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FAO supporters trust dudes/dudettes

Guest Cider Red Sam

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Guest Cider Red Sam

I joined up to the supporters trust using the paypal link on the 16th March and still haven't recieved anything through the post. Was just wondering whether this was normal?

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I joined up to the supporters trust using the paypal link on the 16th March and still haven't recieved anything through the post. Was just wondering whether this was normal?

I joined them in Feb and after not receiveing anything sent an email about a week ago. Promptly got an email back saying it was due to staffing problems (or words to that effect) and that they were endevouring to get it done.

I'm sure someone else will be able to clarify for you further though.

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We've had a few things inhibiting the mail out of membership packs as of late. The demand for membership has increased over the past couple of months & whilst we have a number of people on the case, due to all Trust members being volunteers& the time required to process each membership, we've struggled a little to keep up with the high demand. Furthermore, we had a small issue with the share certificates which is now sorted and we're also waiting for more car stikers.

Apologies to anyone waiting, we are working har to clear the backlog & we're confident that this will be cleared very soon. We'll also put up an announcement on our website very soon to confirm the above.

Thanks for your patience.

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