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for the hooligan element who

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just keep away, your not wanted at ashton Gate

If you think you are fighting for City followers , the club, or the badge YOU ARE WRONG.

and you are not doing it in mine(or our) name

This is the first of three large policed games at Ashton so if don't want

to disgrace the club,just come to the gate and enjoy the game or

stay at home and listen to the game on the radio

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just keep away, your not wanted at ashton Gate

If you think you are fighting for City followers , the club, or the badge YOU ARE WRONG.

and you are not doing it in mine(or our) name

This is the first of three large policed games at Ashton so if don't want

to disgrace the club,just come to the gate and enjoy the game or

stay at home and listen to the game on the radio

You are very naive if you think that a) that is the reason they fight, and b) that will do anything to stop them.

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Guest FunkyRed
You are very naive if you think that a) that is the reason they fight, and b) that will do anything to stop them.

a reminder!!

WHo are CSF anyway?

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WHo are CSF anyway?

Well, after watching that I'd say they were a group of sub-neanderthal no marks.

Although there are probably plenty of people that will say they were just having a bit of boisterous fun and we should all applaud them for their fanatical devotion to the City

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Guest Pill red

That youtube link was grim. I made my comments under the "Nr Bristol" screen name. It probably sounds overly righteous but oh well.

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Guest ForestForever
You think its going to be incident free after what happend at Forest? :gaah:

I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

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Guest Topbuzz

Oh come off it you lot

Come down and Enjoy the game you n your 13yr old son will be fine

Some times I think people delight in the hand wringing on here

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That's the first time i've seen that. What a bunch of noobs. I hope the cops use/have used the video to catch and prosecute these imbeciles.

One thing I got well confused at though...The car outside the pub is there for the first 90 seconds of the footage but then vanishes.... WHERE THE HELL DID IT GO?!? Gotta be honest. If my car was parked there, i wouldn't risk my neck getting to it... and i'd have been tempted to have driven into the swines if i had!

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I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

You don't have to worry mate, my 7 and 12 year olds will be with me and i know they will be fine.

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fao: The Forest fan, come down, enjoy, this is not Bhagdad.

As far as comment on the rest of it goes, in my experiance if you don't want trouble you won't get it. Be vigalent and smart is the advice.

People involved have no interest in dealing with folk who don't want to know, they never have with me anyway and I've never been inadvertently caught in the cross-fire either.

(''It's society's problem not Football's'' : The FA to the milk snatcher back then.)

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I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

I'd turn up mate if I were you.

Wear your colours, you and your lad will be fine.

Those that want to, will, those that don't want to, won't be involved.

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A shame no one videoed those same Forest fans chasing City supporters down the road 5 mins earlier.

Whilst I would never condone such an act, I also like to see bullies get there come 'uppance.Chasing scarfers is one thing.........Chasing people who don't run is an entirely different matter.

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Guest ForestForever
I'd turn up mate if I were you.

Wear your colours, you and your lad will be fine.

Those that want to, will, those that don't want to, won't be involved.

Thanks for the advice folks. 2 tickets have just been ordered and will be in the post tonight! Less than 200 left now

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fao: The Forest fan, come down, enjoy, this is not Bhagdad.

As far as comment on the rest of it goes, in my experiance if you don't want trouble you won't get it. Be vigalent and smart is the advice.

People involved have no interest in dealing with folk who don't want to know, they never have with me anyway and I've never been inadvertently caught in the cross-fire either.

(''It's society's problem not Football's'' : The FA to the milk snatcher back then.)

Totally agree. Worst inconvenience I've had is being held back while the police sort something out ahead.

As to the hand-wringing welll I defy any bloke on here (can't answer for the women) to not get an adrenalin rush watching that clip as you would from a war film. The many repeats of the Spurs fan trying (and laughably failing) to lamp Lampard were shown for the same reason.

That doesn't mean it's acceptable or I want it in the game (I would much prefer the same atmosphere you get at a rugby game where you sit next to opposition fans, pissed, and have a laugh together win or lose), but a bit more honesty and a bit-less sanctimoniousness wouldn't go amiss.

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Totally agree. Worst inconvenience I've had is being held back while the police sort something out ahead.

As to the hand-wringing welll I defy any bloke on here (can't answer for the women) to not get an adrenalin rush watching that clip as you would from a war film. The many repeats of the Spurs fan trying (and laughably failing) to lamp Lampard were shown for the same reason.

That doesn't mean it's acceptable or I want it in the game (I would much prefer the same atmosphere you get at a rugby game where you sit next to opposition fans, pissed, and have a laugh together win or lose), but a bit more honesty and a bit-less sanctimoniousness wouldn't go amiss.


To continue the chat...

I'm an adreneline monkey too, I love it. All seems perfectly natural to me, 'tis a balancing act though. I sure don't want my head smashed in by some Northern psychopath.

The flip side: They won't give us our East End back, we get filmed, chap's are aprehensive about bringing their lads, etc etc.

But anyway, I can't condemn 'it' either can I condone 'it' because I thoroughly understand the appeal.

And as for people critizising this attitude, well, who made them judge and jury?

The sooner we are liberated from the PC tyranny and social conditioning the better.

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Guest icegas
That's the first time i've seen that. What a bunch of noobs. I hope the cops use/have used the video to catch and prosecute these imbeciles.

One thing I got well confused at though...The car outside the pub is there for the first 90 seconds of the footage but then vanishes.... WHERE THE HELL DID IT GO?!? Gotta be honest. If my car was parked there, i wouldn't risk my neck getting to it... and i'd have been tempted to have driven into the swines if i had!

Now I don't have anytime for hate in this world, lifes to short, but one thing I do hate is football hooligans....I really do.

Two years I went away to swansea to watch rovers play them at the old vetch field. To cut a long story short, my father and I (I'm 25 and he's 62) were chased and almost killed by at first a mob of swansea thugs, and then five minutes later a group of the rovers firm. All we were trying to do was get back to our car and then home, but for some reason these morons wanted to kills us.

Boll*x to that. I don't need,or want to be around that sh*t, and sunday will be the first time since that day that we will go to an away match,and to be quite honest I don't miss it. I choose not to go to either of derby games due to the chance of trouble, see I don't want to be around people like this and after watching over 50 rovers away matches in the last five years this crap happens almost every week. Its the same faces and ok,maybe its not at the same level as that video from the forest game but its always hanging around in the background.

I mean look at that video from the forest game for a minute. What kind of mindset does someone have to in order to film the scene of a crime (Of which they could be held account for) and then post it on the worldwide web, revealing the faces of they're peers for the police to use in court if need be? - I find it mind blowing, and to be quite honest it sums up the brains of these people.

And please, this is in no way a dig a bristol city fc. If anything, rovers thugs have be worse than yours have be in the last few seasons, and this is nothing that I am proud of. Football needs to get these t*ssers out of our game,and I think both blue and red sides of bristol will agree with that.

Good luck for the rest of the season. (please excuse any spelling, I've not got the time to edit it.)

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Guest brizzlenick

don't worry... those people WONT hit kids i can tell you that.

And i don't exactly agree with you there, all clubd have these fighting things, so if we didnt have men for our club fighting for us, then the people from away matches might hit our kids, then i bet you will be moaning eh?

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I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

Don't be put off. Our thugs will just want to fight you thugs and vice versa.

You and your son will have no problem at Ashton Gate , 99.9% of City fans are decent fans and you will have a good day out in Bristol win or loose.

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Guest Forest_for_life
I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

I really wouldn't worry mate. I went to AG last year and there wasnt any trouble. Our idiots are banned so those that do come down will do their funny business far away from the ground if there is to be any. Around the ground the coppers will be on top right City fans?

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Guest MrJoey

I don't dis-agree with the act, at the end of the day if forest want a good fight off of certain bristol city fans, then they'll obviously get it, as you see in the video.

However, if it's bad enough to scare away supporters from coming to our stadium, thats when the certain individuals need to take a step back and think.. " We're ruining the clubs reputation here, the reputation certain figures within the club have worked so hard to build up".

End lesson from mrjoey today is, Don't give out what you can't take. (directed at forest fans mouthing off city fans, then crying when they get chased back to their wee mothers)

but also, know when to stop.

k i'll stop talking nonsense now..

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I really want to go to the game Saturday as it's just down the road for me but worried that it might kick off. I can look after myself but my 13 yr old son wants to go as well and the last thing I want is for him to get caught up in it. Looks like it's live radio commentary for me :crying:

No need to worry, you've got a few days left to work on your Emergency Bristolian. I'll get you started:

What aeriawl do ee live in? = What area are you from?

I only bleeden done it again anneye = I seem to have inadvertanly made the same error as before

I got me bananawls down Asdawl = I purchased some bananas in Asda

Ee's a nutter. Ee awt a be in Barawl Gurnee. = That gentleman is psychiatrically challenged and should probably be admitted to a psychiatric unit.

And remember......no Bristolian ever pronounces an H at the start of a word.

Glad to be of assistance.

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If I'm honest, every game i go to where there are two large hooligan elements at the game the atmosphere and noise is mile's better than games where there isn't.

Ill agree with that the atmosphere seems a bit more intense.

I don't think there will be any trouble thou to be honest with you i think the old bill will be well on top of it all.

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Guest wackojacko14

anyway i reckon the forest lot will be kept behind for a bit for safety and probably escorted back to their coaches etc... lets all just enjoy the game and hope for a cracker :fingerscrossed:

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I really wouldn't worry mate. I went to AG last year and there wasnt any trouble. Our idiots are banned so those that do come down will do their funny business far away from the ground if there is to be any. Around the ground the coppers will be on top right City fans?

If it's anything like the games against Rovers & Millwall and the club & police paranoia in Bristol will assure it is, then there'll be about 500 Police, Dogs, Horses, Helicopter, Camera Vans,Armoured Cars with water cannon....... :unsure: er, OK I made the last bit up but the rest is true.Talk about overkill-they absolutely love it.I reckon half of them get off on wearing full riot gear with face scarves.

Come down, bring your kids......just don't take any points back with you :pray:

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However, if it's bad enough to scare away supporters from coming to our stadium, thats when the certain individuals need to take a step back and think.. " We're ruining the clubs reputation here, the reputation certain figures within the club have worked so hard to build up".

Yes, I can well see them having severe reservations on those grounds.Keeo on and I'm sure they'll find their golf club and bridge membership cancelled forthwith-black balled to a man.

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Guest fod zider army
just keep away, your not wanted at ashton Gate

If you think you are fighting for City followers , the club, or the badge YOU ARE WRONG.

and you are not doing it in mine(or our) name

This is the first of three large policed games at Ashton so if don't want

to disgrace the club,just come to the gate and enjoy the game or

stay at home and listen to the game on the radio

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Guest Forest_for_life
If it's anything like the games against Rovers & Millwall and the club & police paranoia in Bristol will assure it is, then there'll be about 500 Police, Dogs, Horses, Helicopter, Camera Vans,Armoured Cars with water cannon....... :unsure: er, OK I made the last bit up but the rest is true.Talk about overkill-they absolutely love it.I reckon half of them get off on wearing full riot gear with face scarves.

Come down, bring your kids......just don't take any points back with you :pray:

Don't think we have been put off - as of 3pm we had 100 tickets left. I really do love travelling to big games like this supporting Forest there's nothing like it. At the City Ground the atmo is often like a morgue but as soon as you go away we make an absolute racket. Like most football clubs I suppose.

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Guest east_dundry_red

You can bring your kids its not iraq. I'm supprised any forest fan can complain. If they aren't allowed to take their kids to the football because of trouble they would never be allowed out in Nottingham, England's gun crime capital.

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Don't think we have been put off - as of 3pm we had 100 tickets left. I really do love travelling to big games like this supporting Forest there's nothing like it. At the City Ground the atmo is often like a morgue but as soon as you go away we make an absolute racket. Like most football clubs I suppose.

Should of heard our lot at Crewe last week. 1200, but boy did we make a hell of a noise! Especialy when we scored and after that!

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Guest ForestForever
You can bring your kids its not iraq. I'm supprised any forest fan can complain. If they aren't allowed to take their kids to the football because of trouble they would never be allowed out in Nottingham, England's gun crime capital.

That's a harsh generalisation sir ... what if your a Forest fan with children but don't actually live in Nottingham? Do the same rules apply?

I've been a Forest fan all my life but no longer live in Nottingham. My son is a Forest fan and he's never lived in Nottingham. I just want to take him to the game and enjoy it without any trouble. It doesn't help matters when I read stories about City fans fighting amongst themselves at Doncaster last week. What is that all about?

Like I've said before in this thread, I hope we can all enjoy the game without incident. Forest have sold their allocation now so it should be a terrific atmosphere.

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That's a harsh generalisation sir ... what if your a Forest fan with children but don't actually live in Nottingham? Do the same rules apply?

I've been a Forest fan all my life but no longer live in Nottingham. My son is a Forest fan and he's never lived in Nottingham. I just want to take him to the game and enjoy it without any trouble. It doesn't help matters when I read stories about City fans fighting amongst themselves at Doncaster last week. What is that all about?

Like I've said before in this thread, I hope we can all enjoy the game without incident. Forest have sold their allocation now so it should be a terrific atmosphere.

Ignore him. You and your son will be able to enjoy the game safely. Well, as from 5pm you wont be enjoying the rest of the day as we will have taken 3 points off you but never-the-less you will be safe.

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