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Trouble Reconciling...


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I'm not a happy clappy. I'm not a dolman moaner.

I'm a geezer in my first full year of supporting city.

And it's been one hell of an inconsistent year.

My perception is that the manager has really really really underutilised the squad given the money he's spent and the potential of the squad....

... and yet... we're third in the championship with only 2 points up to second.

I've read all the danny out posts and all the support the team posts and can only come up with the following conclusions:

a) Danny's pretty good given our position and people are just reacting to recent results OR

b) This division is really really bad OR

c) Danny's bad but the squad is good enough to mask his inadequacies most of the time

Or a little from all columns - perhaps he's good enough for Div 2 but no better than that?

He's spent god knows how much on midfield and attack and yet these are the places we're looking for more players in whilst our new signings spend more time on the bench whilst ineffective players carry on in first choice. So is his signing ability bad or are we just hit by too many injuries in this area?

And does this mean our academy is a failure if we have to carry on looking at other teams to fill the gaps?

He's moved players all over the pitch despite them proving they're really bad in certain inappropriate postions over and over again. But... played an absolute blinder when he bought fortune on.

And how can you explain that no matter how badly we play from now til the end of the season, I'll fork out for another season ticket.

Welcome to BCFC I guess! It's enought to do my head in!

Any thoughts?

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Guest westoncider

Your learning fast!!!!!supporting CITY is the same year in year out,but we still come back for more.< its in the blood> red through & through!!!!!!!!!!!

CITY TILL I DIE :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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Guest exiledred

get used to it, every season we are almost there but never quite good enough. one day maybe, one day

plays havoc with the nerves

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