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Gillingham - Want to Go But That Scallywag


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I vowed years ago never to go to Gillingham and thus give any money to Scally. Hate the individual and what he stands for. Now I have always avoided going, just as I vowed never to have Sky TV or buy The Times, Daily Express or The Sun for similar reasons.

Oh heck what to do what to do.

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I vowed years ago never to go to Gillingham and thus give any money to Scally. Hate the individual and what he stands for. Now I have always avoided going, just as I vowed never to have Sky TV or buy The Times, Daily Express or The Sun for similar reasons.

Oh heck what to do what to do.

It's a one-off, you know what you have to do !

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I vowed years ago never to go to Gillingham and thus give any money to Scally. Hate the individual and what he stands for. Now I have always avoided going, just as I vowed never to have Sky TV or buy The Times, Daily Express or The Sun for similar reasons.

Oh heck what to do what to do.

Buy the Daily Star? :dunno:

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I vowed years ago never to go to Gillingham and thus give any money to Scally. Hate the individual and what he stands for. Now I have always avoided going, just as I vowed never to have Sky TV or buy The Times, Daily Express or The Sun for similar reasons.

Oh heck what to do what to do.

Parachute in :ph34r:

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Excellent idea Ron, which has led me to another, a dummy ( :pacifier: ) run for the Red Goblin's tank, smash through the exterior wall of the stand and we all bomb through the gap and invade the alfresco away end without handing over a West Country penny to the Scallywag.

Some very good news for everyone who has been campaigning for the past 7 years - Alan Litrott, joint publisher of GillsConnect.com the excellent Gills Rivals site, has had his ban from Priestfield lifted.

He was banned after refusing to sell the Gills chairman Mr Scallywag the www.GillinghamFc.co.uk domain name.

Read All About It

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Oh heck what to do what to do.

Give a mate £20.....

then ask him, (or her) to treat you to a "suprise".

they will think, "i'll know what he'll like!".

and buy you a ticket for Gillingham.

thus, you have NOT given money directly to Scallwag, and

you'll be able to see City win!!.

Hope that helps!!

D o G.

ps, you could always tell people that you thought you were actually watching City play Gillingham.


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I'm quite happy with the Daily Sport thank you. Serves a purpose.

Nice to meet you on Saturday.

Certainly does serve a purpose. Not one that could be mentioned on a family forum, though...

Perhaps you could handle the idea of your ticket money going into Scally's pocket by offsetting it against the potentially lower position (and therefore lower prize money) that Gillingham might get if you help roar them to victory - thus seeing your attendance as a way to contribute towards reducing his income.

This may be a shady accounting practice but at least it would allow you to get to the game!

Good to meet you too, if only briefly. I meant to thank you for what you'd done to help out on the Jamie Cooper appeal, but I vanished to the gents and couldn't find you afterwards.

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Good to meet you too, if only briefly. I meant to thank you for what you'd done to help out on the Jamie Cooper appeal, but I vanished to the gents and couldn't find you afterwards.

I thought that City were playing at the Keepmoat,

notHampstead Heath!!.


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I already had to defumigate my right hand after shaking yours which had been in contact with Duncefords just 72 hours earlier, I didn't fancy shaking owt else of yours ta.

Fair point. Although I did scrub my hands with undiluted sulphuric acid after leaving the Gas to make sure there was no risk of contamination. Just wish I'd rubbed the sulphuric acid off my hands before going to the gents...

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