response then we won't need to get on here and make the point .

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Ho, Ho 1948 - I clicked on your '1948' username then clicked on 'find all posts by this member' and hey presto.....what do I find???!!!!!

I've looked at all your posts for this forum and all you ever seem to do is slag off other forum users and back Danny Wilson and his 4 season's of underachievement at BCFC.  ;)  :P

i thought that but didn't like to say ;);)
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